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History: Chapter 12 Review p. 499
Use Vocabulary
1. consul
2. Senate
3. dictator ___________________________________________________________
4. tribune
Use the timeline
5. How long after Rome was formed were the Twelve Tables written?
300 years
6. What happened in 44 B.C.?
Julius Caesar made himself dictator for life.
Recall Facts
9. How did the Romans first come into contact with Greek culture, and how did it influence
The Greeks had settled large parts of the Southern part of the peninsula. The
Romans borrowed Greek religion, Greek-influenced Etruscan alphabet, and Greek
10. What were the Twelve Tables, and why were they important?
The Twelve Tables were recorded laws that applied to all citizens equally. They
became models for later constitutional governments.
11. Why did the Romans create a tripartite government?
To have a government with checks and balances
12. Which of these men was NOT a Roman?
C - Hannibal
13. Which of the following civilizations influenced early Rome?
A – The Etruscans