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Chapter 13: Organized Crime
Chapter Outline
The various definitions of organized crime are presented as well as the various
types of organized crime groups. Street Gangs are all violent and contain 4 different
members: legits, homeboys, dope fiends, and new jacks. International organized crime
thrives in liberal democracies and corrupt dictatorships. The Yakuza (Japanese), Chinese
Triad Societies, and Russian Organized Crime Syndicates are all examples of
International Organized Crime. There are different types of organized crime groups that
use money laundering and drug trafficking within their organization.
Three theories are presented in relation to syndicate crime in the United States:
Cosa Nostra Theory (The Cressey Model), The Patron Theory (The Albini Model), and
the Enterprise Theory (Smith). The classical pattern of organized crime involves
strategic and tactical crimes as well as illegal businesses and activities. The chapter
discusses a brief history of organized crime in the United States starting before the year
1930 and running through several “periods”. There have been both public and legal
reactions to organized crime. Drug control strategies have been set into place as well as
various investigative procedures. Both Anomie and Differential Opportunity Theories
are used in conjunction with the research of organized crime.
Defining “Organized Crime”
Street Gangs
International Organized Crime
The Nature of Organized Crime
Drug Trafficking
Theories of the Nature of Syndicate Crime in the United States
The Classic Pattern of Organized Crime
A Brief History of Organized Crime in the United States
Criminal Careers of Organized Criminals
Public and Legal Reaction
Theory and Crime
Defining “Organized Crime”
“Organized crime” has been described in different ways.
Organized Crime (generic): Refers to group crime of any type.
Organized Crime (criminological): Groups that:
(1) Utilize violence or threats of violence;
(2) Provide illicit goods that are in public demand; and
(3) Assure immunity for their operators through corruption and enforcement.
Defining “Organized Crime” (cont’d)
It may be useful to think of organized crime as a continuum.
Types of Organized Crime (Albini):
– Political-Social Organized Crime
– Mercenary (Predatory) Organized Crime
– In-Group Oriented Organized Crime
– Syndicate Crime
Street Gangs
Four Myths of Street Gangs (Klein):
1. They are highly organized, very cohesive, and have centralized leadership.
2. Street gangs are all violent.
3. Street gangs control drug distribution in our cities.
4. Los Angeles gangs franchise drug distribution to the rest of the country.
Street Gangs (cont’d)
Gang Member Typology (Hagedorn):
1. “Legits” mature out of gangs.
2. “Homeboys” alternate between
legitimate jobs and drug sales.
 This is a majority of African-American and Latino adult gang members.
3. “Dope Fiends” stayed in the drug business in order to feed their habits.
4 “New Jacks” view illegal drug sales as their career.
International Organized Crime
 Organized crime thrives in:
 Liberal Democracies
 Corrupt Dictatorships
 Yakuza: The Japanese term for gangsters.
 Most from lower-class backgrounds
 More open regarding membership than similar groups in U.S
International Organized Crime (cont’d)
Chinese Triad Societies
– Name derived from ritualistic use of numerology.
– History traces back 2,000 years.
– Highly diverse in level of criminal involvement.
Russian Organized Crime
– Most publicized groups in the 1990s
– Largest groups: Solntsevo & Tambov
– Russian Mafiya: A generic term for a type of criminal who arose out of social,
economic, and historical forces in Russia.
The Nature of Organized Crime (cont’d)
Types of Organized Crime Groups (identified by U.N.):
1. Rigid hierarchy
2. Devolved hierarchy
3. Hierarchical conglomerate
4. Core criminal group
5. Organized criminal network
The Nature of Organized Crime (cont’d)
Money laundering: Making clean or washing “dirty money” (illegal funds).
Money laundering is a three-step process:
1. Placement
2. Layering
3. Integration
Casinos are common locations for this.
The IRS requires the reporting of any deposits of more than $10,000 in cash.
Drug Trafficking
Drug Trafficking
– From sources worldwide.
– Some primary locations:
• The Golden Triangle
• The Golden Crescent
• Latin America
Colombian Cartels
The Underground Empire
Mexico’s Drug War
Theories of the Nature of Syndicate Crime in the U.S.
Cosa Nostra Theory (The Cressey Model)
• Nationwide alliance of tightly knit families
• Membership of Sicilian and Italian Descendents
• Controls most illegal gambling
The Patron Theory (The Albini Model)
• Consists of a series of patron-client relationships.
• Those with the most power can provide the most service.
• Characterized by conflict.
Enterprise Theory (Smith)
The Classic Pattern of Organized Crime
Strategic and Tactical Crimes
– Willingness to use force or threats assures discipline.
– Assault, coercion, extortion, and murder are all used in the pursuit of profit.
– Blackmail, bribery, and corruption are essential strategic tools of organized crime.
The Classic Pattern of Organized Crime (cont’d)
Illegal Businesses and Activities
– Gambling and related activities
– Loan Sharking
– Labor Racketeering
– Narcotics Trafficking
– Human Smuggling
• Prostitution/Pornography
A Brief History of Organized Crime in The U.S.
Before 1930
– Robber Barons
– Industrial Pirates
The Luciano Period
The Genovese Period
The Appalachian Meetings
The Gambino Period
The Commission Trials
Criminal Careers of Organized Criminals
 Organized criminals tend to:
 Maintain their livelihood through crime;
 Identify with crime and criminal activity;
 Possess strong organizational identity;
 Belong to structured groups;
 Come from low income areas;
 Subscribe to a code of secrecy.
Public and Legal Reaction
Drug Control Strategies
– Legalization
– Use of Diplomacy
– Interdiction
– Targeting Major Traffickers
– Departmental Coordination
– “Demand Side” Strategies
Public and Legal Reaction (cont’d)
 Investigative Procedures:
 Financial Analysis
 Electronic Surveillance
 Use of Informants
Legal Responses:
 Hobbs Act
 Organized Crime Control Act
 Undercover Agents
 Citizens Commissions
 Computer-Assisted Investigation
Theory and Crime
Anomie Theory
– Legitimate means to success are blocked and innovators substitute other means
Differential Opportunity Theory
– Organized crime is viewed as a good opportunity for being admired and successful .
– Criminal subcultures socialize the individual into valuing criminal values and
Chapter Summary
Defining “Organized Crime”
Street Gangs
International Organized Crime
The Nature of Organized Crime
Drug Trafficking
Theories of the Nature of Syndicate Crime in the United States
The Classic Pattern of Organized Crime
A Brief History of Organized Crime in the United States
Criminal Careers of Organized Criminals
Public and Legal Reaction
Theory and Crime
Key Concepts
Activities of Organized Criminals
Apalachin Meetings
Assets Forfeiture
Castellammarese Wars
CIA–Mafia Link
Classic Pattern of Organized Crime
Commission Trials
Continuum Model of Organized Crime
Ethnic Succession Theory
Four Basic Types of Organized Crime (Generic Definitions)
Hobbs Act
Internal Structure of LCN Families
International Political Climates and Organized Crime
Iron Law of Opium Trade
Kefauver Committee
Loan Sharking
Major Elements of La Cosa Nostra (LCN) Theory
Medellin Cartel
“Moustache Petes”
Numbers Game
Organized Crime Control Act
“Pizza Connection”
Theories of the Nature of U.S. Syndicate Crime
Theories Regarding Origin of Mafia
Three Elements of the Definition of Organized (Syndicate) Crime