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20. Weathering and erosion of Earth’s crust
are primarily caused by
(1) gravity
(3) evaporation
(2) volcanic activity (4) sedimentation
21. Which statement is true of all rocks?
(1) Rocks contain organic material.
(2) Rocks contain fossils.
(3) Rocks are composed of minerals.
(4) Rocks are formed in layers.
22. Igneous rocks are formed by
(1) weathering
(3) volcanic activity
(2) cementation
(4) sedimentation
(1) A
(2) B
(3) C
(4) D
27. Convection currents in Earth’s mantle are
believed to be responsible for
(1) ocean currents
(2) crustal plate movements
(3) climatic changes
(4) uneven surface heating
41. The map below shows some geologic
features located near the west coast of the
United States.
24. The diagram below shows a rock sample
and an identification key.
This rock sample would best be classified as
(1) volcanic
(3) metamorphic
(2) sedimentary
(4) igneous
25. Oceans, glaciers, lakes, and rivers are part
of Earth’s
(1) atmosphere
(3) hydrosphere
(2) hemisphere
(4) lithosphere
26. The diagram below shows the water cycle.
The arrows on either side of the fault represent
(1) volcanic eruptions
(2) rock formations
(3) the relative movement of air masses
(4) the relative movement of tectonic plates
3. If shell fragments are found in a rock
sample, it is most likely that the rock formed
(1) on a mountain slope
(2) on a glacier
(3) from magma
(4) in shallow water
4. The thin layer of water that covers most of
Earth’s surface is called the
(1) atmosphere
(3) lithosphere
(2) hemisphere
(4) hydrosphere
Which letter represents the process of
5. Which term refers to the atmospheric
conditions that prevail from season to season
and year to year at a certain location?
(1) weather
(3) equilibrium
(2) climate
(4) ecosystem
12. A common characteristic of sound waves
is that they
(1) are created by vibrations
(2) travel in straight lines toward the source
(3) travel fastest through empty space
(4) move at the speed of light
32 The bold line on the map below shows the
San Andreas Fault.
The San Andreas Fault is the result of
(1) overpopulation
(2) a large glacier
(3) weathering and erosion
(4) crustal plate movement
33. Four identical sand castles are shown
below. Which sand castle will most likely be
eroded fastest by the wind?
4. The surface of Earth is covered by a
relatively thin layer of water called the
(1) crust
(3) hydrosphere
(2) mantle
(4) atmosphere
5. Movement of Earth’s crust along plate
boundaries produces
(1) fronts
(3) hurricanes
(2) tides
(4) earthquakes
6. In which type of rock are fossils generally
(1) igneous
(3) sedimentary
(2) metamorphic
(4) volcanic
7. Which title best describes the processes
shown in the diagram below?
(1) the water cycle
(2) the tectonic cycle
(3) the calculation cycle
(4) the rock cycle
8. The diagram below shows a penny
scratching the surface of the mineral calcite.
Which fossil is considered the oldest in the
cross section shown?
(1) armored fish
(3) early horses
(2) dinosaurs
(4) trilobites
4. The diagram below shows a method for
determining a physical property of a mineral.
The results are shown for two minerals, galena
and calcite.
Which physical property of the calcite is being
(1) streak
(3) melting point
(2) hardness
(4) reaction to acid
25. The cross section below shows fossils and
the rock layers in which they are found.
Crustal movement has not displaced the rock
Which property of the galena and calcite is
indicated by the color of the powder each
leaves on the ceramic tile?
(1) streak
(2) hardness
(3) reaction to an acid
(4) reaction to a solvent
6. Weather forecasts are more accurate today
than in the past due to
(1) global warming
(2) air-quality control
(3) plate tectonics
(4) use of images from space
7. The diagram below shows tilted rock layers.
The dashed lines represent missing parts of the
rock layers.
9 Many scientists believe that crustal plate
movement occurs because of convection cells
contained in Earth’s
(1) crust
(3) outer core
(2) mantle
(4) inner core
22. All rocks are composed of
(1) fossils
(3) metals
(2) cells
(4) minerals
29. Which two processes could result in the
formation of high mountains with wellrounded peaks?
(1) volcanic eruptions and global warming
(2) earthquakes and tidal activity
(3) collision of crustal plates and erosion
(4) production of greenhouse gases and
Which process is most likely responsible for
the removal of the missing parts of the rock
(1) erosion
(3) earthquakes
(2) deposition
(4) faulting
Base your answers to questions 8 and 9 on
the diagram below, which shows a model of
Earth’s interior.
8 What information did scientists study in
order to develop this model?
(1) recordings of earthquake waves
(2) locations of recent volcanic activity
(3) core samples from seafloor drillings
(4) fossils found in rocks
39. The Moon has the greatest effect on
(1) year
(3) ocean tides
(2) seasons
(4) daylight hours