Download Indirect Object - Benefits from or is affected by the action of the verb

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Indirect Object
- Benefits from or is affected by the action of the verb indirectly
- The action is done to or for the indirect object
- Often used with verbs of giving, showing, or telling
- In English, we often use a prepositional phrase with "to" or “for” as an
equivalent to an indirect object
I gave a book to my friend.
I gave my friend a book.
Subject: I (does the action)
Verb: gave (the action)
Direct Object: a book (directly experiences action)
Indirect Object: my friend (who the action is done for.)
The man told a story to us.
The man told us a story.
Subject: The man
Verb: told
Direct object: ______________________
Indirect Object:_____________________
Identify Subject, Verb, Direct Object, and Indirect Object in the following sentences:
1. The woman gave her child a gift.
2. The boy showed his friend the new game.
3. I told the class a joke.
4. The soldier pledged his loyalty to the leader.
5. We will send our families postcards from our trip.
6. The politician promised the people bread and circuses.
7. I entrusted the secret to my best friend.
8.. Cicero commended his friend's son to the magistrate.
9. Can you show me some evidence?
10. Your mother prepared dinner for us.
11. The Romans built the gods many temples.
Dative Case
1. poēta fābulam puellae narrat.
2. Trōiānī dōna deīs portant.
1. mater cēnam līberīs parat.
3. Difficile puellae erat.
The poet tells a story to the girl
The Trojans bring gifts to the gods.
The mom prepares dinner for the children
It was hard for the girl
Circle the direct object (what case?), underline the indirect object (or dative of
reference), then translate.
1. fēmina fabulam puellīs narrat.
2. donāmus statuās deae.
3. puellae pupās amīcīs mōnstrant.
4. dominī nautīs clamant (shout).
5. servī aquam dominīs portant.
6. cibum fēminae dominō parant?
Fill in the blank with a noun in the dative. Then translate.
7. poēta fābulās ____________ narrat.
(to the girl)
8. virī vīllās _________________ aedificant.
(for their friends)
9. dōnum ___________ dābō.
(to the gods – deus, -ī, m.)
10. cēnam (dinner) ______________ puella parat. (for her dolls)
11. portāmus nuntium _____________.
(for the master)
Homework: Dative Case
Exercise A
Put these words into the dative (*keeping the same number, singular or plural*) and
Ex. Puella puellae, to/for the girl
1. fēmina
2. deae
3. servus
4. puerī
5. verbum
6. vir
7. oppida
8. porta
Exercise B
Underline the word in the dative. Label Subject (S) and Direct Object (DO)
Then translate the sentence.
1. mater cenam filiīs parat.
2. multī dōna deīs portant.
3. bellum patriae nostrae pugnābimus.
4. equum miserō puerō vir dat.
5. servī multōs līberōs familiīs spectābant.
Exercise C
Put these sentences into the plural. Change every noun and verb.
Translate the plural sentence.
1. poēta fābulam puellae narrat.
2. dōnum fīliō fēmina dābit.
3. est perīculum virō in bellō.