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Barbers Hill High School
[email protected]
AP World History
Text work
Chapter Two – Classical Civilization - CHINA
Directions, use the information in your text to answer the following questions.
1. What does the yin and yang represent in Chinese culture?
2. The Chinese developed a well-integrated system in which government, philosophy,
economic incentives, the family, and the individual
3. Define the term dynasty.
4. List the three dynastic cycles that cover the classical period of Chinese history.
A) ___________________________________________________________.
B) ___________________________________________________________.
C) ___________________________________________________________.
9. List the three contributions that the Zhou dynasty made to the development of China.
A) ______________________________________________________________.
B) ______________________________________________________________.
C) ______________________________________________________________.
10. During the late sixth and early fifth centuries B.C.E., the philosopher known as
________________________________ wrote on political ethics, and provided the core
of China’s distinctive philosophical heritage.
11. List the steps taken by Qin Shih Huangdi to reduce the regional power of the Chinese
A) ______________________________________________________________.
B) ______________________________________________________________.
12. List the political and cultural innovations of the Chinese during the reign of Qin Shih
A) _______________________________________________________________
B) _______________________________________________________________
C) _______________________________________________________________
D) _______________________________________________________________
E) _______________________________________________________________
13. What were the military achievements of the Han dynasty?
14. Direct contact with India led to contact with the ___________________________ of the
Middle East, through which trade with _____________________________ was
15. Under the Han dynasty, the government was linked to ______________________ that
emphasized the values of _________________________________________.
16. Who invaded China ca. 220 B.C.E. and conquered the Han dynasty?
17. List the differences between the Qin dynasty and Han dynasties?
18. Chinese family authority & unity was enhanced by the practice of
_________________________________________________, which united each family
member through rituals devotion to their dead relatives.
19. What role did landed nobles play in classical Chinese culture?
20. ____________________________ created the first law code and uniformed tax system
for the entire Han Empire.
21. ____________________________ established examinations for his bureaucrats. The
first examples of civil service test in the world.
22. Most judicial matter, crimes and legal disputes, were handled by______________
23. List the economic achievements of the Han dynasty.
A) _______________________________________________________________
B) _______________________________________________________________
C) _______________________________________________________________
D) _______________________________________________________________
24. Roman society collapsed following an invasion by nomadic tribes. Explain why Chinese
culture and political structure endured after China was invaded by nomadic tribes.
25. When and why was the use of chopsticks developed in China? _______________
26. List the two messages of Confucius.
27. According to Confucius, what three traits should characterize the leaders of society?
A) ______________________________________________________________.
B) ______________________________________________________________.
C) ______________________________________________________________.
28. What were the Analects? ____________________________________________
29. According to Confucius, what three traits did a man need in order to be considered for
political service?
A) ___________________________________________________________.
B) ___________________________________________________________.
C) ___________________________________________________________.
30. According to Confucius, true happiness rest in ___________________________
31. List the differences between “Legalism” and Confucianism.
32. List the scientific achievements of classical China.
A) ______________________________________________________________.
B) ______________________________________________________________.
C) ______________________________________________________________.
D) ______________________________________________________________.
E) ______________________________________________________________.
33. List the social groups of classical Chinese society.
A) ______________________________________________________________.
B) ______________________________________________________________.
C) ______________________________________________________________.
34. List the economic innovations of classical China.
A) ______________________________________________________________.
B) ______________________________________________________________.
C) ______________________________________________________________.
D) ______________________________________________________________.
E) ______________________________________________________________.
35. Explain how the Chinese viewed the world. And explain how that view influenced their
ideas of themselves and other societies. (Be specific!)