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1. The period from 1865-1877 (post-Civil War) in which the United States began to
rebuild is known as
2. What is a term used for the right to vote?
3. Rights and freedoms that protect individuals from unwarranted action by government
and private organizations are often called
n A. Federalism
B. Suffrage
C. Power
D. Civil Rights
4. What is it called when a country chooses to separate groups of people based on race,
religion, or other factors?
Freedom of Expression
5. The power given to states by the national government is
Majority Rule
6. During Reconstruction, President Andrew Johnson tried to incorporate most of
President Abraham Lincoln’s plan for___________.
a. punishing secessionist states.
b. granting suffrage to former slaves.
c. readmitting Southern states to the Union
d. increasing the power of the North over the South.
Compare and Contrast the reconstruction policies of Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson with those of Radical Republicans in
7. What was the end result of President Johnson’s consistent vetoing of Reconstruction
a. Congress looked for reasons to impeach Johnson.
b. Congress passed additional bills
c. Reconstruction officially ended.
d. The Supreme Court threw out Reconstruction legislation.
Examine Johnson’s impeachment
8. The Constitutional amendment that defines a citizen as “all persons born or naturalized
in the United States” is
a. 13th Amendment
b. 14th Amendment
c. 15th Amendment
d. 16th Amendment
Describe the provisions of the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments, and the politics involved in their passage.
9. Who most wanted to treat the South like a defeated enemy?
a. Johnson because he wanted to tax the wealthy and gain equal rights for all
former slaves.
b. Radical Republicans because they wanted to divide the South into military
districts until they abided by the new constitutional amendments
c. Lincoln because he wanted 10% of the population to swear and oath of
allegiance to the United States before they were allowed back into the Union.
d. Northern farmers because they wanted a monopoly in the wheat and tobacco
Compare and Contrast the reconstruction policies of Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson with those of Radical Republicans in
10. The amendment that guaranteed the right to vote to all 21 year-old male citizens was
a. 13th Amendment.
b. 14th Amendment.
c. 15th Amendment.
d. 16th Amendment.
Describe the provisions of the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments, and the politics involved in their passage.
11. The organization designed to assist former slaves and poor whites with food, clothing,
education, hospitals, and legal aid was:
b. US Welfare Administration.
c. Freedmen’s Bureau.
d. Red Cross.
Describe how Reconstruction affected life in the South for with Southerners and former slaves.
7. Which of the following statements is FALSE concerning life for the freed slaves in the
South during Reconstruction?
a. Life was stressful because Southerners threatened, beat, and killed African
Americans that did not stay with their slave owners.
b. Life was unfair because the federal government did not pass the Constitutional
amendments that gave them equal rights and freedoms.
c. Life was unfair because the Southern state governments did not give them a
chance to participate in political decisions.
d. Life was difficult because they were not given a way to support themselves
Describe how Reconstruction affected life in the South for with Southerners and former slaves.
8. Which of these are ALL examples of a racist Southern culture during Reconstruction?
a. black codes, election of Hayes, ratification of 15th amendment.
b. Military supervision, election of Grant, ratification of 13th and 14th
c. Ku Klux Klan, sharecropping, black codes
d. Sharecropping, Freedman’s Bureau, Lincoln’s 10% plan
Describe how Reconstruction affected life in the South for with Southerners and former slaves.
9. Why was the North inclined to remove troops from the South, effectively ending all
Reconstruction efforts?
a. The North did not have the funds to continue
b. The South threatened to start another war
c. It was the only the north could guarantee their Presidential candidate would win
d. Everyone thought the South had suffered long enough
Explain the Compromise of 1877.
10. How does Plessy v. Ferguson illustrate judicial review?
a. The Supreme Court has the ability to uphold the law as they see fit.
b. Courts have always been prejudice toward African Americans.
c. Judges always rule in favor of public opinion.
d. If you challenge a law, the Supreme Court will usually change it.
17. Johnson’s impeachment showed that the U.S. Congress:
a. was corrupt and would do anything to help the aristocrats in America.
b. did not trust that Johnson was looking out for the best interests of all
c. had already abandoned Reconstruction and was ready for a new president.
d. had the most power of any branch in government during this time period.
Examine Johnson’s impeachment
18. How did the passage of the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments impact society?
a. They gave former slaves unlimited opportunities to achieve their dreams in
b. They laid the foundation for the government to pass other laws that eventually
led to equality for the minority races in America.
c. They gave strict punishments to all people that tried to inhibit the rights of the
freed slaves.
d. They gave government protection to the freed slaves so they could live
without fear in America.
Describe the provisions of the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments, and the politics involved in their passage.
19. Which newspaper headline best reflects the desires of the Radical Republicans during
a. “Congress Backs President”
b. “With Malice Toward None”
c. “Southern States Easily Readmitted”
d. “Freedmen Granted Rights of Citizenship”
Compare and Contrast the reconstruction policies of Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson with those of Radical Republicans in
20. Southern states sought to limit the impact of the constitutional amendments passed
during Reconstruction by:
a. rejoining the Union
b. passing black codes
c. ending racial segregation
d. denying women the right to vote
Describe how Reconstruction affected life in the South for with Southerners and former slaves.
21. What characteristic was displayed about the American government through the
decision of Plessy v. Ferguson.
a. America wanted blacks to enjoy the same rights as whites.
b. The Civil War had ended all racist attitudes in the North.
c. The United States was not ready to accept enforce equality for blacks.
d. Federal Courts do not have the ability to overrule state laws.
Explain the decision of Plessy v. Ferguson as it relates to judicial review.
22. What did the Compromise convey about the nature of politics in the United States?
a. Government representatives are often concerned more about the welfare of
their party than the welfare of the people.
b. The U.S. government will not negotiate with terrorists.
c. The South was convincing in their efforts to ensure they would treat African
Americans as equals.
d. States can decide the terms of peace negotiations and the Federal Government
has very little say in the outcome.
Explain the Compromise of 1877.
34. The system of checks and balances is foundational to the United States government.
Which of the following events clearly shows how checks and balances were utilized
during Reconstruction?
a. Radical Republicans using their power to establish military districts in the
South to enforce the new constitutional amendments.
b. President Johnson vetoing the Freedman’s Bureau and Civil Rights act, which
was later overruled by Congress.
c. The passage of the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments to guarantee the rights of
the newly freed slaves.
d. The creation of the KKK Acts by Grant to rid the South of the terrorist-like
Social Justice, Governance
35. What did events such as Plessy v. Ferguson, the Compromise of 1877, and Jim Crow
Laws convey about the status of African Americans in society after the Civil War.
a. The government was doing all it could to protect the rights of all citizens.
b. The South was willing to accept blacks into their society.
c. Their influence in politics would allow them to gain power in society.
d. The Constitution may have given blacks equality, but America still viewed
them as second-class citizens.
Conflict and Compromise, Social Justice, Governance