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Multiple Choice and Problems
Multiple Choice
Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
____ 1.
a. 2
b. 13
Group ____ in the figure above contains only metals.
c. 17
d. 18
____ 2.
Based on their location in the figure above, oxygen and selenium have
a. the same number of neutrons.
c. similar properties.
b. the same conductivity.
d. the same number of electron orbitals.
____ 3.
a. 13
b. 14
What is the atomic number for aluminum from the figure above?
c. 26.98
d. 26.9815
____ 4.
In the figure above, a neutral atom of silicon contains
a. 14 electrons.
c. 16 electrons.
b. 28.09 electrons.
d. 38 electrons.
____ 5.
The most useful source of chemical information about the elements is a
a. calculator.
c. periodic table.
b. table of metric equivalents.
d. table of isotopes.
____ 6.
a. group.
b. period.
A horizontal row of blocks in the periodic table is called a(n)
c. family.
d. octet.
A vertical column of blocks in the periodic table is called a(n)
a. group.
b. period.
____ 8.
a. inactive.
b. metals.
c. property.
d. octet.
The elements that border the zigzag line in the periodic table are
c. metalloids.
d. nonmetals.
____ 9.
Which is NOT a property of metals?
a. malleability
c. unreactivity
b. ability to conduct heat and electricity
d. tensile strength
____ 10.
Which statement is NOT true of nonmetals?
a. They have characteristics of both metals and nonmetals.
b. Many are gases at room temperature.
c. They have low conductivity.
d. There are fewer nonmetals than metals.
____ 11.
All of the following are steps in the scientific method EXCEPT
a. observing and recording data.
b. forming a hypothesis.
c. discarding data inconsistent with the hypothesis.
d. developing a model.
____ 13.
Expressed in scientific notation, 0.0930 m is
a. 93 x 10–3 m.
c. 9.30 x 10–2 m.
b. 9.3 x 10 m.
d. 9.30 x 10–4 m.
____ 14.
The speed of light is 300 000 km/s. In scientific notation, this speed is
____ 15.
The law of conservation of mass follows from the concept that
a. atoms are indivisible.
b. atoms of different elements have different properties.
c. matter is composed of atoms.
d. atoms can be destroyed in chemical reactions.
____ 16.
In oxides of nitrogen, such as N2O, NO, NO2, and N2O3, atoms combine in small whole-number
ratios. This evidence supports the law of
a. conservation of mass.
c. definite composition.
b. multiple proportions.
d. mass action.
____ 17.
According to the law of conservation of mass, when sodium, hydrogen, and oxygen react to form a
compound, the mass of the compound is ____ the sum of the masses of the individual elements.
a. equal to
c. less than
b. greater than
d. either greater than or less than
____ 18.
Who was the schoolmaster who studied chemistry and proposed an atomic theory?
a. John Dalton
c. Robert Brown
b. Jons Berzelius
d. Dmitri Mendeleev
____ 19.
Which of the following is NOT part of Dalton's atomic theory?
a. Atoms cannot be divided, created, or destroyed.
b. The number of protons in an atom is its atomic number.
c. In chemical reactions, atoms are combined, separated, or rearranged.
d. All matter is composed of extremely small particles called atoms.
____ 20.
Which of the following statements is true?
a. Atoms of the same element may have different masses.
b. Atoms may be divided in ordinary chemical reactions.
c. Atoms can never combine with any other atoms.
d. Matter is composed of large particles called atoms.
____ 21.
a. proton.
b. nucleus.
Experiments with cathode rays led to the discovery of the
c. neutron.
d. electron.
Who discovered the nucleus by bombarding gold foil with positively charged particles and noting
that some particles were widely deflected?
a. Rutherford
c. Chadwick
b. Dalton
d. Bohr
a. nuclide.
b. neutron.
A nuclear particle that has about the same mass as a proton, but with no electrical charge, is called
c. electron.
d. isotope.
____ 24.
The nucleus of an atom has all of the following characteristics EXCEPT that it
a. is positively charged.
c. contains nearly all of the atom's mass.
b. is very dense.
d. contains nearly all of the atom's volume.
a. Nucleus
b. Electron
Which part of an atom has a mass approximately equal to 1/2000 of the mass of a common
hydrogen atom?
c. proton
d. electron cloud
____ 26.
The mass of a neutron is
a. about the same as that of a proton.
b. about the same as that of an electron.
c. double that of a proton.
d. double that of an electron.
____ 27.
The nucleus of most atoms is composed of
a. tightly packed protons.
c. tightly packed protons and neutrons.
b. tightly packed neutrons.
d. loosely connected protons and electrons.
____ 28.
Protons have
a. negative charges.
b. an attraction for neutrons.
c. no charges.
d. no mass.
____ 29.
An atom is electrically neutral because
a. neutrons balance the protons and electrons.
b. nuclear forces stabilize the charges.
c. the numbers of protons and electrons are equal.
d. the numbers of protons and neutrons are equal.
____ 30.
a. nucleus.
b. nuclides.
Most of the volume of an atom is occupied by the
c. electron cloud.
d. protons.
____ 31.
The charge on the electron cloud
a. prevents compounds from forming.
b. balances the charge on the nucleus.
c. attracts electron clouds in other atoms to form compounds.
d. does not exist.
The smallest unit of an element that can exist either alone or in combination with other such
particles of the same or different elements is the
a. electron.
c. neutron.
b. proton.
d. atom.
____ 33.
Isotopes are atoms of the same element that have different
a. principal chemical properties.
c. numbers of protons.
b. masses.
d. numbers of electrons.
____ 34.
a. moles.
b. isotopes.
Atoms of the same element that have different masses are called
c. nuclides.
d. neutrons.
____ 35.
a. electrons.
b. protons.
Isotopes of an element contain different numbers of
c. neutrons.
d. nuclides.
____ 36.
Helium-4 and helium-3 are
a. isotopes.
b. different elements.
c. compounds.
d. nuclei.
____ 37.
Isotopes of each element differ in
a. the number of neutrons in the nucleus.
b. atomic number.
c. the number of electrons in the highest energy level.
d. the total number of electrons.
____ 38.
The atomic number of oxygen, 8, indicates that there are eight
a. protons in the nucleus of an oxygen atom.
b. oxygen nuclides.
c. neutrons outside the oxygen atom's nucleus.
d. energy levels in the oxygen atom's nucleus.
____ 39.
In determining atomic mass units, the standard is the
a. C-12 atom.
c. H-1 atom.
b. C-14 atom.
d. O-16 atom.
____ 40.
The atomic mass listed in the periodic table is the
a. average atomic mass.
b. relative atomic mass of the most abundant isotope.
c. relative atomic mass of the most stable radioactive isotope.
d. mass number of the most abundant isotope.
A neutral carbon atom (atomic number 6) has
a. 3 electrons and 3 neutrons.
b. 6 protons.
c. 3 protons and 3 electrons.
d. 3 protons and 3 neutrons.
____ 42.
Chlorine has atomic number 17 and mass number 35. It has
a. 17 protons, 17 electrons, and 18 neutrons.
b. 35 protons, 35 electrons, and 17 neutrons.
c. 17 protons, 17 electrons, and 52 neutrons.
d. 18 protons, 18 electrons, and 17 neutrons.
____ 43.
Nickel-60 (atomic number 28) has
a. 28 neutrons.
c. 60 neutrons.
b. 32 neutrons.
d. 88 neutrons.
____ 44.
Silicon-30 contains 14 protons. It also contains
a. 16 electrons.
c. 30 neutrons.
b. 16 neutrons.
d. 44 neutrons.
____ 45.
Neon-22 contains 12 neutrons. It also contains
a. 12 protons.
c. 22 electrons.
b. 22 protons.
d. 10 protons.
____ 46.
One of the wave properties of electromagnetic radiation, such as light, is
a. volume.
c. mass.
b. frequency.
d. weight.
____ 47.
The emission of electrons from metals that have absorbed photons is called the
a. interference effect.
c. quantum effect.
b. photoelectric effect.
d. dual effect.
____ 48.
A line spectrum is produced when an electron moves from one energy level
a. to a higher energy level.
b. to a lower energy level.
c. into the nucleus.
d. to another position in the same sublevel.
____ 49.
For an electron in an atom to change from the ground state to an excited state,
a. energy must be released.
b. energy must be absorbed.
c. radiation must be emitted.
d. the electron must make a transition from a higher to a lower energy level.
____ 50.
If electrons in an atom have the lowest possible energies, the atom is in the
a. ground state.
c. excited state.
b. inert state.
d. radiation-emitting state.
____ 51.
The part of the atom where the electrons CANNOT be found is the
a. area surrounding the nucleus.
c. electron cloud.
b. nucleus.
d. orbitals.
____ 52.
a. charge.
b. mass.
The size and shape of an electron cloud are most closely related to the electron's
c. spin.
d. energy.
With the quantum model of the atom, scientists have come to believe that determining an electron's
exact location around the nucleus
is impossible.
can be done before 2005.
can be done easily.
can be done only with specialized equipment.
____ 54
All of the following describe the Heisenberg uncertainly principle EXCEPT
a. it states that it is impossible to determine simultaneously both the position and velocity of
an electron or any other particle.
b. it is one of the fundamental principles of our present understanding of light and matter.
c. it helped lay the foundation for the modern quantum theory.
d. it helps to locate an electron in an atom.
____ 55.
A three-dimensional region around a nucleus where an electron may be found is called a(n)
a. spectral line.
c. orbital.
b. electron path.
d. orbit.
____ 56.
Unlike in an orbit, in an orbital
a. an electron's position cannot be known precisely.
b. an electron has no energy.
c. electrons cannot be found.
d. protons cannot be found.
a. 1
b. 2
How many quantum numbers are needed to describe the energy state of an electron in an atom?
c. 3
d. 4
____ 58.
Quantum numbers are sets of numbers that describe the properties of
a. the atomic nucleus.
c. atoms.
b. atomic orbitals.
d. molecules.
____ 59.
The spin quantum number of an electron can be thought of as describing
a. the direction of electron spin.
b. whether the electron's charge is positive or negative.
c. the electron's exact location in orbit.
d. the number of revolutions the electron makes about the nucleus per second.
____ 60.
a. Spin
b. Stability
An electron for which n = 4 has more ____ than an electron for which n = 2.
c. energy
d. wave nature
____ 61.
a. 3d.
b. 8s.
An orbital that could never exist according to the quantum description of the atom is
c. 6d.
d. 3f.
____ 62.
The letter designations for the first four sublevels with the number of electrons that can be
accommodated in each sublevel are
a. s:1, p:3, d:10, and f:14.
c. s:2, p:6, d:10, and f:14.
b. s:1, p:3, d:5, and f:7.
d. s:1, p:2, d:3, and f:4.
____ 63.
The statement that an electron occupies the lowest available energy orbital is
a. Hund's rule.
c. Bohr's law.
b. the Aufbau principle.
d. the Pauli exclusion principle.
____ 64.
The Aufbau principle states that an electron
a. can have only one spin number.
b. occupies the lowest available energy level.
c. must be paired with another electron.
d. must enter an s orbital.
____ 65.
The Pauli exclusion principle states that no two electrons in the same atom can
a. occupy the same orbital.
c. have the same set of quantum numbers.
b. have the same spin quantum numbers.
d. be at the same main energy level.
____ 66.
The element with electron configuration 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p2 is
a. Mg (Z = 12).
c. S (Z = 16).
b. C (Z = 6).
d. Si (Z = 14).
____ 67.
What is the electron configuration for nitrogen, atomic number 7?
a. 1s2 2s2 2p3
c. 1s2 2s3 2p1
b. 1s 2s 2p
d. 1s2 2s2 2p2 3s1
____ 68.
An element with 8 electrons in its highest main energy level is a(n)
a. octet element.
c. Aufbau element.
b. third period element.
d. noble gas.
The idea of arranging the elements in the periodic table according to their chemical and physical
properties is attributed to
a. Mendeleev.
c. Bohr.
b. Moseley.
d. Ramsay.
____ 70.
Mendeleev left spaces in his periodic table and predicted several elements and their
a. atomic numbers.
c. properties.
b. colors.
d. radioactivity.
____ 71.
Mendeleev's table was called periodic because the properties of the elements
a. showed no pattern.
b. occurred at repeated intervals called periods.
c. occurred at regular time intervals called periods.
d. were identical.
____ 72.
Moseley's work led to the realization that elements with similar properties occurred at regular
intervals when the elements were arranged in order of increasing
a. atomic mass.
c. radioactivity.
b. density.
d. atomic number.
____ 73.
What are the elements whose discovery added an entirely new row to Mendeleev's periodic table?
a. noble gases
c. transition elements
b. radioactive elements
d. metalloids
What are the radioactive elements with atomic numbers from 90 to 103 in the periodic table
a. the noble gases
c. the actinides
b. the lanthanides
d. the rare-earth elements
____ 75.
What are the elements with atomic numbers from 58 to 71 in the periodic table called?
a. the lanthanide elements
c. the actinide elements
b. the noble gases
d. the alkali metals
____ 76.
Argon, krypton, and xenon are
a. alkaline earth metals.
c. actinides.
b. noble gases.
d. lanthanides.
In the modern periodic table, elements are ordered according to
a. decreasing atomic mass.
c. increasing atomic number.
b. Mendeleev's original design.
d. the date of their discovery.
The periodic law states that the physical and chemical properties of elements are periodic functions
of their atomic
a. masses.
c. radii.
b. numbers.
d. structures.
____ 79.
a. group.
b. period.
A horizontal row of blocks in the periodic table is called a(n)
c. family.
d. octet.
____ 80.
To which group do lithium and potassium belong? Refer to the figure above.
a. alkali metals
c. halogens
b. transition metals
d. noble gases
Elements to the right side of the periodic table (p-block elements) have properties most associated
a. gases.
c. metals.
b. nonmetals.
d. metalloids.
____ 82.
Elements in which the d-sublevel is being filled have the properties of
a. metals.
c. metalloids.
b. nonmetals.
d. gases.
____ 83.
Compared to the alkali metals, the alkaline-earth metals
a. are less reactive.
c. are less dense.
b. have lower melting points.
d. combine more readily with nonmetals.
____ 84.
Atomic size is determined by measuring the
a. radius of an individual atom.
b. distance between nuclei of adjacent atoms.
c. diameter of an individual atom.
d. volume of the electron cloud of adjacent atoms.
____ 85.
A measure of the ability of an atom in a chemical compound to attract electrons is called
a. electron affinity.
c. electronegativity.
b. electron configuration.
d. ionization potential.
____ 86.
a. oxygen.
b. sodium.
The element that has the greatest electronegativity is
c. chlorine.
d. fluorine.
____ 87.
Ionization energy is the energy required to remove ____ from an atom of an element.
a. the electron cloud
c. an electron
b. the nucleus
d. an ion
____ 88.
A positive ion is known as a(n)
a. ionic radius.
c. cation.
b. valence electron.
d. anion
____ 89.
A negative ion is known as a(n)
a. ionic radius.
c. cation.
b. valence electron.
d. anion.
____ 90.
In a row in the periodic table, as the atomic number increases, the atomic radius generally
a. decreases.
c. increases.
b. remains constant.
d. becomes unmeasurable.
____ 91.
As you move down the periodic table from carbon through lead, atomic radii
a. generally increase.
c. do not change.
b. generally decrease.
d. vary unpredictably.
____ 92.
The electrons available to be lost, gained, or shared when atoms form molecules are called
a. ions.
c. d electrons.
b. valence electrons.
d. electron clouds.
____ 93.
a. 1.
b. 2.
The number of valence electrons in Group 1 elements is
c. 8.
d. equal to the period number.
____ 94.
a. 7.
The number of valence electrons in Group 17 elements is
c. 17.
b. 8.
d. equal to the period number.
A mutual electrical attraction between the nuclei and valence electrons of different atoms that
binds the atoms together is called a(n)
a. dipole.
c. chemical bond.
b. Lewis structure.
d. London force.
____ 96.
Atoms are ____ when they are combined.
a. more stable
c. not bound together
b. less stable
d. at a high potential energy
A chemical bond resulting from the electrostatic attraction between positive and negative ions is
called a(n)
a. covalent bond.
c. charged bond.
b. ionic bond.
d. dipole bond.
____ 98.
The chemical bond formed when two atoms share electrons is called a(n)
a. ionic bond.
c. Lewis structure.
b. orbital bond.
d. covalent bond.
____ 99.
If two covalently bonded atoms are identical, the bond is
a. nonpolar covalent.
c. nonionic.
b. polar covalent.
d. coordinate covalent.
____ 100.
a. nonpolar.
b. polar.
If the atoms that share electrons have an unequal attraction for the electrons, the bond is called
c. ionic.
d. dipolar.
____ 101.
The B—F bond in BF3 (electronegativity for B is 2.0; electronegativity for F is 4.0) is
a. polar covalent.
c. nonpolar covalent.
b. ionic.
d. pure covalent.
____ 102.
a. Cl2
b. H2
In which of these compounds is the bond between the atoms NOT a nonpolar covalent bond?
c. HCl
d. O2
____ 103.
A molecule is a
a. negatively charged group of atoms held together by covalent bonds.
b. positively charged group of atoms held together by covalent bonds.
c. neutral group of atoms held together by covalent bonds.
d. neutral group of atoms held together by ionic bonds.
____ 104.
What principle states that atoms tend to form compounds so that each atom can have eight
electrons in its outermost energy level?
a. rule of eights
c. configuration rule
b. Avogadro principle
d. octet rule
____ 105.
Multiple covalent bonds may occur in atoms that contain carbon, nitrogen, or
a. chlorine.
c. oxygen.
b. hydrogen.
d. helium.
A shorthand representation of the composition of a substance using atomic symbols and numerical
subscripts is called a(n)
a. Lewis structure.
c. polyatomic ion.
b. chemical formula.
d. multiple bond.
____ 107.
The ions in an ionic compound are organized into a(n)
a. molecule.
c. polyatomic ion.
b. Lewis structure.
d. crystal.
____ 108.
In a crystal of an ionic compound, each cation is surrounded by
a. molecules.
c. dipoles.
b. positive ions.
d. anions.
____ 109.
The simplest repeating unit of a crystal is known as a(n)
a. unit cell.
c. ionic compound.
b. crystal lattice.
d. salt.
____ 110.
Which of the following is NOT a property of an ionic compound?
a. low boiling point
c. hardness
b. brittleness
d. molten compound conducts electricity
____ 111.
A chemical bond formed by the attraction between positive ions and surrounding mobile electrons
is a(n)
a. nonpolar covalent bond.
c. polar covalent bond.
b. ionic bond.
d. metallic bond.
____ 112.
In the electron-sea model of a metallic bond,
a. electrons are stationary.
b. electrons are bonded to particular positive ions.
c. some electrons are valence electrons and some are not.
d. mobile electrons are shared by all the atoms.
____ 113
a. brittle.
b. dull.
The electron-sea model of the metallic bond helps to explain why metals are
c. shiny.
d. malleable.
____ 114.
Metals are malleable because the metallic bonding
a. holds the layers of ions in rigid positions.
b. does not produce ions.
c. allows one plane of ions to slide past another.
d. is easily broken.
____ 115.
VSEPR theory is a model for predicting
a. the strength of metallic bonds.
c. lattice energy values.
b. the shape of molecules.
d. ionization energy.
____ 116.
A chemical formula includes the symbols of the elements in the compound and subscripts that
a. the number of moles in each element.
b. how many atoms or ions of each type are combined in the simplest unit.
c. the formula mass.
d. the charges on the elements or ions.
a. 1
b. 2
How many atoms of fluorine are present in a molecule of carbon tetrafluoride, CF4?
c. 4
d. 5
____ 118.
Changing a subscript in a correctly written chemical formula
a. changes the number of moles represented by the formula.
b. changes the charges on the other ions in the compound.
c. changes the formula so that it no longer represents that compound.
d. has no effect on the formula.
____ 119.
a. ZnF
b. ZnF2
What is the formula for zinc fluoride?
c. Zn2F
d. Zn2F3
____ 120.
a. PbCrO4
b. Pb2CrO4
What is the formula for the compound formed by lead(II) ions and chromate ions?
c. Pb2(CrO4)3
d. Pb(CrO4)2
____ 121.
a. AlSO4
b. Al2SO4
What is the formula for aluminum sulfate?
c. Al2(SO4)3
d. Al(SO4)3
____ 122.
What is the formula for tin(IV) chromate?
a. Sn(CrO4)4
c. Sn2(CrO4)4
b. Sn2(CrO4)2
d. Sn(CrO4)2
____ 123.
a. BaOH
b. BaOH2
What is the formula for barium hydroxide?
c. Ba(OH)2
d. Ba(OH)
____ 124.
Name the compound Ni(ClO3)2.
a. nickel chlorate
c. nickel chlorite
b. nickel chloride
d. nickel peroxide
____ 125.
Name the compound KClO3.
a. potassium chloride
b. potassium trioxychlorite
____ 126.
a. Co2+
b. Cl2–
c. potassium chlorate
d. hypochlorite
What is the metallic ion in copper(II) chloride?
c. Cu2+
d. Cl–
____ 127.
Name the compound CF4.
a. calcium fluoride
b. carbon fluoride
c. carbon tetrafluoride
d. monocarbon quadrafluoride
____ 128.
Name the compound SiO2.
a. silver oxide
b. silicon oxide
c. silicon dioxide
d. monosilicon dioxide
____ 129.
Name the compound N2O4.
a. sodium tetroxide
b. dinitrogen tetroxide
c. nitrous oxide
d. binitrogen oxide
____ 130.
a. N2O
b. NOO
What is the formula for nitrogen monoxide?
c. NO
d. N2O2
____ 131.
a. SO2
b. SiO2
What is the formula for silicon dioxide?
c. Si2O
d. S2O
____ 132.
a. P2PeO5
b. PO5
What is the formula for diphosphorous pentoxide?
c. P2O4
d. P2O5
____ 133.
a. CaS2
b. CS2
What is the formula for carbon disulfide?
c. S2C
d. SC2
For the next 3 questions: A certain atom has an atomic number of 19 and an atomic mass of 41.
____ 134. How many electrons does this atom have?
1) 19
2) 22
3) 3
4) 11
5) none of these
____ 135. How many the energy levels contain one or more electrons when
this atom is in its ground state.
1) 19
2) 10
3) 9
4) 3
5) 4
____ 136. How many electrons are in the last energy level of this atom?
1) 1
2) 2
3) 3
4) 4
5) 5
For the next 3 questions: An atom has 16 electrons and 19 neutrons.
____ 137. What is the atomic number of this atom?
1) 3
2) 16
3) 17
4) 19
5) 35
____ 138. How many energy levels contain one or more electrons in this atom?
1) 3
2) 5
3) 8
4) 9
____ 139. Find the number of orbitals that contain one or more electrons in this atom.
1) 5
2) 7
3) 9
4) 16
140.What is the wavelength of electromagnetic radiation which has a frequency of 4.464 x 1014 s-1?
a. 1.338 x 1023 m
b. 1.489 x 10-6 m
c. 6.716 x 10-7 nm
d. 671.6 nm
e. 7.472 x 10-15 nm
141. What is the wavelength of electromagnetic radiation which has a frequency of 5.732 x 1014 s-
a. 1.718 x 1023 m
b. 1.912 x 106 m
c. 5.230 x 10-7 m
d. 523.0 m
e. 5.819 x 10-15 nm
142. Calculate the frequency of visible light having a wavelength of 464.1 nm
a. 139.1 s-1
b. 1.548 x 10-6 s-1
c. 1.548 x 10-15 s-1
d. 6.460 x 1014 s-1
e. 6.460 x 105 s-1
143. A police radar unit is operating on a frequency of 9.527 Gigahertz. What is the wavelength of
the radiation being employed?
a. 314.7 nm
b. 314.7 m
c. 3.147 cm
d. 314.7 cm
e. 31.78 m
144. Which one of the following types of radiation has the lowest frequency?
a. FM radio waves
b. infrared radiation
c. microwave radiation
d. x-rays
e. ultraviolet rays
145. Which one of the following types of radiation has the highest frequency?
a. blue visible light
b. FM radio
c. infrared radiation
d. microwave radiation
e. short wave radio waves
146. Which one of the following types of radiation has the highest frequency?
a. x-rays
b. ultraviolet rays
c. FM radio waves
d. microwave radiation
e. infrared radiation
147. Which one of the following types of radiation has the shortest wavelength?
a. FM radio waves
b. infrared radiation
c. microwave radiation
d. ultraviolet rays
e. x-rays
148. Which one of the following types of radiation has the longest wavelength?
a. gamma rays
b. green colored visible light rays
c. red colored visible light rays
d. ultraviolet rays
e. x-rays
149. What is the energy, in joules, of one photon of microwave radiation with a wavelength of
0.158 m?
a. 1.26 x 10-24 J
b. 3.14 x 10-26 J
c. 3.19 x 1025 J
d. 3.49 x 10-43 J
e. 7.15 x 1040 J
150. What is the energy, in joules, of one photon of visible radiation with a wavelength of 464.1
a. 1.026 x 10-48 J
b. 2.100 x 1035 J
c. 2.341 x 1011 J
d. 4.280 x 10-19 J
e. 4.280 x 10-12 J
151. What is the wavelength, in nm, of radiation which has an energy of 3.371 x 10-19 joules per
a. 655.9 nm
b. 152.5 nm
c. 170.0 nm
. 589.3 nm
e. 745.1 nm
152. What is the frequency, in sec-1, of radiation which has an energy of 219.1 kJ per mole (of
these photons)?
a. 615.9 x 1014 sec-1
b. 1.624 x 1014 sec-1
c. 1.058 x 10-10 sec-1
d. 5.491 x 1014 sec-1
e. 3.588 x 10-19 sec-1
153. The definite energies associated with specific wavelengths in the emission spectrum of
atomic hydrogen suggest that
a. electrons have a smaller rest mass than photons
b. photons have a smaller rest mass than electrons
c. energy states in the hydrogen atom are quantized
d. atomic hydrogen is more stable and has a lower potential energy than molecularhydrogen
e. the potential energy of electrons in the atom can have any arbitrary value over a period of time, but the
kinetic energy may only have certain specific values