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I have the first card.
Who has the Carthaginian that terrorized Rome for 15 years?
I have Hannibal.
Who has the familial hierarchy of all the Persian, Hellenistic and Roman Empires?
I have Patriarchal
Who has the two Powerhouses of the Polises?
I have Sparta and Athens
Who has the age at which Spartan boys would go to train?
I have 7
Who has who the Paterfamilias is?
I have the eldest male in the family
Who has where the empires of Persia first arose?
I have present-day Iran.
Who has the first king of Persia?
I have Cyrus.
Who has what the Persians built that stretched 1,600 miles?
I have the Persian Royal Road.
Who has the economic foundation of classical Persian society?
I have Agriculture.
Who has the meaning of Ahura Mazda?
I have "wise lord"
Who has the name Alexander of Macedon was often referred to as?
I have Alexander The Great.
Who has the capital city Darius built during his reign?
I have Persepolis.
Who has the earliest Greek writing system.
I have Linear A.
Who has the natural disasters the Minoans experience?
I have earthquakes, volcanos, and tsunamis.
Who has the most important political institution in Greek empires?
I have city-states.
Who has the four Persian empires?
I have the Achaemenid, the Seleucid, the Parthian, and the Sasanid.
Who has the Persian underground canals that transferred water to fields without losing large quantities to
I have qanat.
Who has the two ways that Achaemenid rulers prevented satraps from trying to separate into independent
regional kingdoms or threatening the empire?
I have military officers and tax collectors who served as checks on their power as well as imperial spies.
Who has two important things that Darius standardized?
I have coins and laws.
Who has the religion officially sponsored by the Sasanids that would influence Judaism, Christianity, and Islam?
I have Zoroastrianism.
Who has the two main ways individuals in Persia would become slaves?
I have prisoner of war or debt.
Who has the first empire with a constitution?
I have Roman Empire.
Who has name of wars between Rome and Carthage?
I have Punic Wars
Who has the meaning of the Roman law paterfamilias?
I have " Father of the Family"
Who has the name for a provincial governor of the Persian Empire?
I have satraps.
Who has the main agricultural products produced in the Persian Empire?
I have wheat and barley.
Who has the only people who were allowed a direct voice in Athenian government?
I have free adult males.
Who has the person who wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey?
I have Homer.
Who has the city that was held as the moral and intellectual leader of the Greek people?
I have Athens.
Who has the city who the Romans took 50,000 slaves from after a siege?
I have Carthage.
Who has the name of the type of republic Rome became in 509 BCE?
I have an aristocratic republic.
Who has the name of the first set of Roman laws?
I have the Twelve Tables.
Who has what the conquered people of the Italian peninsula had to do instead of pay taxes?
I have provide soldiers and their supplies.
Who has what Sicily was an important source of?
I have grain.
Who has the name of large plantations owned by elites?
I have latifundia.
Who has the name of Roman peace that lasted for 2 1/2 centuries?
I have Pax Romana.
Who has the strongest part of the Athenian military?
I have the navy.
Who has the name for the age of Alexander and his successors?
I have the Hellenistic Era.
Who has which people had authority over Greek women?
I have fathers, husbands, or sons.
Who has the name of the Athenian physician who based medical practice on human anatomy and physiology?
I have Hippocrates.
Who has the two significant Greek agricultural resources?
I have olives and grapes.
Who has the name of the alliance created by the Greek poleis after the Persian Wars?
I have the Delian League.
Who has why aqueducts were important?
I have they brought fresh water into the city from mountains.
Who has how Persia financed their military?
I have through collecting taxes rather than tributes.
Who has Hellas?
I have Greece.
Who has Aramaic?
I have a language.
Who has how women in aristocratic classes were unique?
I have they were educated.
Who has the philosopher that stated the wealthy and aristocrats should look for wisdom?
I have Plato.
Who has the wall that divided the scots and the Roman Empire?
I have the Hadrian’s.
Who has a war hero, that brought stabilization?
I have Julius Caesar.
Who has the servants of the Spartan state that outnumbered Spartan citizens 10:1?
I have helots.
Who has the main reason for Greek colonization?
I have the increased population strained Greece's resources.
Who has the war that demoralized, divided, and weakened Greece?
I have the Peloponnesian War.
Who has the type of trade that links Persia to Bactria in the Hellenistic Era?
I have caravan.
Who has the capital of the Ptolemaic empire?
I have Alexandria.
Who has the most pivotal figure in the development of philosophy?
I have Socrates.
Who has what Persian kings wanted to be remembered as?
I have gardeners.
Who has what the Parthians fed their horses to protect against nomad invasions?
I have alfalfa
Who has the kind of army created in the Roman Empire?
I have a standing army.
Who has characteristics of the Roman Roads?
I have milestones, postal system stations, and 80,000km.
Who has what long distance trade networks spread?
I have religions and epidemic diseases.
Who has the reason why Rome cannot be attacked by sea?
I have because Rome is not on the coast.
Who has the reason Julius Caesar was loved by Romans in the beginning?
I have he was a war hero.
Who has one reason why Rome has a navy?
I have to protect ships from pirates.
Who has the people who were elected by an assembly dominated by hereditary aristocrats and wealthy classes?
I have the Consuls
Who has the last card? I do.