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Minerals: Earth Materials: Chapter 4
1. Define what a mineral is and explain the difference between a rock and a mineral.
2. Explain the difference between a clastic rock and a crystalline rock.
3. Explain the following properties of a mineral: hardness, acid test, streak,
magnetism, specific gravity, luster, cleavage, crystal shape
4. Define crystalline structure
5. Explain cleavage in a mineral and be able to identify the number of cleavage
planes of minerals
6. Summarize the following classes of minerals and the main chemical
characteristic of each class and examples of each
a. Silicates
b. Carbonates
c. Oxides
d. Halides
e. Sulfates
7. Sketch or explain a silica tetrahedron and how two tetrahedra can join.
8. Explain or sketch how silica tetrahedra link in different geometries to produce
five silicate mineral groups (page 87).
9. Know at least one example of each silicate mineral group.
10. List the four most abundant elements in the crust and in Earth as a whole, and
explain why silicate minerals are so abundant in the crust and mantle.
11. Explain the different types of bonds and how electrons cause each type.
12. Describe some uses of common minerals.
13. Describe some ways we use the physical properties of minerals.
14. Describe the geologic environments in which some gemstones form.
15. Know the following minerals, their identifying physical properties, and common
quartz, olivine, hornblende, augite, biotite, muscovite, plagioclase feldspar,
potassium feldspar, talc, clay (kaolinite), gypsum, diamond, magnetite, hematite,
galena, sulfur, graphite, calcite, pyrite, halite, azurite (or malachite)
Silicates Lab: Building Blocks of Common Minerals
Mineral Properties,
Mineral Identification
Gemstone Powerpoint/poster
Homework Assignments
Assignment #1: Read 4.1 to 4.5, reading quiz
Assignment #2: Mineral Properties podcast part 1 and 2, expect homework quiz
Assignment #3:
Assignment #4: Read 4-6 to 4-7, reading quiz
Assignment #5: Watch Silicates Podcast, expect homework quiz
Assignment #6: Finish chapter 4, reading quiz
Assignment #7: Identifying Minerals podcast, expect homework quiz
Assignment #8: Uses of Minerals assignment
Assignment #9: Gemstone PowerPoint/Poster
Assignment #10: Minerals Review quiz