Seismicity perspectives - School of Earth and Environment
... Figure 1. Seismicity of the Afar depression (gray circles) recorded between 2007 and 2009 on the combined IRIS‐PASSCAL (stars) and Seis‐UK (diamonds) seismic network shown the in the inset. Gray circles represent earthquakes. Heavy black lines show Oligocene border faults of the southern Red Sea, an ...
... Figure 1. Seismicity of the Afar depression (gray circles) recorded between 2007 and 2009 on the combined IRIS‐PASSCAL (stars) and Seis‐UK (diamonds) seismic network shown the in the inset. Gray circles represent earthquakes. Heavy black lines show Oligocene border faults of the southern Red Sea, an ...
... must provide reasonable assurance, taking into account the time period, hazards, and uncertainty involved, that it can develop a geologic repository without unreasonable risk to the health and safety of the public. The Subpart E siting criteria referred to above are identified in Section 60.122, whi ...
... must provide reasonable assurance, taking into account the time period, hazards, and uncertainty involved, that it can develop a geologic repository without unreasonable risk to the health and safety of the public. The Subpart E siting criteria referred to above are identified in Section 60.122, whi ...
An alternative mechanism of pile failure in
... 1. Before the superstructure starts oscillating, the piles may be forced to follow the soil motion, depending on the flexural rigidity (EI) of the pile. Here the soil and pile may take part in kinematic interplay and the motion of the pile may differ substantially from the free field motion. This ma ...
... 1. Before the superstructure starts oscillating, the piles may be forced to follow the soil motion, depending on the flexural rigidity (EI) of the pile. Here the soil and pile may take part in kinematic interplay and the motion of the pile may differ substantially from the free field motion. This ma ...
improvement of regional seismic hazard assessment considering
... Seismic hazard assessment is a required procedure to assist effective designing of structures located in seismically active regions. Traditionally, in a seismically active region as Greece, the seismic hazard evaluation was based primarily on the historical seismicity, and to lesser extent based on ...
... Seismic hazard assessment is a required procedure to assist effective designing of structures located in seismically active regions. Traditionally, in a seismically active region as Greece, the seismic hazard evaluation was based primarily on the historical seismicity, and to lesser extent based on ...
Probabilistic prediction of rupture length, slip and
... et al. 2008; Yamada & Heaton 2008), the majority of the current EEW approaches consider the earthquake as a point source, that is, neglect rupture finiteness. Large magnitude earthquakes (M > 7.0), with rupture lengths of up to hundreds of kilometres, cause damaging ground shaking in much larger are ...
... et al. 2008; Yamada & Heaton 2008), the majority of the current EEW approaches consider the earthquake as a point source, that is, neglect rupture finiteness. Large magnitude earthquakes (M > 7.0), with rupture lengths of up to hundreds of kilometres, cause damaging ground shaking in much larger are ...
Source mechanisms of dike-induced earthquakes in the Dabbahu
... plateau (Fig. 1). Within the Afar Depression, due to the remoteness of the region, temporary seismic stations could only be deployed in villages and guarded government facilities, dictating the geometry of the network. Most of the stations operated continuously with sampling rate of 50 Hz. A total o ...
... plateau (Fig. 1). Within the Afar Depression, due to the remoteness of the region, temporary seismic stations could only be deployed in villages and guarded government facilities, dictating the geometry of the network. Most of the stations operated continuously with sampling rate of 50 Hz. A total o ...
Practice 3rd Exam Ge..
... c. Every body persists in its state of being at rest or of moving uniformly straight forward, except insofar as it is compelled to change its state by force impressed. d. To every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction. ____ 33. The key to finding the location of an earthquake’s epice ...
... c. Every body persists in its state of being at rest or of moving uniformly straight forward, except insofar as it is compelled to change its state by force impressed. d. To every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction. ____ 33. The key to finding the location of an earthquake’s epice ...
Historical tsunami in the Makran Subduction Zone off
... approximately 125–250 years. Since the uplift rate at the western part of the Makran was slower than that of the eastern, Page et al. (1979) believed that the east end is more likely to experience a large earthquake than the west end. Byrne et al. (1992) reported seven large earthquakes in the MSZ, ...
... approximately 125–250 years. Since the uplift rate at the western part of the Makran was slower than that of the eastern, Page et al. (1979) believed that the east end is more likely to experience a large earthquake than the west end. Byrne et al. (1992) reported seven large earthquakes in the MSZ, ...
Paper: PDF - Dawn Brancati
... Given my different theoretical goal, my methodological approach also differs from Miguel, Satyanath, and Sergenti (2004). Whereas they use rainfall to proxy for development in an instrumental variable regression analysis, I study disasters separately from development but still interact the two to un ...
... Given my different theoretical goal, my methodological approach also differs from Miguel, Satyanath, and Sergenti (2004). Whereas they use rainfall to proxy for development in an instrumental variable regression analysis, I study disasters separately from development but still interact the two to un ...
Seismicity and active tectonics in the Alboran Sea, Western
... (Figure 1), while stations farther in land just received the largest offshore events. The offshore network was operated between 13 August 2009 and 15 January 2010. The network consisted of 30 OBS, including nine wide-band OBS operating a three-component Guralp CMG-40T (60 s) seismometer and a HighTe ...
... (Figure 1), while stations farther in land just received the largest offshore events. The offshore network was operated between 13 August 2009 and 15 January 2010. The network consisted of 30 OBS, including nine wide-band OBS operating a three-component Guralp CMG-40T (60 s) seismometer and a HighTe ...
Tsunami - Library Junction
... Warning System and most regularly practice evacuation and other procedures. In Japan, such preparation is mandatory for government, local authorities, emergency services and the population. ...
... Warning System and most regularly practice evacuation and other procedures. In Japan, such preparation is mandatory for government, local authorities, emergency services and the population. ...
Geometry of the PamirHindu Kush intermediatedepth earthquake
... distributed rather sparsely around it to a purely 2-D geometry evenly covering the whole region of interest (Figure 2). This network was complemented by two further temporary deployments: 21 broadband stations distributed around the Ferghana Valley, south-western Kyrgyzstan, from September 2009 to S ...
... distributed rather sparsely around it to a purely 2-D geometry evenly covering the whole region of interest (Figure 2). This network was complemented by two further temporary deployments: 21 broadband stations distributed around the Ferghana Valley, south-western Kyrgyzstan, from September 2009 to S ...
Seismicity and earthquake hazard analysis of the Teton
... velocity model. Initially, the JLSN consisted of 16 short-period (1 Hz) vertical-component seismograph stations. An additional four stations were installed in 1990 to improve monitoring coverage. More than 8000 earthquakes, ML 0.1 to 4.7 were recorded by the JLSN during the reporting period. The lar ...
... velocity model. Initially, the JLSN consisted of 16 short-period (1 Hz) vertical-component seismograph stations. An additional four stations were installed in 1990 to improve monitoring coverage. More than 8000 earthquakes, ML 0.1 to 4.7 were recorded by the JLSN during the reporting period. The lar ...
Seismotectonics of the Nubia plate compressive
... Nubia plate compressive margin in southern Italy. In this region, compressional displacements have resumed at the rear of the Maghrebian orogenic wedge since about 700–500 ka and are presently accommodated along a seismic belt in the south Tyrrhenian area, where a passive margin has developed during ...
... Nubia plate compressive margin in southern Italy. In this region, compressional displacements have resumed at the rear of the Maghrebian orogenic wedge since about 700–500 ka and are presently accommodated along a seismic belt in the south Tyrrhenian area, where a passive margin has developed during ...
determination of fault plane orientations from rupture directivity of
... remained a fundamental problem in seismology. While several physical mechanisms have been theorized to explain the occurrence of deep earthquakes, the mechanism may be constrained by determining the fault plane orientation. I used rupture directivity of 52 events in the northeastern Japan subduction ...
... remained a fundamental problem in seismology. While several physical mechanisms have been theorized to explain the occurrence of deep earthquakes, the mechanism may be constrained by determining the fault plane orientation. I used rupture directivity of 52 events in the northeastern Japan subduction ...
seismic retrofitting of reinforced concrete - IITK
... limit, in a significant way, the available resources of a country. In such circumstances there is a tendency to build with poor materials and without too much attention to good construction techniques and safety margins. A situation of this kind occurred in Italy and in Japan after the Second World ...
... limit, in a significant way, the available resources of a country. In such circumstances there is a tendency to build with poor materials and without too much attention to good construction techniques and safety margins. A situation of this kind occurred in Italy and in Japan after the Second World ...
Solid Earth The link between great earthquakes and the subduction
... of fracture zone and volcanic chain/ridge intersections with the coupling zone. The structure of the bathymetric features was used to project their extensions into the nearby coupling zone, maintaining the same azimuth as in their oldest geophysical expressions seaward of a given trench. The resulta ...
... of fracture zone and volcanic chain/ridge intersections with the coupling zone. The structure of the bathymetric features was used to project their extensions into the nearby coupling zone, maintaining the same azimuth as in their oldest geophysical expressions seaward of a given trench. The resulta ...
Earthquake processes of the Himalayan collision zone in eastern
... continental lithosphere? In the Himalayan convergence zone, a bimodal distribution of brittle strength in the crust and upper mantle with a ductile transition in the lower crust has been used to explain the existence of subcrustal hypocentres under the southern Tibetan Plateau (e.g. Chen & Molnar 19 ...
... continental lithosphere? In the Himalayan convergence zone, a bimodal distribution of brittle strength in the crust and upper mantle with a ductile transition in the lower crust has been used to explain the existence of subcrustal hypocentres under the southern Tibetan Plateau (e.g. Chen & Molnar 19 ...
here - Fachbereich Geowissenschaften der Eberhard Karls
... The earthquake data were taken from the U.S. Geological Survey Science Data Catalog (USGS). The USGS Earthquake Data Catalog is freely accessible and contains a large amount of earthquake data. In this study only earthquakes with a magnitude of at least 5 have been considered, because earthquakes wi ...
... The earthquake data were taken from the U.S. Geological Survey Science Data Catalog (USGS). The USGS Earthquake Data Catalog is freely accessible and contains a large amount of earthquake data. In this study only earthquakes with a magnitude of at least 5 have been considered, because earthquakes wi ...
federal emergency
... various locations in the United States. This edition is based on a sample of almost 2100 projects. The data were collected by use of a standard protocol, given a stringent quality control verification and a reliability rating, and then entered into a database that is available to practitioners. A so ...
... various locations in the United States. This edition is based on a sample of almost 2100 projects. The data were collected by use of a standard protocol, given a stringent quality control verification and a reliability rating, and then entered into a database that is available to practitioners. A so ...
Soil-gas radon monitoring in an active granite quarry from
... with minima occuring in the afternoon, around 19:00 LT (local time) and maxima in the morning, around 07:00 LT. Furthermore, borehole 2 exhibits a few large anomalies in radon concentration (e.g. in early and mid July) lasting for several days which are very similar to the radon signals described by ...
... with minima occuring in the afternoon, around 19:00 LT (local time) and maxima in the morning, around 07:00 LT. Furthermore, borehole 2 exhibits a few large anomalies in radon concentration (e.g. in early and mid July) lasting for several days which are very similar to the radon signals described by ...
A survey of methods and techniques used for Seismic retrofitting of
... inadequate. The decision to strengthen it before an earthquake occurs depends on the building’s seismic résistance. The structural system of deficient building should be adequately strengthened, in order to attain the desired level of seismic resistance. This publication (FEMA156, 1994) presents a m ...
... inadequate. The decision to strengthen it before an earthquake occurs depends on the building’s seismic résistance. The structural system of deficient building should be adequately strengthened, in order to attain the desired level of seismic resistance. This publication (FEMA156, 1994) presents a m ...
Landslides, earthquakes, and erosion
... m L=log(N LT), with N LT the total number of landslides associated with the landslide event, in analogy to the Richter earthquake magnitude scale. In this paper, we use this general landslide distribution to (a) relate landslide inventories to erosion rates and (b) provide quantitative estimates of ...
... m L=log(N LT), with N LT the total number of landslides associated with the landslide event, in analogy to the Richter earthquake magnitude scale. In this paper, we use this general landslide distribution to (a) relate landslide inventories to erosion rates and (b) provide quantitative estimates of ...
Seismic Response Control of Benchmark Building Using - I-asem
... Excessive displacement is the major concern for moderate height, mid to high-rise buildings under earthquake excitation. This displacement can be reduced by using different control strategies such as passive, active, semi-active or combinations thereof. In this paper, the full scale analytical secon ...
... Excessive displacement is the major concern for moderate height, mid to high-rise buildings under earthquake excitation. This displacement can be reduced by using different control strategies such as passive, active, semi-active or combinations thereof. In this paper, the full scale analytical secon ...
2009 L'Aquila earthquake
The 2009 L'Aquila earthquake occurred in the region of Abruzzo, in central Italy. The main shock occurred at 03:32 CEST (01:32 UTC) on 6 April 2009, and was rated 5.8 or 5.9 on the Richter scale and 6.3 on the moment magnitude scale; its epicentre was near L'Aquila, the capital of Abruzzo, which together with surrounding villages suffered most damage. There have been several thousand foreshocks and aftershocks since December 2008, more than thirty of which had a Richter magnitude greater than 3.5.The earthquake was felt throughout central Italy; 308 people are known to have died, making this the deadliest earthquake to hit Italy since the 1980 Irpinia earthquake. In a subsequent inquiry of the handling of the disaster, seven members of the Italian National Commission for the Forecast and Prevention of Major Risks were accused of giving ""inexact, incomplete and contradictory"" information about the danger of the tremors prior to the main quake.On 22 October 2012, six scientists and one ex-government official were convicted of multiple manslaughter for downplaying the likelihood of a major earthquake six days before it took place. They were each sentenced to six years' imprisonment. On 10 November 2014, the scientists convicted of manslaughter for failing to predict the deadly earthquake have had the verdict overturned. Some people say that science itself had been put on trial. Criticism was also applied to poor building standards that led to the failure of many modern buildings in a known earthquake zone: an official at Italy's Civil Protection Agency, Franco Barberi, said that ""in California, an earthquake like this one would not have killed a single person"".