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Galaxies Quiz – Study Guide
1. You will be given a set of images of galaxies. You must select which galaxy is/are:
a. Spiral
c. Elliptical
b. Spiral Barred
d. Irregular
2. Facts about our Milky Way:
a. Size (in Light Years) Diameter: ____________________; Thickness: ________________
b. Quantity of stars: ___________________
c. Location of our Solar System (which arm?) ______________ Be able to draw!
d. Distance from center of galaxy? ____________
e. Type of galaxy: ___________________________
f. Age: _____________________ Where are oldest stars? __________________
g. Why can’t we see the center of our galaxy?
h. How do we show its shape? Observations made in ______________________.
The Milky Way is part of the ___________ _____________ (cluster of galaxies).
Density of stars (number per volume of space) is greatest in _____________.
k. Where do we find globular clusters in the Milky Way? ______________
3. Facts about Galaxies:
a. Where do you find NEW stars in spiral galaxies? ________________
b. Which type of galaxy has the most NEW stars? ________________
c. Which type of galaxy has the most OLD stars? _______________
d. Which type of galaxy has the most dust and gas? _________________
e. Which type of galaxy is the largest (generally)? _________________
f. Which type of galaxy is most common today? _____________(about 70%)
g. What’s the difference between and E0 and an E7 galaxy? Draw both!
h. What force holds galaxies together? _______________
4. How can we look through the dust and “see” the center of our galaxy?
Astronomers use _______________ type of telescopes
5. “Galicos” is the Greek word for _______________.
6. Hubble’s Law: The farther a galaxy is from us, the ________________ it is moving.
7. What three things make up all galaxies? Hint: Galaxy Sorting Activity.
8. How many stars are within 10 light years of our Sun? ___________
9. What percentage of galaxies are elliptical? _______ Spiral? ________ Irregular? _______
10. What is believed to be at the center of ALL galaxies?
Possible Short Answer/Essay questions:
11. How is looking at galaxies billions of light years away like looking in a time tunnel?
12. How is our Milky Way like a city? Hint: See Galaxy Video notes
13. Describe two reasons why galaxies (even the same types) look different.
14. Where is the center of the universe?
15. How does the Doppler Shift relate to the expanding universe?
16. Old galaxies are ______________ (what color?) and contain (a little or a lot) of dust.
17. Compare open and globular star clusters: Which are bigger? ___________Which
contain mostly young stars? _____________ Which are found in the arms of spiral
galaxies? ____________ In the Halo? ______________
18. What is TRUE about all clusters (open AND globular)? Same ___________; All rotate
around __________________.
19. In our Milky Way, where do we see the most star formation? ________
Miscellaneous and/or possible bonus questions:
20. When the Milky Way and Andromeda eventually merge, they will form a(n)
__________________________ type of galaxy.
21. How old is the universe believed to be? ____________________
22. How OLD is the Milky Way? ________________ ; How old is our solar system? __________
23. Name the two galaxies found about 170,000 light years from the Milky Way.
Hint: Both share a common name of the first person to sail around the world.
What TYPE of galaxy are they? ___________________
24. How far away is the Andromeda galaxy? ____________________________ light years
25. How many galaxies are there in the Universe? (we think) ________________________
26. Why are the Hubble Space Telescope’s images stair-stepped looking?
27. How did locating globular clusters help determine the location of our galaxy’s core?
28. Edwin Hubble first called galaxies ____________ ________________.