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Study Finds Vitamin D Increases Prostate Health
February 22, 2005 — New research presented at the 2005 Multidisciplinary Prostate
Symposium in the U.S. shows a link between vitamin D and prostate health. Researchers
suggest men with higher levels of vitamin D may have better prostate protection. Studies
researching the protective capabilities of vitamin D are increasing as more findings
confirm the benefits of vitamin D.
Researchers say obtaining vitamin D through skin exposure to sunlight may not be
adequate and diet and supplements may be an effective way of improving levels of the
vitamin without putting skin at risk through increased exposure to the sun. Sue
Fairweather-Tait, head of nutrition at the UK’s Institute of Food Research, says sensible
supplementation of vitamin D may be the only way to achieve optimum vitamin D levels.
Another study presented at the conference suggested normal body weight also helps
promote prostate health.
Pharmanex LifePak®
Two packets of LifePak® (one daily dose) provide 100 percent RDA of vitamin D.
Formulated to add life to your years, LifePak® contains nutrients that target and inhibit
the symptoms associated with aging. LifePak is a comprehensive nutritional wellness
program, containing a blend of anti-aging nutrients, bone nutrients, cardio nutrients,
immune nutrients, and additional vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients for your general
wellness. Plus, combined with your body's own defense systems, powerful antioxidants
promote total cell protection—giving you the benefit of maximum protection.*
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This
product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Pharmanex Prostate Formula
Designed for men concerned with maintaining prostate health, Prostate Formula
promotes normal prostate function. Its proprietary formula includes saw palmetto,
selenium, lycopene, and Tēgreen 97®, and it contains an all-natural blend of powerful
antioxidants and botanicals. Prostate Formula is your guard to ensure healthy prostate
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This
product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.