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Ecology Tournament Questions
1. When individuals of a population reproduce at a constant rate, it is
called _____________ ____________.
2. A series of predictable changes that occur in a community over time is
called ____________ _____________.
3. This type of succession can begin after a volcano erupts.
4. Several different species can live in the same habitat if they each have
different ___________.
5. When an organism captures & feeds on another organism, it is called
6. What is a “niche”?
7. When resources in a population become less available, the population
reaches its _____________ ______________.
8. Both species benefit in what type of symbiotic relationship?
9. Why are fossil fuels considered nonrenewable resources?
10. When a population grows larger than the carrying capacity of the
environment, what rises?
11. True or False… The greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon that
maintains Earth’s temperature range.
12. Disease is a density ____________ limiting factor.
13. Sulfur & nitrogen in smog combines with water to form ______ ________.
14. True or False… You can limit deforestation by planting & harvesting of
trees on tree farms.
15. Nonliving factors are called __________.
16. True or false…Habitat destruction is one of the greatest threats to
biological diversity.
17. A group of organisms of one type that live in the same area would be
called a(n) ________________.
18. Movement of organisms into a given area from another area is called
19. Organisms that rely on other organisms for energy & food are called
20. List 3 factors that play a role in population growth rate.
21. Each step in the transfer of matter in a food web is called a(n) ______
22. The combined portions on earth where all living things exist is called
the ___________.
23. List all the levels of organization of living things.
24. If a population is growing, what happens to the birth & death rates?
25. Name 3 nutrients recycled in the biosphere.
26. What is the source of all energy on earth?
27. What is at the beginning of all food chains?
28. What happens to most of the energy as you go up a food pyramid?
29. The branch of biology dealing with interactions among organisms &
between organisms & their environment is called __________.
30. All of the interconnected feeding relationships in an ecosystem is
called a ______________ __________________.
31. When bacteria convert nitrogen gas (N2) from the air into ammonia
which is the form that we can use, it is called ___________
32. List some key terms regarding what is happening in the carbon cycle.
(at least 2)
33. In the water cycle, water evaporates, then _____________ occurs, then
34. Ozone depletion is caused by what type of chemicals?
35. What type of consumer feeds only on plants?
36. Organisms that feed on other consumers are called ______________,
37. An organism that has to obtain energy by eating another organism is
called a(n) _________________,
38. An organism that feeds on animal remains & other dead matter is a
39. An organism that obtains nutrients by breaking down dead & decaying
plants & animals is a _____________________.
40. Green plants are also called _________.
41. Water that flows over land (part of the water cycle) is called
1. exponential growth
2. ecological succession
3. primary succession
4. niches
5. predation
6. the way an organism uses the range of physical & biological conditions in
which it lives (it’s role)
7. carrying capacity
8. mutualism
9. they require hundreds of millions of years to form
10. the death rate
11. true
12. dependent
13. acid rain
14. true
15. abiotic factors
16. true
17. population
18. immigration
19. heterotrophs (consumers)
20. births, deaths, immigration & emigration
21. trophic level
22. biosphere
23. Biosphere, biome, ecosystem, community, population, organism, groups of
cells (organ system, organs, tissues), cells, molecules
24. birth rate is higher than the death rate
25. carbon, nitrogen & water (also phosphorus)
26. the sun
27. producers (most of the time they are green plants, but some are
28. it is used by organisms for life processes so it isn’t passed on to the next level
29. Ecology
30. food web
31. nitrogen fixation
32. respiration, photosynthesis & decomposition
33. condensation
34. chlorofluorocarbons
35. herbivore
36. carnivore
37. consumer (heterotroph)
38. detritivore
39. decomposer
40. producers
41. runoff