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6. Which of these produces gas bubbles when it touches acid?
a. shale
b. all conglomerates
c. humus
d. limestone
7. What does the term permeability refer to?
a. the hardness of soil
b. the slope of soil
c. the flow of water through soil
d. the quality of the soil for use in farming
8. Which of the following is not an earth material?
a. rock
b. soil
c. minerals
d. clouds
9. If soil does not hold enough water, plants can _________________.
a. grow larger
b. stay the same
c. dry up
d. drown
10. The layers of a soil profile are called ______________________.
a. pore spaces
b. horizons
c. textures
d. bedrock
11. Minerals are _________________ substances found in the Earth’s crust.
a. nonliving
b. living
c. effervescent
d. coarse
12. Decayed plant or animal matter is called ____________________.
a. minerals
b. sedimentary rock
c. humus
d. bedrock
13. The ____________________ of a rock refers to the size of the sediment or minerals in the rock.
a. effervescence
b. luster
c. color
d. texture
14. When layers of sediment get pressed and cemented together, they become __________________________.
a. igneous rock
b. metamorphic rock
c. sedimentary rock
d. minerals
15. Which property of a mineral does the Mohs Scale measure?
a. luster
b. texture
c. color
d. hardness
16. According to the Moh’s Scale, _______________ is the hardest mineral.
a. talc
b. calcite
c. quartz
d. diamond
17. According to the Mohs Scale, _______________ is the softest mineral.
a. talc
b. calcite
c. quartz
d. diamond
18. What can pore spaces hold in soil?
a. air only
b. water only
c. air and water
d. humus
19. Conglomerate, which is made up of large sediments, such as pebbles, has a ______________ texture.
a. smooth
b. coarse
c. hard
d. nonliving
20. Which of the following are properties of minerals? Choose all that apply(4).
a. color
b. smell
c. hardness
d. streak
e. taste
f. luster