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My favourite leisure activity
Below are some ideas of what you MIGHT include. You do not need to include every
bullet point.
N.B. This is an essay about your favourite hobby, not an essay about hobbies in
Description of a hobby or leisure activity, for example shopping, sport, TV,
films or music.
How you came to start the activity
When, where and with whom you practise the activity
Requirements, for example equipment, training, cost, travel
Why you enjoy the activity
Whether you would recommend it to other young people, with reasons
Whether you expect to continue the activity in the future – why, why not?
Points to bear in mind for any coursework essay
Detailed information for high marks in communication – include time
phrases, with whom, where
Personal opinions (with justification, using “parce que, car, à cause de +
noun, grâce à + noun ») for high marks in communication
Narrate events for top marks in communication (e.g. in the past, last week,
last year, in July, during the first week, during the second week, one day, the
following day, etc - use the past tense)
Full descriptions for top marks in communication
Longer sentences and connectives for high marks in range/complexity
More than one time frame (present, past, future, conditional) for high marks
in range/complexity
One or two verbs in the negative
Precision of language for 5 marks out of 6 in range/complexity
Subordinate clauses for 5 marks out of 6 in range/complexity (e.g. qui, que,
je pense que, je crois que, quand, où, ou, aussi, parce que, puis, ensuite, time
phrases, après cela, etc)
Most verb forms correct for 4/5 marks out of 6 for accuracy
Essay more accurate than inaccurate for 4 marks out of 6 for accuracy
Most errors of minor nature for 5 marks out of 6 for accuracy
Include also …
jouer à/jouer de
faire partie de
present tense + depuis
il y a + past tense meaning ago
likes and dislikes verbs + noun or + infinitive
what you should check accurately
adjective agreements
verb endings (“je” form of present tense – most verbs end s, e or x)
accents especially “é” on past participles e.g. j’ai joué, j’ai regardé
variety – don’t use the same words and phrases more than once or twice