Download Ancient Civilizations Video Questions (For use with PowerPoint)

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Ancient Civilizations Video Questions (For use with PowerPoint)
Video 1
1. What are some areas of Greek influence still
seen today?
Video 2
2. How would you describe an oligarchy?
3. Pericles developed a new style of government controlled by whom?
4. What was the prosperous period called when Greece experienced growth?
5. What was a problem(s) with Greek democracy?
6. What brought an end to the Golden Age?
Video 3
7. What age did he set out to conquer land?
8. How many years did it take for him to reach the western borders of India?
9. What were some things he did to the lands he conquered?
Video 4
10. How many years after Alexander the Great’s death passed before Rome began to conquer?
11. How do we know the Romans appreciated the Greek culture? (What did they do with it?)
12. How did Greek ideas continue to spread even under the Roman control?
Video 5
13. What region, or sea, was Rome’s empire surrounding?
14. What was the government known as “fate of the people” called?
15. Why did they have a large senate?
16. Why did many soldiers not support Rome?
17. Why did the senate fear Julius Caesar?
18. What group of people was the feast of 22,000 for?
19. How was Julius’s role as dictator different from previous dictators in Rome?
20. What were some things Julius did to improve life for the common people?
21. What did the senators do to stop Julius?
22. Octavian emerged as the leader and was given title dictator for life. Rome was now officially an ___________.
23. What did the title Augustus mean?
24. T/F Octavian used his power to help the poor but not all emperors did.
25. What did the Pax Romana mean and how many years did it last?