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Short Division
1. set up the division problem
2. divide the first digit of the dividend
by the divisor, if possible. Write the
partial quotient in the correct place
value above the division symbol
(Ex. 6 ÷ 4 = 1 Write the 1 in the
quotient above the thousands place
because that is the place that was
divided by the 4)
3. multiply the partial quotient (1) by
the divisor (4) and mentally subtract it
from the first digit of the dividend (6)
( 1 ● 4 = 4 and 6 – 4 = 2 )
4. If there is a difference between the
two numbers write it small in front of
the next digit in the dividend to make a
2 digit number.
( write the 2 before the 5 making it 25)
5. Divide that 2 digit number by the
divisor and repeat steps 2-4 until there
is a dividend too small to divide by the
divisor, that is the remainder.
(25 ÷ 4 = 6 R1, write the 6 as the next
digit in the quotient. Write the 1 in
front of the 3 making it 13.
Then 13 ÷ 4 = 3, write the 3 in the
quotient. 3 ● 4 = 12. Mentally subtract
13 – 12 = 1. Write the 1 before the
next digit in the dividend, the 2, to
make it 12. Then 12 ÷ 4 = 3 Write the
3 in the quotient. 3 ● 4 = 12 12 – 12
= 0 so there is no remainder.