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What is a Mineral ?
Definition of Mineral
• A naturally formed, inorganic solid that has a definite
crystalline structure.
Naturally formed - not made by people
Inorganic - made from non - living things
Solid - Definite shape and volume
Crystalline structure - repeated inner structure that helps
to shape the mineral
Mineral Formation
• All minerals are made from elements.
• Most minerals are made from compounds.
• A compound is two or more elements that go
through a chemical change to make a new substance.
Crystal Structures
• Each mineral has a definite crystalline shape
or repeating inner pattern of atoms
• All minerals can be classified according to
their crystal structure
• Minerals that contain a combination of the
elements silicon and oxygen.
• Make up 90% of the Earth’s crust
• Examples: Quartz, Mica, Feldspar
• Minerals that do not contain a combination of
Silicon and Oxygen.
• Often contain elements such as Carbon,
Fluorine, Sulfur, and Oxygen
• Examples: Copper, Calcite, Fluorite,
Corundum, Gypsum, Galena