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AP Psychology Review
States of Consciousness
Consciousness—awareness of ourselves and the world around us
Sleep and Dreams
 Controlled by hypothalamus
 Circadian rhythm—24-hour cycle of changes in our bodily processes
 Sleep stages (info. derived from EEG’s):
 Awake—alpha waves—relaxed; beta waves—alert
 Stage 1—light sleep—theta waves
 Stage 2-sleep spindles (bursts of brain activity)
 Stage 3—some delta waves
 Stage 4—deepest sleep stage—mostly delta waves
 REM—alpha waves; dreams; muscles paralyzed
 Dreams—we dream several times a night; Theories of Dreams:
 Freud—dreams are “royal road to unconscious” manifest, latent content
 Activation Synthesis Theory—dreams are our brain’s attempt to make sense of
random bursts of electrical activity
 Information Processing Theory—dreams process info. from our waking lives
 Sleep Disorders
 Insomnia—inability to fall asleep or stay asleep; most common
 Narcolepsy—involuntary falling asleep, directly into REM
 Sleep Apnea—cessation of breathing during sleep, awakening
 Night Terrors—small children, disruptions from stage 4 sleep
Hypnosis—altered state of consciousness characterized by deep relaxation and heightened
 Theories of Hypnosis:
 Role Playing—subject follows lead of hypnotist because he wants to be “good”
hypnotic subject
 Dissociation Theory –consciousness splits in hypnosis—one part is silent observer,
the other follows suggestions--Hilgard
 Most Important Application of Hypnosis—pain control
Psychoactive Drugs—alter thinking, behavior, mood
 Physiological Dependence—body’s chemistry altered; withdrawal symptoms
 Psychological Dependence—drug serves psychological need—
 Most drugs involve both types of dependence, except hallucinogens
 Depressants—reduce central nervous system activity
 Alcohol, valium, rohypnol, heroin
 Lowers inhibitions, impairs judgment, can cause death
 Stimulants—increase central nervous system activity
 Caffeine, nicotine, cocaine, MDMA (Ecstasy)
 Can result in death, psychosis (increase dopamine in brain)
 Hallucinogens—alter sensory perceptions
 LSD, marijuana, PCP