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Definitions to Know
Acetylation – Addition of an acetyl group (
) to a compound
Alginates - Substances that float on the contents of the stomach to produce a neutralizing layer,
preventing heartburn
Alkaloid - Nitrogen–containing compound of plant origin containing a heterocyclic ring and a
tertiary amine group
Amphetamine - A sympathomimetic drug, which means it mimics the effect of stimulation on the
sympathetic nervous system, that is chemically related to adrenaline and were used to treat
narcolepsy during WWII and depression and obesity in the 50’s and 60’s
Antacids - simple bases, such as metal oxides, hydroxides, carbonates, or hydrogen carbonates,
that combat indigestion by neutralizing the acid, preventing inflammation, relieving pain and
discomfort, and allowing the mucus layer and stomach lining to mend; e.g. Al(OH) 3, NaHCO3,
CaCO3, milk of magnesia (a mixture of MgO and Mg(OH)2
Antibacterials - Chemicals which prevent the growth and multiplication of bacteria; the first
effective one was dye trypan red (sleeping sickness), then salvarsan (syphilis), then prontosil
(strep), then penicillin
Anti–foaming agents - Agents used to prevent flatulence; most common is dimethicone
Aspirin - Acetyl salicylic acid: product of acetylation of salicylic acid; mild analgesic; prevents
blood clotting, strokes and the recurrence of heart attacks
Bacterium - A micro-organism that is made up of a complex mixture of proteins, sugars, and
lipids and contains a single chromosome consisting of DNA in each cell
Breathalyzer - A test for alcohol in the breath. The individual in question breathes into a tube
containing potassium or sodium dichromate crystals of an orange color; if the crystals turn green,
the dichromate has been reduced to Cr+3 by a sufficiently high level of alcohol, generally over the
legal limit for driving; “Green does not mean go home; it means go directly to jail, do not pass Go,
do not collect $200”; this test is not strong enough to be used in a court of law
Broad spectrum antibiotics - Antibacterials that are effective against a wide range of bacteria
Caffeine - The world’s most widely used stimulant; is present in coffee, tea, chocolate, cola
drinks, and some painkillers and other medicines
Depressants - Drugs which depress the central nervous system by interfering with the
transmission of nerve impulses in the nerve cells; some common depressants include alcohol,
benzodiazepine, and prozac
Designer drugs - Drugs created by modifying the structure of an amphetamine
Digestion - The breakdown of food into molecules that can be utilized by individual cells in the
Ecstasy - A designer drug which relieves Parkinson’s disease but is frequently abused
Gastric juices - Mucus, pepsinogen, and hydrochloric acid
Heartburn - When stomach acid rises up the esophagus
Heterocyclic ring - a ring of atoms of more than one kind; especially a ring of carbon atoms
containing at least one atom that is not carbon
Indigestion - Discomforted caused from excessive acid production; caused by overeating,
alcohol, smoking, anxiety, and eating certain types of foods in some individuals
Lethal dose - The dose required to kill fifty percent of the animal population, known as the LD 50
Mild analgesic - Reduces suffering from pain by inhibiting prostaglandins
Narrow spectrum antibiotics - Including penicillins, antibacterials which are effective against
only certain types of bacteria
Nicotine - The stimulant found in tobacco that is largely responsible for causing approximately
1/3 of the world’s population to be addicted to smoking
Pineal gland - A small lump of tissue at the base of the brain that produces melatonin
Prostaglandins - Hormones that act on body’s heat regulation, inflammation response, and
blood vessel constriction. Involved in pain response
Risk–to–benefit ratio - The ratio balancing the risks of taking a drug, including side effects, with
the benefits garnered from the drug
Side effects - Unwanted repercussions from taking a certain drug
Strong analgesic - Reduces suffering from pain by increasing one’s pain tolerance level; are
available only by prescription; most important naturally occurring are morphine and codeine;
heroin and Demerol are synthetically produced
Sympathomimetic - Drugs that mimic the hormones that activate the sympathetic nervous
system (controls “fight or flight” response in times of stress)
Tertiary amine group - functional group in a molecule where a nitrogen atom is connected to
three carbon atoms
Thalidomide - A tranquilizer released in 1958 that was said to cure morning sickness;
unrevealed side effects of the drug, which were not revealed until 1961, caused many women
who took this drug to give birth to malformed children
Tolerance - Adaptation of the body to a certain drug; a person who develops tolerance for a drug
requires larger and larger doses to achieve the original effect
Vasoconstrictor - Substance that causes constriction of the blood vessels
Common Effects of Several Chemicals
Alcohol - Antiseptic, depressant-Alcoholism– psychological and physical dependence, violent
behavior, family breakdowns, loss of consciousness at high doses, cirrhosis of the liver, liver
cancer, dementia, delirium tremens (DT’s) after sudden discontinuation; lethal when taken with
benzodiazepines, narcotics, barbiturates, and solvents and increases stomach bleeding when
taken with aspirin
Amphetamines - Sympathomimetism, treats narcolepsy, depression, and obesity-Heart rate and
breathing increase, tolerance, dependence, appetite down, possible depression, emotional
Antacids - Combat excess stomach acid, preventing inflammation, relieving pain and discomfort,
allow the mucus layer and stomach lining to heal (or ulcer)-Diarrhea, constipation, possible bone
damage, bloating and belching
Aspirin - Painkiller, can be taken for arthritis and rheumatism, prevents blood clotting, prevent
strokes or the recurrence of heart attacks-Bleeding of the stomach, allergies to it can lead to
bronchial asthma, Reye’s disease in children under 12 (rare), overdose can lead to acidosis
Caffeine - Stimulant, diuretic, catalyst in painkillers-Restlessness
Ecstasy - Relieves symptoms of Parkinson’s disease-Mental relaxation, increase sensitivity to
stimuli, hallucinations, can be fatal after just a single dose
Morphine - Strong analgesic and painkiller-Constipation
Nicotine - Increases concentration and relieves tension-Addiction, increased heart rate and blood
pressure, increased risk of heart disease and coronary thrombosis, withdrawal– craving for
tobacco, nausea, weight gain, insomnia, irritability, depression
Opiates (Diethanoylmorphine or heroin) - Even more powerful painkiller than morphine and
codeine-Short–term: euphoria, painkilling, nervous system depression, breath and heart rate
down, high doses lead to coma/death; Long–term: constipation, loss of sex drive, disruption of
menstrual cycle, risk of parenterally–distributed diseases, social problems
Paracetamol (Acetaminophen)- Mild pain reliever, preferred over aspiring with children-Kidney
damage and blood disorders (rare), overdose can lead to death, kidney, liver, and brain damage
Thalidomide - Combats morning sickness-Causes women to give birth to malformed children