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Title (bold, Times New Roman (TNR) 14, maximum 3
P 001
(Spacing below this nr = TNR 9)
Session: Name of Session (bold, Times New Roman 11, starts always on
line 4 of document)
Text Abstract (normal, Times New Roman 11, starts always on line 7).
Maximum length: bottom of this page.
Name Author 1
Name Author 2
Name Author 3
(bold, Times New Roman 9),
always start at same height as
Submitter details: line 1 = Name
(bold, TNR 9), leave 3 lines TNR
9 between list of authors and
Line 2, 3, … = address institute,
not in bold, TNR 9
Last line = email address, not in
bold, TNR 9
Example 1: The Differentiation of Plant Organs is
reflected on the Level of Metabolite Distribution Pattern
P 029
Session: Interactions within Plants – Development
Plant cell differentiation is evident on the level of specific gene expression
or by structural and morphological features like cell size,
endopolyploidisation or vacuolisation. However, also the metabolic state of a
tissue can be a characteristic marker of its differentiation stage. Using a
bioluminescence-based imaging technique with high resolution the spatial
distribution of metabolites was measured quantitatively in sections of V.
faba and soybean cotyledons as well as barley caryopses; organs that switch
from a meristem-like to a highly differentiated storage tissue. We found
specific spatial-temporal changes of metabolite profiles arranged as
gradients along the developmental pathway. High concentrations of glucose
occur in non-differentiated premature regions directly correlated to mitotic
activity. Mature starch-accumulating regions contain particularly low
glucose. However, actively elongating and starch accumulating cells contain
highest sucrose concentrations. ATP
concentrations in cotyledons increase during differentiation, in a spatialtemporal pattern related to a specific photoheterotrophic metabolism.
Differentiating and storage-active regions with high metabolic fluxes of both
cotyledons and endosperm always contain high ATP levels. The metabolite
distribution pattern is correlated with transcript levels of stage-specific
enzymes indicating metabolic signaling. In summary, we show that
metabolite imaging revealed specific profiles within developing plant organs
and can thus provide a fingerprint of the differentiation stage. In analogy to
morphogens in animal models concentration gradients of specific
metabolites in plant cells can provide signals for the induction of
differentiation events and in this way may prefigure the pattern of
Ljudmilla Borisjuk
Hardy Rolletschek
Ruslana Radchuk
Winfriede Weschke
Ulrich Wobus
Hans Weber
Hans Weber
Institut für Pflanzengenetik und
Kulturpflanzenforschung (IPK)
Corrensstraße 3
D-06466 Gatersleben, Germany
[email protected]
Example 2: A route through the endoplasmic reticulum
for proteins targeted to the higher plant chloroplast
P 027
Session: Interactions within Cells – Signal Transduction
The chloroplast is the organelle in plants responsible for photosynthesis.
This organelle is believed to originate from an endosymbiotic event where a
free-living photosynthetic bacterium was engulfed by an early nonphotosynthetic eukaryotic host. Although the chloroplast still retain a
genome of its own, most of the genes has been transferred to the plant cells
genomic DNA. One consequence of this is that thousands of proteins must
be targeted back to the chloroplast. The generally accepted solution is that
the proteins are translated in the cytosol with an N-terminal transit peptide
that with or without help from a cytosolic helper complex directs the partly
or fully unfolded protein to a protein translocation complex in the envelope.
We have identified a stroma located a-type carbonic anhydrase (CAH1) in
Arabidopsis thaliana that does not seem to follow this general pathway.
Instead of having a normal transit peptide, it has a signal peptide that is
directing the protein through the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) on its way to
chloroplast. The protein also has five potential glycosylation sites, which at
least partially are occupied by N-type glycans.
Based on our results we propose the existence of a transport route through
the secretory system for proteins targeted to the chloroplast. On the way to
their final destination these proteins also seem to undergo glycosylation.
This finding has implications on our understanding of endosymbiotic
evolution and intra-cellular trafficking. Methods used in this project and
their results will be discussed.
Arsenio Villarejo*
Stefan Burén*
Susanne Larsson*
Annabelle Déjardin*†
Magnus Monné‡
Charlotta Rudhe‡
Jan Karlsson*
Stefan Jansson*
Patrice Lerouge¶
Norbert Rolland†††
Gunnar von Heijne‡
Göran Samuelsson*
* Umeå Plant Science Centre,
‡ Department of Biochemistry and
Biophysics, Arrhenius Laboratory,
Stockholm University, SE-10691,
Stockholm, Sweden.
¶ UMR-CNRS 6037, IFRMP 23,
UFR des Sciences, University of
Rouen F-76821 Mont Saint
Aignan, France.
††† Laboratoire de Physiologie
Cellulaire Végétale, UMR-5168
CNRS/INRA/Université Joseph
Fourier/CEA Grenoble, 17 rue des
Martyrs, F-38054 Grenoble cedex
9, France.
† Present address: Unité
d’Amélioration, de Génétique et de
Physiologie Forestières. INRA, BP
20619 Ardon, F-45166 Olivet
Cedex, France.
Stefan Burén
Umea Plant Science Centre
Department of Plant Physiology
University of Umea
SE-90187 Umea, Sweden
[email protected]