Download CCN Bowel Cancer Steering Group Terms of Reference

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CCN Bowel Cancer Steering Group
Terms of Reference
This document describes the terms of reference, and membership for the Steering Group of
the CCN Bowel Tumour Stream Project.
2. Background
The CCN Bowel Cancer Project forms part of an overarching tumour stream project aimed at
identifying and addressing issues for specific cancer pathways within the CCN region.
This project is supported by the Ministry of Health (MOH) which has signalled to DHBs and
the Regional Cancer Networks that bowel cancer is a priority area. The focus for 2009/10
will be on improving access to cancer treatment and improving waiting times (both surgical
and non surgical) for vulnerable groups.
CCN Bowel Cancer Steering Group will link closely with like steering groups in the other
cancer networks and any relevant work occurring nationally (i.e. the bowel cancer screening
programme) to maximise opportunities for shared learning and the development of consistent
approaches to addressing systems issues.
Role of the Steering Group
 To plan, develop and work with providers to implement best practice in the total
management of bowel cancer in accordance with the recommendations of the NZ
Cancer Control Strategy Action Plan, national cancer standards and any other
guidance relating to bowel cancer.
To promote a co-ordinated and consistent approach to the delivery of care, ensuring
equity of access to high quality services across the CCN.
To provide regional cancer service providers with advice and guidance for the
distribution of resources across the Network to ensure commissioning of services is in
the best interest of cancer patients.
Capital & Coast | Hawkes Bay | Hutt Valley | MidCentral |
Tairawhiti | Taranaki | Wairarapa | Whanganui
Responsibilities with a National Focus
Responsibilities with a Regional Focus
Contribute to the development and monitoring of key indicators within the system
which measure clinical outcomes and system performance.
Agree with the other networks and the Ministry mechanisms for auditing bowel
cancer clinical practice and outcomes against national standards.
Contribute to the development of national guidelines for bowel cancer e.g. Patient
Management Framework.
Chairperson will link with other Network Steering Groups.
To involve service providers within the cancer control continuum, NGO, Maori,
Pacific Island and consumers in the development of quality bowel cancer services.
To guide the development of a service improvement plan for bowel cancer in
collaboration with regional cancer service providers which identifies short, medium
and long term initiatives to address system issues.
To develop and monitor key indicators at a local/regional level which are evidenced
based, relevant, and readily collectable.
To discuss results of any audits for bowel cancer and make recommendations.
To identify and promote appropriate clinical trials for bowel cancer, into which
patients managed by bowel cancer MDMs in the central region may be entered.
To proactively identify areas for future research.
To advise on appropriate workforce strategies.
Key elements of membership include:
1) Membership of the Bowel Cancer Steering Group should be
multidisciplinary, inclusive of service providers from all parts of the cancer
control continuum, NGO, Maori, Pacific Island and Consumer.
2) Senior representation from each specialty including:
i. Gastroenterology and/or surgery
ii. Nursing i.e. Colorectal Nurse Specialist
iii. Medical and/or Radiation Oncology
iv. Radiology
v. Pathology
vi. Allied Health
3) The group will be provided with project management and administration
resource to facilitate its work programme.
A CCN Clinical Director will chair the meeting initially.
The CCN Bowel Cancer Steering Group is accountable to the CCN governance group.
Reporting will be via meeting minutes and regular project updates.
The CCN Bowel Cancer Steering Group will formally meet face to face on a quarterly basis
however consultation via email and teleconferencing will also occur periodically as the
project develops.
Capital & Coast | Hawkes Bay | Hutt Valley | MidCentral |
Tairawhiti | Taranaki | Wairarapa | Whanganui