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Unit 5 Study Guide
1. KNOW your vocabulary! Many of the test questions for this unit rely on an
understanding of the vocabulary terms .
2. What were the consequences of the fall of Rome in Europe? Disruption of
trade, downfall of cities, population shifts (from urban to rural), decline of
learning, and a loss of common language
3. Who generally could read/write in medieval Europe? Monks and upper-class
4. What were the social and financial consequences of the bubonic plague? AntiSemitism, decline in trade and an increase in the price of labor
5. According to the code of chivalry, for whom did a knight fight? His Lord (God
in Heaven), his lord (feudal ruler), his lady
6. For what did knights most commonly trade their military services? land
7. For what types of issues would you refer to canon law? The church
8. What is lay investiture? Why was there a struggle between Henry IV and Pope
Gregory VII over this issue? Lay investiture allowed kings and nobles to
appoint church officials, rather than the pope appointing them
9. What else are serfs sometimes called? peasant
10. Describe the feudal bargain made between a lord and a vassal. The lord would
grant the vassal an amount of land in exchange for military or other services
11. Under the system of primogeniture, who inherits the land and title? The first
born son
12. Name two medieval innovations that allowed for a more abundant food supply.
Horses used instead of oxen, and a 3-field farming system
13. What was Pope Urban II’s stated goal in urging Catholics to go on crusade? To
gain control of the Holy Land
14. How did the Crusades affect Europe? Asia/the Middle East? Increased trade
and sharing of cultures/ideas
15. What was significant about Pope Leo III’s crowning of Charlemagne as “Holy
Roman Emperor” in 800 AD? Marked the beginning of the pope’s direct
involvement in politics
16. Under the system of feudalism, who ruled local areas? Local lords
17. How did Joan of Arc affect the outcome of the Hundred Years’ War? She
inspired the French with her faith
18. What did his nobles force King John of England to sign? Why was this document
significant? Magna Carta, it outlined rights for the ordinary Englishy citizen
and mandated that the king be held to the same laws as the people
19. A major change in literature was the shift from writing only in this language:
Latin, to writing in the local vernacular.
20. Who created the printing press in Europe? How did this affect society? What
was the first full-sized book printed on the printing press in Europe? Johannes
Gutenberg invented the printing press. This increased literacy and the use of
vernacular. The Bible was the first full-sized book printed on the printing
press in Europe.
21. What is a renaissance? Where did the European renaissance begin? The
Renaissance was the rebirth of art and learning, and began in Italy
22. What is humanism? What subjects are considered the humanities? The focus on
human potential and achievements. Literature, history, arts are considered
the humanities
23. What kind of person represented the ideal of the “Renaissance Man?” In what
way did Leonardo da Vinci represent the ideal Renaissance man? A Renaissance
Man is someone who excels
24. When Renaissance scholars and artists referred to the “classics,” to which cultures
were they referring? Roman and Greek
25. Discuss some of the achievements of Leonardo da Vinci and Michaelangelo.
26. What did Machiavelli have to say about leadership styles? A leader must only
appear good, but is actually shrewd and self-centered.
27. For what is the Medici family famous? For being rulers and supporters of the
28. Why did the Roman Catholic church not allow its members to engage in usury?
Usury is the practice of loaning money with interest, and the Catholic
Church taught that it was against God’s law to charge interest.
29. How did the Commercial Revolution change business practices? Banking, with
bankers making large capital loans to merchants
30. What was a guild’s purpose? What were the stages of membership in a guild?
Guild membership was necessary to run a business in a Renaissance town. It
was a organized group of individuals that shared a common profession or
trade (ex: woodworkers, metalworkers). The first stage of a guild was an
apprenticeship (like an assistant, or helper)
31. Why are Dante and Petrarch important literary figures of the Italian Renaissance?
They both legitimized writing in the vernacular