Download Soy: Formula for disaster SOY is a huge, multi

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Looking beyond
medicine’s ‘comfort zone’
Dr. Lotze’s
Insights, Opinions, News and Wellness Solutions
Soy: Formula for disaster
SOY is a huge, multi-billion dollar, chemical-intensive
industry that spends big money to obtain its favourable
public image.
Freshly picked soy beans are highly toxic and not edible.
They can only be rendered edible by chemical
processing and acid baths. To improve the taste of
powdered soy, various chemical additives have to be
added, incl. the highly allergic MSG as well as
preservatives. The large quantities of trypsin inhibitors
in soy flour are cancerogenic, i.e. causing cancer.
The phyto-estrogens (plant estrogens) in soy are not
identical to the estrogens in your body, they act like any
estrogens in HRT or the contraceptive pill, i.e.
increasing your body weight, leading to fluid retention,
making your connective tissue floppy, thickening your
blood (tendency to thrombosis) and the great danger of
getting lumpy breasts or even breast cancer (Estrogens
are growth hormones and linked to breast and uterine
Soy is also one of the most powerful allergens (probably
more powerful than cow’s milk), causing a multitude of
allergic reactions.
As soy has been classified as “unfit as an animal feed”,
how can it be good for humans? It seems weird that Soy
is recommended to menopausal women to give relieve
from e.g. hot flashes because it contains estrogens,
whilst at the same time it is fed to babies instead of
cow’s milk. As estrogens are growth hormones, they
lead to fluid retention and excessive weight gain, in
women as well as in babies. That’s why soy flour is
mixed into chicken feed, - to grow drumsticks fast.
Dr.Heiner Lotze
Bio-Energetic Medicine Institute
Ask for full research report
Just remember, if the world did
not suck,
we would all fall off
Low Cholesterol can trigger a massive stroke
This is when blood vessels burst in your brain because
their structure has become very brittle. Cholesterol
keeps blood vessels flexible. It is an essential ingredient
in all cell membranes.
American Heart Association
Research has shown that people with very low
cholesterol levels developed just as well heart diseases
as people with very high levels. The British Medical
Journal announced: ‘Cholesterol screening is not
For greater alertness, motivation
and mental energy: FISH
Fish, shellfish, lean lamb, lean beef and egg
whites, these are essentially pure proteins
without carbohydrates and very little fat. They
contain high quality tyrosine, which is used in the
brain to make dopamine and norepinephrine.
Eating high quality proteins as mentioned above
rises tyrosine levels in the brain.
These two brain chemicals, which are essential
for an alert brain, high motivation, creative talent
and fast reaction time. Tyrosine and
norepinephrine have energizing effects.
As a second choice, but less effective, are
legumes (beans, peas, lentils, chickpeas).
Power food
Carbohydrates contain the amino acid
tryptophan, which converts to serotonin, a
calming chemical. Carbohydrates make you less
motivated and ‘sleepy’.
Proteins, like fish, meat, eggs and beans contain
tyrosine, which makes you alert and gives you
mental power. High quality amino acids as in fish
give you brain power, make you highly motivated
and creative.
Judith Wurtman, research scientist in the department of brain and
cognitive science, Cambridge/Mass./USA
Controversial opinions
Dr. William Campbell Douglas II and
The Archives of Pediatric Adolescent Medicine and
University of Massachusetts Medical School report:
Vegetarians are not healthier than other people.
Vegetarians die younger, census data shows.
Vegetarian kids are sicklier and are at higher risk
for ‘impaired psychomotor development’.
Vegetarians are 8 times more likely to suffer from
Meatless, low protein diets are linked to slumping
sex function, muscle loss and bone damage
A study recorded in the British Journal of Cancer:
52 men with high PSA readings (Prostate Specific
Antigen) were given biopsies to ensure that here is
no malignancy.
27 of these men were given the classical prostate
drug ‘Proscar’ (finasteride). The other 25 were given
After one year another biopsy was performed and
the result was:
30% of the men taking the prostate drug ‘Proscar’
had developed prostate tumours.
In the 25 men taking nothing, only in one man a
tumour was found.
It seems that he best prostate drug has turned into
a cancer fertilizer.
Nutrition & Healing, Special Report July 2005
Water fluoridation (and toothpaste)
Toxic effects of seed oils
Scandinavia, most European countries and nearly every
medically advanced nation have banned the practice of
adding fluorides to tap water.
Fluor is used in the mining of aluminium because it
absorbs this metal from its ore bauxite. Fluor in water
and toothpaste (it gets absorbed very quickly via the
gums) is cumulative, i.e. the body cannot discharge it.
In the body it does the same job as in the mining
industry, it binds aluminium. We take minute amounts
of aluminium into our body (deodorants, aluminium
pots and pans), which, bound by fluorides, accumulates
in the brain. Autopsies of Alzheimer’s patients have
revealed aluminium in alarming proportions in their
A study from the Harvard School of Dental Health found
that young boys exposed to fluoridated tap water from
ages 5-10 suffered an increased risk of osteosarcoma
(severe form of bone cancer) between ages 10 and 19.
This is a very dangerous form of childhood cancer and
the mortality rate in the first 5 years is 50%. Survivors
have usually legs amputated. Most of fluoride ingested
is taken to the bones (90%).
Fluoride is not only in tap water, but e.g. instant tea
contains fluoride. Fluoride is more toxic than lead and is
used as a pesticide to kill mice, rats and other pests.
If you are not convinced, check fluorides on the
Seed oils used in kitchens and restaurants, - and
even recommended by nutritional experts, can
when heated break down in highly toxic substances
that have been linked to heart disease and
neurological disorders.
This fatty acid-derived toxin 4-hydroxy-trans-2nonenal (HNE) collects in polyunsaturated oils,
which include
Sunflower oil
Canola oil
Soybean oil
Corn oil
These oils, when heated, crate a toxin, which can
lead to cardiovascular disease, stroke, Parkinson’s
disease, Alzheimer’s disease, Huntington’s disease,
liver destruction and cancer. The American Dietetic
Association recommends refraining from heating
any seed oils. Seed oils are certainly not healthy.
The only oil that has been used by mankind for
thousands of years without any negative effects on
people’s health is Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Our
ancestors, who were robust and healthy, did not
suffer from any chronic diseases. They never
consumed seed oils.
Excessive use of seed oils can also lead to asthma,
blindness, heart disease and cancer.
Health Central 06 May 2005 and Dr. Mercola
HRT or Horse Urine Therapy
A woman’s healthy and cancer-free body contains
about 80% Estriol, 10% Estrone and only 10%
Estradiol. This is a healthy hormone balance in a
female body.
HRT contains only Estradiol, which is a growth
hormone and cancer cells love to grow. With the ratio
of these three estrogens changed completely and the
hormone, which should be lowest becomes the
highest it is a formula for disaster.
Contraceptive pill can ruin your sex drive
The research revealed in New Scientist studied women
who were on the pill or had been on the pill in the past
for at least six months. Measured were levels of SHBG
(Sex Hormone Binding Globulin), which eliminates
testosterone (the ‘sex’ hormone in females). Pill users
had a SHBG level seven times higher in pill users, in
women who had taken the pill previously levels were
still four timers higher than normal. However, not all pill
ingredients have this effect.
Institute for Sexual Medicine, Boston University/USA.
One piece of fruit with
valuable fibre included
Saliva (Amylase)
pre-digests carbohydrates
One piece
of fruit prearrives
a wealth of
Arrival of fruit acids and
fruit sugars equivalent to
5-6 pieces of fruit arrive
in stomach abruptly
The combination of fibre
and fruit sugar are a slowrelease carbohydrate and
no excessive stress is put
making insulin.
Blood sugar rises sharply
and puts Pancreas under
stress, having to produce
insulin very fast.
Sudden rise in blood
Here are some findings (reported in The Star 20 April 2005):
High doses of beta carotene (equivalent of six carrots per
day) showed an 18% rise in lung cancer.
High doses of Vit. E can increase the risk of heart attack.
High doses of Vit. A can accelerate osteoporosis.
High doses of Vit. B can lead to ‘nerve tingling’.
As vitamins help blood cell regeneration, in high doses
they also help boosting tumours, so they become more
Fruit Juice
5-6 pieces of fruit with no
fibre (discarded) and no
mouth pre-digestion enter
the stomach
Complete digestion.
No fermentation.
No complete digestion.
Fermentation and
flatulence create toxic
waste and fungal
A glass of fruit juice represents a full meal. Give your
child a glass of fruit juice and he/she will not eat a
proper meal.
What’s wrong with fruit juices?