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Name:__________________________________________ Core:______ Date:___________
Version: __Hopkins________________________________
Chapter 16 & 17 Test
Matching: Part 1
Directions: Match the term/person to the question below. (Not every term will be used.)
a. Anaconda Plan
b. King Cotton
c. Rifles with minié balls
d. Ironclads
e. Pickett’s Charge
_____ 1. What did the North call its strategy to defeat the South by forming a naval blockade
and by capturing the Mississippi River?
_____ 2. On what did the South’s strategy to win foreign support depend?
_____ 3. Which change in military technology most affected the average soldier and increased
the casualty rate?
Matching: Part 2
Directions: Match the term/person to the question below. (Not every term will be used.)
a. Fort Wagner
b. Fort Sumter
c. New Orleans
d. Shiloh
e. Antietam
_____ 4. Union forces stopped a Confederate invasion of the North at which battle, the
bloodiest one day battle in American history?
_____ 5. The capture of which city advanced the Union’s goal of dividing the Confederacy in
_____ 6. The Civil War began when Southern forces attacked U.S. troops at what place?
Matching: Part 3
Directions: Match the term/person to the question below. (Not every term will be used.)
a. Joseph Hooker
b. Ambrose Burnside
c. George McClellan
d. Ulysses Grant
e. William T. Sherman
_____ 7. Which cautious Union commander failed to capture the Confederate capital of
Richmond and was fired by Lincoln as a result?
_____ 8. Who was fired for the Union loss at the Battle of Fredericksburg?
_____ 9. Who was instrumental with General Grant in dividing the South?
Matching: Part 4
Directions: Match the term/person to the question below. (Not every term will be used.)
a. George Pickett
b. Robert E. Lee
c. Frederick Douglass
d. Ulysses Grant
e. Stonewall Jackson
_____ 10. Which talented military officer resigned from the U.S. Army and became the
commanding general of the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia?
_____ 11. Who commanded Union forces at Shiloh, Tennessee, and was criticized after the
battle for the high number of casualties suffered by the army?
_____ 12. Who tried to attack the middle of Union forces at the battle of Gettysburg?
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Multiple Choice: Choose the best answer
13. How did Americans feel about the Civil War before the fighting began?
a. Both sides thought it would be a short war.
b. Some Confederate leaders hoped the North would accept secession.
c. Some officials in the Northern Border States did not want to provide troops to
fight against other slave states.
d. All of the above are true.
e. Both A & C
14. What was one non-military reason for the Southern loss in the Civil War?
a. The Union had more soldiers
b. The Union had better military weapons
c. The Confederacy had more experienced soldiers
d. Robert E. Lee lost Antietam
e. The Confederacy had a fight between state & federal government
15. Why were Northerners most eager to go to war?
a. To prevent the spread of slavery.
b. To abolish slavery.
c. To preserve the Union.
d. To get revenge on Southerners.
e. None of the Above
16. The Monitor and Merrimack are examples of:
a. Military Strategies
b. Soldiers
c. Generals
d. Battles
e. Ironclads
17. Where was the fort that Southern forces attacked at the start of the Civil War?
a. The harbor of Baltimore, Maryland.
b. The mouth of the Mississippi River.
c. The harbor of Charleston, South Carolina.
d. Off the coast of St. Augustine, Florida.
e. Off the coast of LBI, New Jersey
18. How did the South’s economy put it at a disadvantage in the Civil War?
a. The South did not have the industries it needed to make war supplies.
b. Slavery reduced the number of men available to serve in the army.
c. It had a poor internal transportation system because it depended on exports.
d. All of the above are true.
e. None of the Above
19. Which of the following statements about Civil War soldiers is true?
a. Both sides actively recruited African-American soldiers.
b. Farmers made up the largest group among Civil War soldiers.
c. Immigrants helped to fill to Confederate armies.
d. All of the above are true.
e. None of these are true
20. Which of the following made army life difficult?
a. The enemy frequently raided army camps at night.
b. Civil War hand grenades often exploded in soldiers’ knapsacks.
c. Diseases spread throughout camp because of unsanitary practices.
d. Soldiers from the same town were separated and into different regiments.
e. Very few nights of “General Lee Karaoke”
21. Which was NOT a complaint of President Lincoln about his military commander in the
East, General George McClellan?
a. McClellan ordered his army to retreat after a series of battles in Virginia.
b. McClellan failed to pursue and capture the Confederate army after the Battle of
c. McClellan failed to properly train the army.
d. McClellan seemed too cautious and unwilling to move against the enemy.
e. None of the Above
22. What advantage(s) did the South have in a war with the North?
a. It did not have to invade and conquer the North in order to win.
b. Its soldiers were better trained than the Northern troops.
c. The South had more rifles and cannons than the North.
d. The South’s capital was far from enemy territory and not easily threatened by
Union forces.
e. Both B & C
23. Confederate troops invaded Maryland in September, 1862 for all of the following reasons
EXCEPT which one?
a. To convince Maryland to secede and join the Confederacy.
b. To move the war out of Virginia so its farmers could harvest their crops.
c. To convince Lincoln to make peace with the South.
d. To seize food from Northern farms.
e. None of the Above
24. Which battle was considered the turning point of the war?
a. Gettysburg.
b. Cold Harbor.
c. Antietam.
d. Andersonville.
e. 2nd Battle of Bull Run
25. Why did Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation happen so long into the war?
a. There were no slaves to be freed in states loyal to the Union.
b. Lincoln believed that Northern slaves were treated better than Southern slaves, so
they did not need to be free.
c. Lincoln believed he had the authority to free slaves in rebelling states as a military
d. Lincoln did not want to offend his wife’s relatives in Kentucky.
e. Lincoln wanted to use it to get support from Europe
26. What inspired African-Americans to enlist in the Union army?
a. They hoped that fighting in the war would convince Lincoln to issue the
Emancipation Proclamation.
b. The Emancipation Proclamation made ending slavery a goal of the war.
c. The government offered African-Americans the same pay as white soldiers if they
would enlist.
d. The government offered all African-American soldiers the best equipment and
e. None of the Above
27. What was true of the 54th Massachusetts Regiment?
a. They won fame for fighting bravely at Fort Wagner.
b. They were a group of African-American soldiers who fought without pay, rather
than accept less pay than white soldiers.
c. They increased the popularity and enlistment of African-American soldiers in the
Union army.
d. All of the above are true.
e. Both B & C
28. Who founded a relief agency that later became the Red Cross?
a. Walt Whitman.
b. Harriet Tubman.
c. William Sherman.
d. Clara Barton.
e. Flavor Flav
29. Which of the following is NOT a reason Lee aimed for Antietam?
a. To get help from Europe
b. To help Southern farmers
c. To attack Northern farms
d. Force Lincoln into accepting peace talks
e. None of the Above
30. How did the Union draft compare to the Confederate draft?
a. Northerners were more willing to be drafted than were Southerners.
b. Each side’s army was largely made up of men who had been drafted.
c. Southerners were more willing to volunteer than were Northerners.
d. Both sides allowed drafted men to hire substitutes to serve in their place.
e. None of the Above
31. This was the first land battle of the Civil War where Union supporters showed up with
games and picnic supplies.
a. Appomattox
b. Gettysburg
c. Fort Sumter
d. 2nd Battle of Bull Run
e. None of the Above
32. Appomattox Court House is important because it was:
a. The site of the bloodiest battle of the Civil War.
b. The site where Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant.
c. The Confederate capital after Richmond was captured in 1865.
d. The location of the Supreme Court of the Confederacy.
e. Lincoln was assassinated
33. Which of the following led to the Battle of Gettysburg?
a. Confederate troops searched for shoes in Pennsylvania.
b. Lee invaded the North, hoping to fuel Northern discontent with the war.
c. Lee hoped that a victory on Northern soil would lead European nations to
recognize the Confederacy.
d. All of the above are true.
e. Both A & C
34. Which was NOT a result of the Emancipation Proclamation?
a. It had little immediate impact on slavery.
b. It encouraged slaves to escape when Union armies are nearby.
c. It united Northerners in support of the war.
d. Escaped slaves became soldiers in the Union army.
e. Confederate soldiers/citizens did paid attention to Lincoln
35. For what reason is the 54th Massachusetts Regiment remembered today?
a. This group of African-American troops fought bravely in North Carolina.
b. They joined William Tecumseh Sherman on his march through Georgia.
c. They surrounded Richmond, Virginia causing Robert E. Lee to surrender.
d. All of the above are true.
e. Both A& C.
36. Why were some African-Americans upset with Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation?
a. Once the slaves were free they would have no cause to fight for.
b. They thought Lincoln should have freed all enslaved persons.
c. They opposed making the Civil War a war over slavery.
d. They were against African-Americans serving in the military. (Weird right?)
e. They were against conscription
37. Which of the following was NOT true of women in the Civil War?
a. They took men’s places in offices and factories.
b. They ran farms and plantations.
c. They served in Congress.
d. They spied on the enemy.
e. None of the Above
38. What is meant by the statement that William Tecumseh Sherman waged total war?
a. He fought all of the Confederate army in one battle.
b. He made war against everything that could support the enemy army.
c. He calculated his victories by counting the total value of property destroyed.
d. He killed as many civilians as soldiers.
e. None of the Above
39. What did “Stonewall” Jackson’s death mean for the South?
a. It deprived Lee of one of his best generals.
b. It cut short the career of a Union spy.
c. It made the South believe they could lose the war.
d. It removed Lee’s main rival for leadership.
e. None of the Above
40. Which is true about the Siege of Vicksburg?
a. The Union victory at Vicksburg resulted from Grant’s ruthless practice of total
b. The loss at Vicksburg cut the Confederacy in two at the Mississippi River.
c. Grant’s army surrounded the city of Vicksburg and captured it.
d. After Vicksburg, Britain decided to aid the South before it was too late.
e. None of the Above
41. Why did poor whites complain the Civil War was a “rich man’s war, but a poor man’s
a. Rich people were officers and poor people were soldiers
b. Rich people would fund the war but the poor were expected to fight.
c. The wealthy could hire replacement soldiers to avoid going to war.
d. All of the above are true.
e. None of the Above
42. Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation after Antietam because:
a. He wanted to be in a position of strength when he freed the slaves.
b. He needed to lose another battle before he could free the slaves.
c. After the loss of Antietam, he did not care what Congress thought.
d. All of the above are true.
e. He didn’t want to anger the border states
43. A major Confederate mistake which led to Union victory at Gettysburg was:
a. “Stonewall” Jackson’s injury on the Pennsylvania battlefield.
b. Hostage starvation at Andersonville.
c. Pickett’s Charge.
d. Belle Boyd’s mix-up of information.
e. McClellan not following Lee
44. William Tecumseh Sherman’s conquest of Atlanta:
a. Meant that the South had no chance of winning the war.
b. Caused Clara Barton to form a relief agency.
c. Helped Lincoln win re-election in 1864.
d. Inspired the Gettysburg Address.
e. Both C & D
45. Lee surrendered to Grant at Appomattox Court House because:
a. Grant’s troops had surrounded the Confederates at Antietam.
b. Grant’s troops had captured Richmond, the Confederate capital.
c. Grant’s troops held Lee’s wife hostage at Arlington, Virginia.
d. Grant’s troops had surrounded Lee’s troops at Gettysburg.
e. Grant’s troops had captured Shiloh, Lee’s 2nd base
46. One effect after the war is:
a. Pickett seeking revenge for his failed attack
b. “Stonewall” Jackson died by his own troops
c. McClellan running for president
d. Lincolns’ assassination
e. Davis secretly planning to overthrow the Union
47. This was the most famous war prison during the war
a. Fort Sumter
b. Andersonville
c. Fort Wagner
d. Vicksburg
e. None of the Above
48. This major battle dealt with the issue of conscription and who should be required to serve
the military.
a. New York City draft riots
b. Antietam
c. Fredericksburg
d. Pickett’s Charge
e. Fort Wagner
49. Which of the following is a reason that Lincoln use God in his Emancipation
Proclamation speech?
a. He wanted to convert Southern Christians to his cause
b. He wanted to appeal to African-American churches
c. He expected the Confederacy to surrender out of fear
d. He wanted to reassure Quakers that he would not waiver on fighting slavery
e. He wanted to state this war was the will of God.
50. The Civil War moved from being a war about unity, to a war about:
a. Greenbacks
b. Income Taxes
c. State Rights
d. Lincoln
e. Liberation
Name:__________________________________________ Core:______ Date:___________
Version: __Holmes_______________________________
Chapter 16 & 17 Test
Matching: Part 1
Directions: Match the term/person to the question below. (Not every term will be used.)
a. Greenbacks
b. Bounties
c. Seven Days’ Battles
d. Antietam
e. Gettysburg
_____ 1. What is the new paper currency called?
_____ 2. Cash payments or ____________ were offered to men who served
_____ 3. The battle where Lee protected Richmond from McClellan
Matching: Part 2
Directions: Match the term/person to the question below. (Not every term will be used.)
a. Fort Sumter
b. Fort Wagner
c. Gettysburg
d. Antietam
e. Shiloh
_____ 4. Battle where Grant took a heavy loss.
_____ 5. Pickett’s Charge goes hand-in-hand with this major battle
_____ 6. Most of the 54th regiment met their end here
Matching: Part 3
Directions: Match the term/person to the question below. (Not every term will be used.)
a. Ambrose Burnside
b. Joseph Hooker
c. George Meade
d. Ulysses Grant
e. William T. Sherman
_____ 7. Which Union Commander failed to chase after Lee after Gettysburg?
_____ 8. Who was fired after losing to Lee despite having double Lee’s numbers?
_____ 9. Who believed in the concept, “Total War”?
Matching: Part 4
Directions: Match the term/person to the question below. (Not every term will be used.)
a. George Pickett
b. George McClellan
c. Frederick Douglass
d. Stonewall Jackson
e. Ulysses Grant
_____ 10. Which talented military officer won the Battle of Antietam?
_____ 11. Who was described as Lee’s “right arm”?
_____ 12. Who tried to attack the middle of Union forces at the battle of Gettysburg?
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Multiple Choice: Choose the best answer
13. How did Americans feel about the Civil War before the fighting began?
a. Both sides thought it would be a short war.
b. Some Confederate leaders hoped the North would accept secession.
c. Some officials in the Northern Border States did not want to provide troops to
fight against other slave states.
d. All of the above are true.
e. Both A & C
14. What was one non-military reason for the Southern loss in the Civil War?
a. The Union had more soldiers
b. The Union had better military weapons
c. The Confederacy had more experienced soldiers
d. Robert E. Lee lost Antietam
e. The Confederacy had a fight between state & federal government
15. Why were Northerners most eager to go to war?
a. To prevent the spread of slavery.
b. To abolish slavery.
c. To preserve the Union.
d. To get revenge on Southerners.
e. None of the Above
16. The Monitor and Merrimack are examples of:
a. Military Strategies
b. Soldiers
c. Generals
d. Battles
e. Ironclads
For the following questions, read the quote and determine who would be the most logical
39. “Why can’t my generals finish off Lee?”
a. Lincoln
b. Davis
c. Grant
d. Meade
e. David
40. “Lincoln has failed to end the war and to allow us to live in peace. Elect me and I will
end this war.”
a. Burnside
b. Davis
c. McClellan
d. Lee
e. Grant
41. “General Lee, I can’t follow that command. My troops were killed in the charge.”
a. Jackson
b. Davis
c. Pickett
d. Hooker
e. Burnside
42. “The capture of General Lee was the most exciting and disappointing moment of my
a. Grant
b. McClellan
c. Burnside
d. Hooker
e. David
43. “I want these Confederate farms burned to the ground so they can’t reuse them.”
a. McClellan
b. Lee
c. Sherman
d. Grant
e. Hooker
44. “I have lost my right arm.”
a. McClellan
b. Grant
c. Lee
d. Pickett
e. Jackson
45. This was the place of the final meeting between Grant and Lee as generals
a. Antietam.
b. Appomattox
c. Arlington
d. Gettysburg
e. Richmond
46. A major advantage the South had was:
a. Population Advantage
b. More Money
c. Better weapons
d. Experienced troops
e. More farms
47. Lee’s strategy for Gettysburg is very similar to his strategy for:
a. Fort Sumter
b. Antietam
c. Fort Wagner
d. Vicksburg
e. None of the Above
48. Other than adventure, which of the following is a reason why farmers joined the army?
a. For Money
b. For Power
c. For the slaves
d. For the Whigs
e. None of the above
49. Which of the following is a reason that Lincoln use God in his Emancipation
Proclamation speech?
a. He wanted to convert Southern Christians to his cause
b. He wanted to appeal to African-American churches
c. He expected the Confederacy to surrender out of fear
d. He wanted to reassure Quakers that he would not waiver on fighting slavery
e. He wanted to state this war was the will of God.
50. African-American soldiers typically had lower pay and worse weapons to white soldiers
a. African-American soldiers were only needed for physical work
b. There were not enough supplies to go around
c. The Union did not consider them equal to white soldiers
d. McClellan/Grant did not consider it vital
e. Both A & C
Name:__________________________________________ Core:______ Date:___________
Version: __Hampton_______________________________
Chapter 16 & 17 Test
Matching: Part 1
Directions: Match the term/person to the question below.
a. Anaconda Plan
b. King Cotton
c. Rifles with minié balls
d. Ironclads
e. Pickett’s Charge
_____ 1. What did the North call its strategy to defeat the South by forming a naval blockade
and by capturing the Mississippi River?
_____ 2. On what did the South’s strategy to win foreign support depend?
_____ 3. Which change in military technology most affected the average soldier and increased
the casualty rate?
Matching: Part 2
Directions: Match the term/person to the question below. (Not every term will be used.)
a. Fort Wagner
b. Fort Sumter
c. New Orleans
d. Shiloh
e. Antietam
_____ 4. Union forces stopped a Confederate invasion of the North at which battle, the
bloodiest one day battle in American history?
_____ 5. The capture of which city advanced the Union’s goal of dividing the Confederacy in
_____ 6. The Civil War began when Southern forces attacked U.S. troops at what place?
Matching: Part 3
Directions: Match the term/person to the question below. (Not every term will be used.)
a. Joseph Hooker
b. Ambrose Burnside
c. George McClellan
d. Ulysses Grant
e. William T. Sherman
_____ 7. Which cautious Union commander failed to capture the Confederate capital of
Richmond and was fired by Lincoln as a result?
_____ 8. Who was fired for the Union loss at the Battle of Fredericksburg?
_____ 9. Who was instrumental with General Grant in dividing the South?
Matching: Part 4
Directions: Match the term/person to the question below. (Not every term will be used.)
a. George Pickett
b. Robert E. Lee
c. Frederick Douglass
d. Ulysses Grant
e. Stonewall Jackson
_____ 10. Which talented military officer resigned from the U.S. Army and became the
commanding general of the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia?
_____ 11. Who commanded Union forces at Shiloh, Tennessee, and was criticized after the
battle for the high number of casualties suffered by the army?
_____ 12. Who tried to attack the middle of Union forces at the battle of Gettysburg?
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Multiple Choice: Choose the best answer
16. How did Americans feel about the Civil War before the fighting began?
a. Both sides thought it would be a short war.
b. Some Confederate leaders hoped the North would accept secession.
c. Some officials in the Northern Border States did not want to provide troops to
fight against other slave states.
d. All of the above are true.
17. What was one non-military reason for the Southern loss in the Civil War?
a. The Union had more soldiers
b. The Union had better military weapons
c. Robert E. Lee lost Antietam
d. The Confederacy had a fight between state & federal government
18. Why were Northerners most eager to go to war?
a. To prevent the spread of slavery.
b. To abolish slavery.
c. To preserve the Union.
d. None of the Above
17. The Monitor and Merrimack are examples of:
a. Military Strategies
b. Soldiers
c. Generals
d. Ironclads
18. Where was the fort that Southern forces attacked at the start of the Civil War?
a. The harbor of Baltimore, Maryland.
b. The mouth of the Mississippi River.
c. The harbor of Charleston, South Carolina.
d. Off the coast of St. Augustine, Florida.
19. How did the South’s economy put it at a disadvantage in the Civil War?
a. The South did not have the industries it needed to make war supplies.
b. Slavery reduced the number of men available to serve in the army.
c. It had a poor internal transportation system because it depended on exports.
d. All of the above are true.
20. Which of the following statements about Civil War soldiers is true?
a. Both sides actively recruited African-American soldiers.
b. Farmers made up the largest group among Civil War soldiers.
c. Immigrants helped to fill to Confederate armies.
d. All of the above are true.
21. Which of the following made army life difficult?
a. The enemy frequently raided army camps at night.
b. Civil War hand grenades often exploded in soldiers’ knapsacks.
c. Diseases spread throughout camp because of unsanitary practices.
d. Soldiers from the same town were separated and into different regiments.
22. Which was NOT a complaint of President Lincoln about his military commander in the
East, General George McClellan?
a. McClellan ordered his army to retreat after a series of battles in Virginia.
b. McClellan failed to pursue and capture the Confederate army after the Battle of
c. McClellan failed to properly train the army.
d. McClellan seemed too cautious and unwilling to move against the enemy.
23. What advantage(s) did the South have in a war with the North?
a. It did not have to invade and conquer the North in order to win.
b. Its soldiers were better trained than the Northern troops.
c. The South had more rifles and cannons than the North.
d. The South’s capital was far from enemy territory and not easily threatened by
Union forces.
24. Confederate troops invaded Maryland in September, 1862 for all of the following reasons
EXCEPT which one?
a. To convince Maryland to secede and join the Confederacy.
b. To move the war out of Virginia so its farmers could harvest their crops.
c. To convince Lincoln to make peace with the South.
d. To seize food from Northern farms.
25. Which battle was considered the turning point of the war?
a. Gettysburg.
b. Cold Harbor.
c. Antietam.
d. Andersonville.
26. Why did Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation happen so long into the war?
a. There were no slaves to be freed in states loyal to the Union.
b. Lincoln believed that Northern slaves were treated better than Southern slaves, so
they did not need to be free.
c. Lincoln believed he had the authority to free slaves in rebelling states as a military
d. Lincoln wanted to use it to get support from Europe
27. What inspired African-Americans to enlist in the Union army?
a. They hoped that fighting in the war would convince Lincoln to issue the
Emancipation Proclamation.
b. The Emancipation Proclamation made ending slavery a goal of the war.
c. The government offered African-Americans the same pay as white soldiers if they
would enlist.
d. The government offered all African-American soldiers the best equipment and
28. What was true of the 54th Massachusetts Regiment?
a. They won fame for fighting bravely at Fort Wagner.
b. They were a group of African-American soldiers who fought without pay, rather
than accept less pay than white soldiers.
c. They increased the popularity and enlistment of African-American soldiers in the
Union army.
d. All of the above are true.
29. Who founded a relief agency that later became the Red Cross?
a. Walt Whitman.
b. Harriet Tubman.
c. William Sherman.
d. Clara Barton.
30. Which of the following is NOT a reason Lee aimed for Antietam?
a. To get help from Europe
b. To help Southern farmers
c. To attack Northern farms
d. None of the Above
31. How did the Union draft compare to the Confederate draft?
a. Northerners were more willing to be drafted than were Southerners.
b. Southerners were more willing to volunteer than were Northerners.
c. Both sides allowed drafted men to hire substitutes to serve in their place.
d. None of the Above
32. This was the first land battle of the Civil War where Union supporters showed up with
games and picnic supplies.
a. Appomattox
b. Gettysburg
c. 2nd Battle of Bull Run
d. None of the Above
33. Appomattox Court House is important because it was:
a. The site of the bloodiest battle of the Civil War.
b. The site where Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant.
c. The Confederate capital after Richmond was captured in 1865.
d. Where Lincoln was assassinated
34. Which of the following led to the Battle of Gettysburg?
a. Confederate troops searched for shoes in Pennsylvania.
b. Lee invaded the North, hoping to fuel Northern discontent with the war.
c. Lee hoped that a victory on Northern soil would lead European nations to
recognize the Confederacy.
d. All of the above are true.
35. Which was NOT a result of the Emancipation Proclamation?
a. It had little immediate impact on slavery.
b. It encouraged slaves to escape when Union armies are nearby.
c. It united Northerners in support of the war.
d. Confederate soldiers/citizens did paid attention to Lincoln
36. For what reason is the 54th Massachusetts Regiment remembered today?
a. This group of African-American troops fought bravely in North Carolina.
b. They joined William Tecumseh Sherman on his march through Georgia.
c. They surrounded Richmond, Virginia causing Robert E. Lee to surrender.
d. All of the above are true.
37. Why were some African-Americans upset with Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation?
a. Once the slaves were free they would have no cause to fight for.
b. They thought Lincoln should have freed all enslaved persons.
c. They opposed making the Civil War a war over slavery.
d. They were against conscription
38. Which of the following was NOT true of women in the Civil War?
a. They took men’s places in offices and factories.
b. They ran farms and plantations.
c. They served in Congress.
d. None of the Above
39. What does the statement mean that William Tecumseh Sherman waged total war?
a. He fought all of the Confederate army in one battle.
b. He calculated his victories by counting the total value of property destroyed.
c. He killed as many civilians as soldiers.
d. None of the Above
40. What did “Stonewall” Jackson’s death mean for the South?
a. It deprived Lee of one of his best generals.
b. It cut short the career of a Union spy.
c. It made the South believe they could lose the war.
d. None of the Above
41. Which is true about the Siege of Vicksburg?
a. The Union victory at Vicksburg resulted from Grant’s ruthless practice of total
b. The loss at Vicksburg cut the Confederacy in two at the Mississippi River.
c. Grant’s army surrounded the city of Vicksburg and captured it.
d. After Vicksburg, Britain decided to aid the South before it was too late.
Matching: Part 5
Directions: Match the term/person to the question below. (Not every term will be used.)
a. Income Tax
b. Greenbacks
c. Copperheads
d. Conscription
e. Emancipation Proclamation
_____ 42. These were people who lived in the North but were loyal to the South
_____ 43. This was the way the government helped pay for the war
_____ 44. Paper money that was used during the war
For the following questions, read the quote and determine who would be the most logical
45. “Why can’t my generals finish off Lee?”
a. Lincoln
b. Davis
c. Grant
d. Meade
46. “Lincoln has failed to end the war and to allow us to live in peace. Elect me and I will
end this war.”
a. Burnside
b. Davis
c. Lee
d. McClellan
47. “General Lee, I can’t follow that command. My troops are killed in the charge.”
a. Jackson
b. Davis
c. Pickett
d. Hooker
48. “The capture of General Lee was the most exciting and disappointing moment of my
a. Grant
b. McClellan
c. Burnside
d. Hooker
49. “I want these Confederate farms burned to the ground so they can’t reuse them.”
a. McClellan
b. Sherman
c. Lee
d. Grant
50. “I have lost my right arm.”
a. Lee
b. Grant
c. McClellan
d. Pickett