Download Module 9 Exam Review 1. The main ions stored in bone are _____

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Module 9 Exam Review
1. The main ions stored in bone are _____ and ________. calcium, phosphate
2. Which body cavity would have the least amount of protection from the skeletal system? abdominal
3. Fat is stored in the _______marrow; blood is produced in the _______marrow. yellow; red
4. The skeletal system consists mainly of ________ tissue. connective
5. Osteogenic cells bone _________ cells. stem
6. Bone cells responsible for building new bone are _______. osteoblasts
7. Osteoclasts are cells that break down bone through the process of _______. remodeling
8. _______ forms the inorganic, mineralized portion of bone. hydroxyapatite
9. What is the primary organic constituent of bone? collagen
10. Central and Volkmann canals provide space for the _____ system within compact bone. circulatory
11. Compact and spongy bone both have _____________ lamellae. concentric
12. Hyaline cartilage is “glassy-like” and lines articular surfaces of ______ for smooth movements. bone
13. Fibrocartilage is found where there is limited movement. Examples of fibrocartilage would include:
_______ _______, ________ _______, and ________. pubic symphysis, vertebral disks, menisci
14. What type of cartilage is found in the ear and in the epiglottis? elastic
15. What highly-innervated connective tissue covers the bone? periosteum
16. Tendons and ligaments are composed of dense _____ connective tissue. regular
17. Ligaments connect bone to ________. bone
18. Tendons connect bone to ________. muscle
19. Secondary ossification centers can be found in the developing _____ bones. long
20. The epiphyseal plate allows bones to _______. lengthen/elongate
21. The epiphyseal plate typically closes by ages __________. 18-25
22. Bone remodeling involves activity of both _______ and ________. osteoclasts; osteoblasts
23. High levels of parathyroid hormone will cause blood calcium levels to __________. increase
24. Osteoarthritis involves the loss of ___________ cartilage. articular/hyaline
25. Which hormone promotes the elongation of long bones? human growth hormone
26. Moderate “stress” on the skeletal system will encourage ___________ activity. osteoblastic
27. The appendicular skeletal includes all the bones of the _____ and the bones that support them . limbs
28. The axial skeleton includes the rib cage, vertebrae, and ______ bones. skull
29. The phalanges are in which class of bones? long
30. An example of a sesamoid bone would be the _________. patella
31. The vertebrae are in which class of bones? irregular
32. The ribs, skull, and clavicles are examples of _____ bones. flat
33. Short bones are found in the ___________ skeleton. appendicular
34. Wormian bones are found in the suture lines of the ______ bones. skull
35. There are seven _________ vertebrae. cervical
36. What regions of the vertebral column are fused? sacral and coccygeal
37. C1 is also known as the _____. atlas
38. Ribs are attached directly or indirectly to the ribs with _______ cartilage. hyaline
39. True ribs are ________ attached to the sternum. directly
40. Floating ribs attach to the _____ but not to the _____. vertebrae; sternum
41. The number of rib pairs is the same as the number of _____ vertebrae. thoracic
42. A foramen is best defined as a/an_____ in bone for blood vessels or nerves. hole/opening
43. A fossa is a ______ depression in bone. shallow
44. Condyles are ______, articular surfaces of bones. round
45. Spinous processes are prominent on the ________. vertebrae
46. The greater trochanter is a large prominence found on the proximal end of the ______. femur
47. Tuberosity is a Latin term that means ______ ______. little potatoe
48. The female pelvis has a pubic arch angle that is _____ than 90 degrees. greater
49. A rigid, more concave coccyx and pubic symphysis is characteristic of a ______ pelvis. male
50. Amphiarthrosis, diarthrosis and, synarthosis are ________ joint classifications. functional
51. Fibrous, cartilaginous, and synovial are _______ joint classifications. anatomical/structural
52. A fibrous, non-moveable joint would be structurally classified as _____ and functionally classified as
______. fibrous, synarthrotic
53. The interosseus membranes between the tibia and fibula and radius and ulna are both ________,
_________ joints. fibrous, amphiarthrotic
54. Gomphosis describes a joint that bind a ______ to the _____ or _____ bone. tooth; maxilla;
55. Flexion _________ the angle of a joint.decreases
56. A motion that results in the movement of an appendage closer to midline is _____. adduction
57. Circumduction involves a ____________ movement. circular
58. Elevated calcitonin levels will cause a/an ________ in blood calcium levels. decrease
60. Microscopic tears in a ligament or tendon is called a ________. sprain