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Year 10 review questions week 3
The photograph below shows cells dividing in the root of an onion. Their nuclei
are dividing through the process of mitosis
The main aim of mitosis (the division of the nucleus in body cells) is to produce:
variation between chromosomes
larger cells
gametes (eggs and sperm)
identical copies of the chromosomes
Which one of these statements about chromosomes, genes and DNA is correct?
Each gene consists of a number of chromosomes.
A gene is a section of a DNA molecule.
A chromosome consists of genes wrapped around DNA molecules.
Each DNA molecule can be divided into distinct chromosomes.
DNA must be replicated in living things. In what process does this occur?
mitosis and mutation
meiosis and fertilisation
mitosis and fertilisation
mitosis and meiosis
Fruit flies can have mutated curly wings or normal straight wings. Experiments have
shown that if fruit flies are kept at 16 oC, their wings become straight. What is the
most likely explanation for this?
Low temperatures increase the rate at which mutations can occur.
Fruit flies with curly wings are unable to survive in cold temperatures.
Straight wings are the natural shape of fruit fly wings.
The environment can have an effect on wing shape in fruit flies.
In which of the following would the process of meiosis occur?
asexual reproduction
sexual reproduction
Which system is responsible for the transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide to and
from the multicellular organisms' cells?
What is the electronic configuration of the element in Period 3, Group 4 of the
periodic table?
When an acid reacts with metal, a salt forms having the appearance of a clear
colourless liquid. In a balanced equation, how should the state of the salt be written?
(aq) because it is in solution
(l) because it is a clear colourless liquid
(s) because salts have a high melting point
(g) because hydrogen is also formed
Which of the following set of reactants would best illustrate a neutralisation reaction?
magnesium + oxygen
sodium hydroxide + hydrochloric acid
calcium carbonate + heat
silver nitrate + sodium chloride
Which of the following is a correct description of a base?
A substance with a pH less than 7.
A substance which reacts with acids to release hydrogen gas.
A substance which is soluble in water.
A hydroxide of a metal.
Seawater contains many dissolved ions. Which of the following would be considered a
pollutant in seawater?
sodium ions
chloride ions
carbonate ions
lead ions
Which of the following gases forms an acid when it dissolves in rainwater?
ammonia (NH3)
helium (He)
hydrogen (H2)
carbon dioxide (CO2)
What property identifies electromagnetic waves?
They all:
require a medium to travel through
travel at the speed of light
have the same frequency
have the same wavelength
Which choice matches a type of electromagnetic radiation with a correct use?
Type of radiation
X-ray machines
Night vision glasses
Optical fibre communication
DVD burner
Astronomers can collect more data about the Universe using the Hubble telescope than
they can from Earth-based telescopes. Why?
The Hubble telescope is closer to the stars than the Earth-based telescopes.
The Hubble telescope is a much larger telescope.
The Hubble telescope is above most of the Earth’s atmosphere.
The Hubble telescope can be rotated to view any part of the Universe.
Which statement is correct?
A person on top of Mt Kosciuszko would have less mass than a person at sea
A person on top of Mt Kosciuszko would have more mass than a person at sea
A person on top of Mt Kosciuszko would weigh less than a person at sea level.
A person on top of Mt Kosciuszko would weigh more than a person at sea level.
Questions 17 and 18 refer to the following reaction between sulfuric acid and
sulfuric acid + magnesium  X + hydrogen
What test would prove that the gas was hydrogen?
flame test
pop test
limewater test
glowing splint test
Identify X.
magnesium sulfide
magnesium sulfate
sulfuric magnesium
A solution turns:
yellow in methyl orange;
yellow in bromothymol blue.
Use the following table to determine the pH of this solution.
methyl orange
bromothymol blue
phenol red
What is the pH of the solution?
In roses, the red allele (R) is dominant and the white allele (r) is recessive. If a flower
has been produced by crossing a pure breeding white flowered plant and a pure
breeding red flowered plant, the following phenotype produced would be:
Polydactyly is the possession of an extra finger or toe. It is determined by a dominant
If a woman is polydactyl, but her father isn’t, which one of the following must be
Her mother must be polydactyl.
Her mother or father must be a carrier, but not show the trait.
All of her children will be carriers, but not show the trait.
Her children will all be polydactyl.
Question 22 (11 marks)
In the space below draw a labelled diagram of DNA.
Circle a nucleotide in your diagram above.
Four famous scientists (Watson, Crick, Franklin and Wilkins) were involved in
the development of an acceptable model for the DNA molecule.
Describe the contribution that Rosalind Franklin made to this process.
Rosalind Franklin was an X-ray crystallographer. She gathered X-ray data on DNA
and was the first to propose the double helix structure. Wilkins was the one who showed her
research to Watson and Crick.
Question 22 continues on the next page
Question 22 (continued)
DNA can undergo mutation.
Identify ONE example of a mutagen.
Identify ONE advantage and ONE disadvantage of DNA mutating.
Advantage : It provides variation within a species which means that species is more
likely to survive with different environmental pressures.
Disadvantage : It may result in disease. For example, if the mutation occurs in a sex
cell the child could be born with Down syndrome.
Question 23 (8 marks)
Huntington's is a degenerative hereditary disease.
The pedigree below shows the inheritance of the disease in a family.
Identify the relationship between person 1 and 5.
1 is the mother of 5
Is Huntington's disease dominant or recessive? Explain your answer with
reference to the above pedigree.
Dominant as most people in the family have it.
If 6 and 7 had another child, what would be the likelihood of that child having
Huntington's disease? Explain using a Punnett square.
Hh = dad (has the disease), hh = mum (no disease)
Likelihood of having kid with disease = 50%
Question 23 continues on the next page
Question 23 (continued)
Outline the obvious difference you would see if looking at the chromosomes of
twins 3 and 4.
One is a female (XX) and one is a male (XY)
Contrast the formation of twins in this pedigree to the formation of identical twins. 2
These twins are fraternal and so came from two different eggs and two different sperm.
Identical twins come from the same egg and sperm. At some point, the blastocyst
splits and develops into two different people with identical chromosomes.
Question 24 (6 marks)
From his experiments, Mendel was able to explain patterns of inheritance of certain
Mendel is often called the “father of genetics”.
Discuss this statement. In your response include details of the following:
the type of plants he used
details of his experiments
why his experiments were so successful
why his work was poorly understood
Mendel cross-pollinated smooth yellow pea plants with wrinkly green peas. (The organisms
that are used as the original mating in an experiment are called the parental generation and are
marked by P in science textbooks). Every single pea in the first generation crop (marked as
f1) was as yellow and as round as was the yellow, round parent. Somehow, yellow completely
dominated green and round dominated wrinkly.
Mendel learned from this that there are two kinds of traits - dominant and recessive. In this
case, the dominant traits are the yellow color and the round shape since they show up at the
expense of the green color and the wrinkly shape. He also learned that the inheritance of each
trait is determined by "units" or "factors" - now called genes.
He went on with his experiment and planted seeds from the all-yellow, all-round crop,
achieved from the parent generation, and self-pollinated the grown up plants. The results led
to some surprises. Most of the second generation (marked as f2) of peas were yellow and
smooth, but some were green or wrinkly. Mendel repeated his experiment many times and the
f2 generation consistently had a 3:1 ratio of yellow to green and round to wrinkly.
Y = dominant yellow color
g = recessive green color
R = dominant round shape
w = recessive wrinkly shape
When the f1 plants breed, each has an equal chance of passing on either Y or g units to each
offspring (f2 generation), and the same is with R and w.
In the pollination process the offsprings get one trait unit (gene) from every parent; in the case
of color the possible combinations are gY Yg YY gg. Three combinations from the four - gY
Yg YY - will give yellow offsprings since all of them possess at least one Y dominant unit.
Only one combination from the four - gg - will give green offsprings since it has two
recessive units.
Because, in order to show-up, a dominant trait needs only one trait unit from one of the
parents, and the recessive one needs two, from both parents, in order to prevail, that is the
reason why the ratio between occurrences of dominant traits and recessive traits is 3:1. The
same explanation applies to the shape traits.
Mendel came to three important conclusions from these experimental results:
-That the inheritance of each trait is determined by "units" or "factors" (now called genes) that
are passed on to descendents unchanged
-That an individual inherits one such unit from each parent for each trait
-That a trait may not show up in an individual but can still be passed on to the next generation.
For his Experiments, Mendel chose pea plants because they had some distinctive measurable
traits and being easy to breed with a short breeding period - some cultivars reach maturity
about 60 days after planting. He measured seven pea characteristics:
Color and smoothness of the seeds - grey and round or white and wrinkled
Color of the cotyledons (part of the embryo within the seed) - yellow or green
Color of the flowers - white or violet
Shape of the pods - full or constricted
Color of unripe pods - yellow or green
Position of flowers and pods on the stems
Height of the plants - short or tall
At the time, people knew nothing about genetics or DNA, so they were not able to understand
Mendel’s work. Mendel himself was not able to fully understand the significance of what he
was doing.
From: yahoo answers
Question 25 (4 marks)
Life Cycles
Refer to the following information to answer the question.
Cane Toad Facts
 The number of chromosomes in a body cell of a cane toad is 22.
 Adult females lay 20 000 eggs at a time and breed twice a year.
 Adult males produce sperm that fertilise the eggs, which hatch into tadpoles.
 Half the fertilised eggs hatch into females. The tadpoles develop into toadlets
which take 12 months to reach sexual maturity and become adults.
Draw a diagram to represent the life cycle of a cane toad. In your diagram, include correct
scientific terms and show the number of chromosomes present in cells at each stage of the
Question 26 (8 marks)
Experimental Design
Suzy read in a gardeners magazine that urinating on citrus trees (lemon, grapefruit,
orange etc.) increases the amount of fruit produced. She thought this was a bit odd.
However, such ideas can never be rejected completely until they have been tested
Describe an experiment that you could perform to test this idea.
You should include:
the hypothesis that you are testing
a list of suitable equipment
the variable that you will change (independent variable)
the variable that you will measure (dependent variable)
variables that you must control
how you will make sure that your results are reliable
measurements that you will take
how you will interpret your data.
Hypothesis: Urinating on citrus trees will increase the amount of fruit produced.
Equipment: 20 x lemon trees of identical size in same soil and same location, containers to
collect urine
Independent variable: whether the trees get urine or not
Dependent variable: the number of fruit produced in a year
Controlled variables: same trees, same soil, same location, same quantity of urine (once per
day), same source of urine, same amount of light and water
Reliability will be increased by repetition. There will be ten control trees (no urine) and ten
trees receiving urine. The results will be averaged.
Measurements: the number of fruit on each tree will be counted monthly for a year.
Interpretation: The average number of fruit in the control group will be compared to the
average number of fruit in the group of trees receiving urine.
Question 27 (9 marks)
Fill in the following table. Note that states are not required for the formula.
Elements combined
Reacting Atoms
Name of compound
magnesium and sulfur
Magnesium sulfide
aluminium and chlorine
Aluminium chloride
Carbon dioxide
Carbon tetrafluoride
Compare and contrast ionic and covalent compounds.
Include in your explanation:
 how each type of compound is formed
 the type of elements the compound is formed from
 an example of each type of compound.
An ionic compound is formed when the electron/s from a metal are transferred to a
non metal creating a positive and negative ion. The resulting electrostatic attraction is called
an ionic bond. An example of an ionic compound is sodium chloride.
A covalent compound is formed when two non-metals share electron to create a covalent
bond. An example of a covalent compound is water.
Question 28 (4 marks)
Acid and Bases
You are given three liquids, one of which you are told is an acid, the second being
water and the third sodium carbonate. The trouble is you don’t know which one is
which and you don’t have access to pH indicator or a pH meter.
Describe what you would do to identify these chemicals using the following
magnesium ribbon
test tubes with side arm
rubber delivery tube
Take a 2 ml sample of each solution and place in a test tube.
To each solution add a 2 cm strip of magnesium.
The solution that produces a gas is the acid, (confirm gas is hydrogen via pop test).
Take a 2 ml sample of each of the two remaining unidentified solutions and add to 2 test tubes.
Add 2 ml of acid to each sample and bubble any gas produced through limewater.
The sample that causes the limewater to go cloudy is the sodium carbonate.
The remaining unidentified liquid is water.
Question 29 (5 marks)
Acid Rain
Sulfur dioxide reacts with oxygen and water to form sulfuric acid.
Write a word equation to represent this reaction.
Sulfur dioxide + oxygen + water  sulfuric acid
Write the formula for sulfuric acid.
Identify a source of sulfur dioxide.
Burning fossil fuels
Describe TWO effects of acid rain on the environment.
1. kills crops
2. dissolves metal structures
Question 30 (8 marks)
Detecting ions in the environment
Use the solubility table located on the data sheet to answer the following questions.
A student had 4 dropper bottles labelled silver nitrate, sodium chloride, X and Y. On a
black tile, she combined the solutions as shown below. The results of her experiment
are also provided.
silver nitrate
white precipitateturned dark on
exposure to light
blue solution-no
white precipitate
light blue
Name the white precipitate that turned dark.
Silver chloride
Write a word equation for this reaction in (a). Include states.
Sodium chloride + silver nitrate  silver chloride(s) + sodium nitrate
She suspected that solution X must contain copper, because of the blue colour.
How could she confirm this?
Blue-green colour in flame
A lilac flame test result showed that solution Y contains a potassium salt. Name
TWO possible potassium salts that would give the observed results for the
precipitation reactions.
potassium hydroxide or potassium carbonate
Question 31 (3 marks)
Space Programmes
A huge amount of money is spent on space research by many countries. There is
debate in society about the benefit of spending such large amounts of money where
it could be used to fight poverty, or education or support for the elderly.
Describe TWO spin-offs from the space program and explain how they benefit society.
Scientific research is work for the future. While its immediate benefits might be difficult to
see, experience shows that there are often long-term benefits for society. Blurry images from
space can be made clearer by image processing techniques. The same technology is used to
improve the quality of mammograms (breast X-rays). This gives earlier detection of cancer
and fewer mistakes. Starlight is bent as it passes through the atmosphere. Astronomers’
knowledge of this has been applied to X-ray scanning of bags at airports and to reducing the
dose of X-rays given to people in hospitals. Astronomers use filters to stop unwanted light
from entering their telescopes. Tinted glass on car windows is really a filter to block
unwanted light. Scientific research is valuable because its outcomes are beneficial to society
in many predictable and many unexpected ways. Almost every aspect of our lives, as
indicated by the examples of above, has been affected positively by scientific research.
Question 32 (4 marks)
Leroy Jetson lives on the planet Zappa and travels to Earth to attend school. He has a
weight of 539 N on Earth.
Calculate Leroy’s mass on Earth. Show all working.
(Remember g = 9.8 m/s2 on Earth)
539/9.8 = 55kg
Calculate the acceleration due to gravity on the planet Zappa if Leroy’s
weight on Zappa is 660 N.
660/55 = 12 N/kg
Question 33 (3 marks)
Use the diagram below to answer the following questions.
Identify the group that AM radio, FM radio, TV waves, Microwaves and Radar .
belong to.
Electromagnetic spectrum
Describe the relationship between wavelength and frequency.
As wavelength decreases, frequency increases.
Outline why the audio signal from the local TV station can sometimes be detected
on FM radio.
The frequency bands overlap.