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Mrs. Hrazanek’s 6th Grade Social Studies
Ancient China Chapter Test
Study Guide
Vocabulary to know: dike, civil service, loess, silk, extended family, philosophy, warlord, currency
Key concepts:
- The physical geography of China, which includes the Himalaya Mountains and the ocean,
created barriers to the outside world. The ancient Chinese people were very isolated from the
rest of the world. In early Chinese history, the people were unaware of the people of Egypt,
Greece, or Rome.
- Just like the other civilizations we have studied, the first farming settlements of ancient China
developed along rivers.
- The Huang River is called the Yellow
- The family was the center of Chinese society.
- Confucius was a compassionate and thoughtful teacher in ancient China. He believed that if
people showed respect and loyalty within the family, those values would spread to the rest of
- Confucius helped changed the system by which people could obtain government jobs. In the
past, only nobles could hold government posts. After Confucius’s reforms, even a poor
person could hold a position if they earned it.
- Shi Huangdi tried to outlaw Confucius’s ideas.
- Emperor Wudi expanded the Chinese empire by conquering other lands.
- The Han dynasty boasted many accomplishments: the invention of paper, the compass,
advances in medicine, irrigation, iron farming tools, and others.
- The Han dynasty also desired a return to the traditional values of Confucius.
Essay questions:
1. How did China’s physical geography affect the development of its early civilizations?
2. Why do you think the people of China today might call themselves “the children of Han”? In
your answer, cite at least three important accomplishments of the Han dynasty to support
your answer.
There will be a map reading portion of the test.