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Study Guide for W H E
Modules 1-4
Mr. Hutchinson/Ms. Huh
Period 6
Matching Key Terms
____ 1. History
a) study of the ways people use their resources
____ 2. Anthropology
b) lines that measure north and south
____ 3. Sociology
____ 4. Political Science
c) dependence of countries on goods, resources, and
knowledge from other parts of the world
d) study of records and what has happened to people
____ 5. Economics
e) average temperature of a region
____ 6. Geography
f) study of the earth’s surfaces
____ 7. Latitude
g) study of a particular ethnic group at a particular time
____ 8. Longitude
h) lines that measure east and west
____ 9. Topography
i) study of power and governments
____ 10. Climate
j) belief in many gods
____ 11. Interdependence
k) study of the ways people live
____ 12. Physical anthropology
l) study of human racial/ethnic groups
____ 13. Cultural anthropology
m) study of part human life through its artifacts
____ 14. Ethnology
n) belief in one god
____ 15. Ethnography
o) study of human cultures
____ 16. Archaeology
p) all the things that make up a people’s entire way of life
____ 17. Linguistics
q) study of language
____ 18. Culture
r) study of the relationships between people/groups of people
____ 19. Monotheism
s) study of the changes of the human body
____ 20. Polytheism
t) study of environment and climate
Define these terms:
1. Imperialism:
2. Westernization:
3. Nationalism:
4. Modernization:
5. Urbanization:
6. Refugees:
7. Terrorism:
Multiple Choice Questions
1. What is the difference between relative location and absolute location?
a. Relative location describes where a place is in terms of latitude and longitude, and absolute
location describes where a place is in terms of its proximity to another place.
b. Relative location describes where a place is in terms of its proximity to another place, and
absolute location describes where a place is in terms of latitude and longitude.
c. Relative location describes where a place is in terms of its economics and politics, and
absolute location describes where a place is in terms of its beliefs and values.
d. Relative location describes where a place is in terms of its beliefs and values, and absolute
location describes where a place is in terms of its economics and politics.
2. How does climate affect the way people live?
a. It doesn’t.
b. It makes them move to a more comfortable region.
c. It impacts their economics, clothing, and forms of shelter from heat, rain and snow.
d. It makes them to develop specific habits.
3. What is the difference between a nuclear family and an extended family?
a. A nuclear family consists of a mother, father, and the children; an extended family consists
of grandparents, aunts and uncles, and/or cousins.
b. A nuclear family consists of grandparents, aunt and uncles, and/or cousins; an extended
family consists of a mother, father, and the children.
c. A nuclear family is one in which the mother is the head of the family; an extended family is
one in which the father is the head of the family.
d. There is no difference; they are the same thing.
4. What is the difference between a market economy and a command economy?
a. A market economy is run by the individual citizens and a command economy is run by the
b. A market economy is run by the government and a command economy is run by the
individual citizens.
c. A market economy consists of stores and vendors, and a command economy consists of
large corporations.
d. A market economy consists of large corporations, and a command economy consists of
stores and vendors.
Open-Response Review Questions
1. What are the 5 themes of geography?
2. Give 2 examples of how people have reshaped their environment.
3. Give 2 examples of how people have adapted to their environment.
4. How do geographers describe place?
5. Describe 3 ways to identify the region in which you live.
6. Name the four map projections; give one advantage and one disadvantage for each:
a. _______________________________________
b. _______________________________________
c. _______________________________________
d. _______________________________________
7. What is cultural diffusion and how is it done?
8. What is a value? What is a belief?
9. What is ethnocentrism? How is it different from racism?
10. Describe 3 elements that help give a culture its identity
11. What 3 basic economics questions must every society answer?
12. What causes cultures to change?
13. What is a subculture? Give an example of one.
14. What are the 5 social organizations within a culture?
15. What is the difference between classical and prehistoric archaeology?
16. What does the Iceman teach us about archaeology and the Neolithic age?
17. How did the agricultural revolution lead to the development of civilizations?
18. Why were European nations able to expand overseas in the 1500s and 1600s?
19. Explain 2 effects of the Industrial Revolution.
20. How did the Cold War create tensions around the world? Describe 4 goals of developing nations.
21. What economic problems do developing nations face?
22. What are the major issues of global concern today?