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Activity 2: Look for patterns
A. They only occur in isolated areas because of where there
are more plates that move.
B. As far as seismologists understand, all but the very deepest
earthquakes occur on faults. Seismic waves are generated
when two sides of the fault rapidly slip past each other. For
most earthquakes, the faults do not break the surface, so the
faults can be “seen” only through analyzing the seismic
waves. Faults can b anywhere from meters to a thousand
kilometers long. Seismologist still have much to learn about
to learn about the mechanism that causes the deepest
earthquakes. At 600 Km, the earth is probably too warm for
faults to be brittle like grass, so some sort of chemical
change might occur very rapidly.
C. Yes you could locate where high risked Earthquakes are
because the number of physical changes have been
observed before some earthquakes.
A. No not just deep earthquakes, but also regular Earthquakes
have plate tectonic boundaries.
B. No, it’s the same as the answer above.
D. When two plates rub against each other result in an
A. When earthquakes occur it messes up the climate by it
would be really hot. The animals would die from dehydration
and the plants would not get any water.
By: Allison and Jessica