Download CADD LEGACY PCA Model 6300

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1. Insert 2 AA batteries into the back of the CADD Legacy PCA pump. (NOTE: the + and – signs on the
pump to orient the battery properly.)
2. The pump will go through a diagnostic check and give an automatic review of the delivery mode and
parameters last programmed into the pump.
3. When the main screen is displayed (i.e. “STOPPED”) the pump is ready to be programmed.
4. The pump MUST be in the Lock Level 0 for programming. To do this:
o Press the LOCK key to enter the Lock Level screen
o Use the up arrow key to scroll to LL0.
o When “LL0” is displayed, press the LOCK key and enter the Lock Level code: “063”
(the first 2 digits of the pump’s serial #) by using the up arrow key.
o Press the LOCK key again.
o To confirm that you changed the Lock Level, press the LOCK key to display the Lock
The pump is now ready to be programmed.
5. Press the NEXT key to get to the first programmed screen.
6. Enter the “Reservoir Volume” in mls. This is the total volume in the cassette, bag or syringe
available to be infused. Use the up/down arrow key to scroll to the desired volume and press the
ENTER key to accept the value.
7. Press the NEXT key to advance to the next programming screen.
8. Enter the “Units” of the drug to be infused (milligrams, milliliters or micrograms – ml, mg or mcg)
by scrolling through the options available using the up/down arrow key. Once the appropriate
Units are displayed, press the NEVER key to change the value.
9. Enter the “Concentration” of the drug to be infused (?? Mg/ml or ??mcg/ml) if the Units selected
were either milligrams or micrograms. Scroll through the range of values by using the up/down
arrow key. Press the ENTER key to change the Concentration. NOTE: if milliliters were selected as
the Units, then the Concentration screen will NOT be displayed.
10. Next, enter the “continuous Rate” of infusion if indicated on the prescription. Use the up/down
arrow key to scroll to the desired rate and press the ENTER key to change the Continuous Rate of
infusion. NOTE: if no Continuous rate of infusion is indicated, then enter a value of 0.00.
11. Enter the “Demand Does” in the Units as previously selected. Use the up/down arrow key to scroll
to the desired amount and press the ENTER key to change the Demand Dose. NOTE: if no Demand
Dose is indicated, then enter a value of 0.00.
12. Enter the “Demand Dose Lockout” in minutes. The range is from 5 minutes minimum to a
maximum of 24 hours. Use the up/down arrow key to scroll the appropriate time and press the
ENTER key to change the Demand Dose Lockout. NOTE: if no Demand Dose was programmed, this
screen will NOT be displayed.
13. Enter the “Max Doses Per Hour”. The range available will be displayed at the bottom of this
programming screen. Use the up/down arrow key to scroll to the desired number and press the
ENTER key to change the Max Doses per Hour. NOTE: if no Demand Dose was programmed, this
screen will NOT be displayed.
14. Clear the “Dose Counters” (“Given/Attempted”) by pressing the ENTER key. The pump will keep a
running total of all doses given and attempted since the screen was last cleared. It is suggested
that your facility come up with a protocol for recording the doses given and attempted, and clear
this screen according to policy. If you do not want to clear this screen, press the NEXT key to
advance to the next programming screen.
15. Clear the “Units Given” screen by pressing the ENTER key. The pump will keep a running total of
all units given since the screen was last cleared. It is suggested that your facility come up with a
protocol for recording the units given, and clear this screen according to policy. If you do not want
to clear this screen, press the NEXT key to advance to the next programming screen.
The pump is now programmed!!
If you wish to review the parameters you have programmed into the pump, press the NEXT key repeatedly
to view all of the programming screens in the programming loop and make any changed if required.
16. Attach the appropriate disposable to the pump (cassette, bag spike or syringe attachment) using
the metal CADD key to lock the disposable in place. NOTE: the lock mechanism must be fully
disengaged by turning as far clockwise as possible towards the open white circle before a disposable
can be attached. Now attaché the disposable and lock the locking mechanism. NOTE: the tiny
white dot on the lock mechanism on the pump’s right side must be turned as far counterclockwise
as possible to properly lock and latch the disposable. If the disposable is not properly attached, the
pump will not allow you to start the infusion.
17. To Prime the tubing:
o Tubing must NOT be attached to the patient
o Pump must be stopped and in LL0 or LL1.
o Press the PRIME key and hold the PRIME key down until 3 sets of dashes appears.
o Release the PRIME key
o Press the PRIME key once more to begin priming, keep pressing the PRIME key until
the line is primed.
o The pump will prime at a volume of 0.1 ml per cycle. Continue to hold down the
PRIME key until the line is fully purged.
o Press the NEXT key to get back to the main programming screen.
The pump is now ready to start infusion.
18. You will need to change the Lock Level from LL0 to either LL1 or LL2 before starting the pump and
leaving it with the patient. LL0 allows complete access to all programming and operating features
and should be for Clinician use only. LL1 Level permits limited programming and access, and LL2
permits only minimal access. Refer to the pump’s manual for a Lock Level table. It is suggested
that a facility come up with a protocol for setting Lock Levels.
o To change the lock level, follow the instructions above.
19. Attach the tubing to the patient and open all clamps.
20. To start the pump:
o Press and hold down the STOP/START key.
o 3 sets of dashed lines will disappear.
o Release the STOP/START key once the 3 sets of lines have disappeared.
21. The pump will now do a diagnostic check and automatically review the settings you have just
programmed. Watch the review to make sure that the pump is programmed according to the
prescription. NOTE: if the pump detects any problems it will display an appropriate message on
the screen.
22. While the pump is running, the main screen will display “RUN ResVol ???ml”
23. To review the pump’s settings press the NEXT key repeatedly to advance through the programming
loop. NOTE: the words “Review Only” will be displayed at the bottom of each of the programming
screens because the pump is infusing and no changes to the pump’s programming parameters can
be made while the pump is running.
24. To stop the infusion:
o Press and hold down the STOP/START key.
o 3 sets of dashed lines will appear.
o Release the STOP/START key once the 3 sets of lines have appeared.
25. To administer a Clinician Bolus (Loading Dose):
o The pump must be running
o Press the LOCK key
o Enter the Clinician Bolus Code “997” by pressing the N arrow key three times to count
backwards from 999.
o Press the LOCK key again.
o Enter the amount of drug to be infused using the Y arrow key. The allowable range
will be displayed at the bottom of this screen.
o Press the ENTER key to administer the Clinician Bolus.
Once the clinician bolus (loading dose) has been infused, the pump will resume the infusion as
NOTE: the Clinician Bolus function can be accessed as often as required without any restrictions on time
between doses or max doses per hour as with the patient demand doses, therefore it is essential that the
patients not be given access to the Clinician Bolus code.