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How many daughter cells are present at the end of meiosis?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 4
D. 8
Answer: C. 4
What is the genotype in the bottom left-hand quadrant in Figure 10-6?
Figure 10-6
A. rr
B. Rr
C. R_
Answer: B. Rr
If two heterozygous parents mate, what is the most common genotype of their offspring?
B. A_
C. Aa
D. aa
Answer: C. Aa
If a garden pea has a diploid number of 14, how many chromosomes are in a garden pea
plant’s leaf cell?
A. 3.5
B. 7.0
C. 14.0
D. 28.0
Answer: C. 14.0
If a garden pea has a diploid number of 14, how many chromosomes are in a garden pea
plant’s egg cell?
A. 3.5
B. 7.0
C. 14.0
D. 28.0
Answer: D. 7.0
Why did Mendel always start with pure/true breeding plants?
Answer: Mendel used true breeding plants to guarantee the genotype of the individual.
He used the true breeding plants as a control for his experiments.
Males =
Females =
Exhibits the trait =
Mating =
Figure 3
Explain the appearance of the trait in individual III-2 in the figure 3 above, in terms of
generation I and II.
Answer: The trait is recessive and will only appear when paired with another recessive
allele, therefore the individuals II-1 and II-2 must both be carriers of the trait. At least one
individual from generation 1 will have to be a carrier, to pass the trait to individual II-2.
Males =
Females =
Exhibits the trait =
Mating =
Figure 4
What is the genotype of individual III-1 and III-2?
A. Aa and Aa
B. AA and AA
C. Aa and aa
D. A_ and A_
Answer D. A_ and A_
Males =
Females =
Exhibits the trait =
Mating =
What additional phenotypic/genotypic information is needed to determine the genotype
of the individual III-1?
Answer: A recessive offspring indicating a heterozygous genotype for individual III-1.
Predict the impact on human life if gametes became diploid?
Answer: If sexual reproduction occurred there would be an excess of chromosomes.
Excess chromosomes can cause defects or be fatal. The chromosomes were not passed
correctly from parent to offspring in a way that the offspring would be able to reproduce.
Over time humans would die without an offspring to carry on the genetic material.