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AP European History
Mr. M. Moynihan
Directions – Read chapter #29. Be prepared to identify and discuss the following
trends, people, terms and events from the chapter. Items in bold are particularly
important, and on the day of the hot seat they may be used as questions to be
answered from memory. In addition are study questions that need to be outlined
in a bullet format.
Test Date– 04/23/12
Chapter 29 Key Concepts:
Terms and Events
1. Cold War
2. Iron Curtain
3. Containment
4. Marshall Plan
5. Cominform
6. Berlin Blockade
8. Warsaw Pact
9. Korean War
10. Dien Bien Phu
11. War in Vietnam
12. Khrushchev’s domestic policies
13. “secret speech”
14. Berlin Airlift
15. Truman Doctrine
16. Satellite nations
17. Berlin Wall (and its fall)
18. National Liberation Front
19. Cuban Missile Crisis
20. 1956 Crises
21. Invasion of Czechoslovakia
22. Invasion of Afghanistan
23. Solidarity in Poland
24. EEC
25. Balfour declaration
26. Six Days War
27. Persian Gulf Crisis
28. Nuclear buildup/deterance/MAD
29. “Star Wars” – SDI
30. “Star Wars” – SDI
31. Détente
32. Perestroika
33. Glasnost
34. Détente
35. “ethnic cleansing”
36. Radical Islam
37. Wahhabism
38. Taliban
39. Al Qaeda
40. Jihad
41. Chechnya
42. Joseph Stalin
43. Nikita Krushchev
44. Leonid Brezhnev
45. Mikhail Gorbachev
46. Harry Truman
47. George Kennan
48. John F. Kennedy
49. Ronald Reagan
50. Fidel Castro
51. Ho Chi Minh
52. Mohandas Gandhi
53. Ali Jinnah
54. Ngo Dinh Diem
55. Mao Tse Tung
56. Chiang Kai Shek
57. President Gamal Nasser (Egypt)
58. Boris Yeltsen
59. Vladamir Putin
60. Tito
61. Slobodam Milosevic
62. Ayatollah Khomeini
63. Saddam Hussein
64. Osama bin Laden
65. George W. Bush
66. Tony Blair
1. How did the United States and the Soviet Union come to dominate Europe after 1945?
How would you define the policy of containment? In what areas of the world did the
United States specifically try to contain Soviet power from 1945 to 1982? Why were
1956 and 1962 crucial years in the Cold War?
2. How did Khrushchev’s policies and reforms change the Soviet state after the
repression of Stalin? Why did many people consider Khrushchev reckless?
3. Why did the nations of Europe give up their empires? How did World War II affect the
movement toward decolonization? How did Gandhi lead India toward independence?
How did French decolonization policies differ from Britain’s? How did the United States
become involved in Vietnam?
4. What internal political pressures did the Soviet Union experience in the 1970s and
early 1980s? What steps did the Soviet government take to repress those protests? What
role did Gorbachev’s attempted reforms play in the collapse of the Soviet Union? What
were the major events in Eastern Europe—particularly Poland—that contributed to the
collapse of communism? What are the major domestic challenges to the new
Confederation of Independent States?
5. Was the former Yugoslavia a national state? Why did it break apart and slide into civil
war? How did the West respond to this crisis?
6. How did the American response to the attacks of September 11, 2001, divide the
NATO alliance? Why do some European nations feel able to dissent from the U.S.
position in the Middle East when they rarely did so during the Cold War?
7. What were the major causes for the rise of radical political Islamism? In what ways is
the present U.S. intervention in the Middle East a result of decolonization and in what
ways are other factors at work?