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Bacteria are the oldest, simplest, and most abundant form of life on earth.
Their roles are varied, from decomposition, to parasite, to recycling nutrients to infection and
They are our constant companions present in everything we eat and on everything we touch.
• Prokaryotic organism; which means they do not have a defined nucleus, so the
DNA strands float in the cell cytoplasm
Eukaryote organism; has a defined nucleus with the DNA strand visible inside.
• Bacteria are prokaryotic organisms, to small to see with the naked eye unless
they are cultured on agar so you can see the colony.
• Colony is a large group of bacteria that has grown from one single bacteria
• Bacteria reproduce by dividing in half
• To see with microscope you must magnify a minimum of 400 times and then
still look like the head of a pin.
Bacterial Shapes
There are 3 basic shapes
• Cocci: spherical shape
• Bacilli: rod shaped
• Spirillium: twisted rods, spiral shaped
Bacterial Arrangements
terms are added to the shape names to label the bacteria
Staphlo: means clusters
(ex. staphylococcus)
Strepto: means chains
(ex. streptobacillus)
there are many others, these are the two most common
Grams staining
• technique to differentiate bacteria based on the structure of
their cell wall.
• Crystal Violet
• Grams Iodine
• Decolorizer
• Safranin
• The cell wall reacts with the alcohol and the lipids dissolve.
Culturing Bacteria
• Means to grow them in a petri dish, or test tube of agar or
• Reason is because need large amount of the bacteria
Bacteria have different energy requirements for life and need to take in organic compounds such
as carbon.
Autotrophs--make their own energy
Hetrotrophs-- need to consume to get energy
Photosynthetic: obtain energy by the process of photosynthesis, so they contain chlorophyll.
Chemotrophs: these exchange chemicals with other organisms to obtain energy. They have a
symbiotic relationship with another organism. (they must have another organism helping them
to obtain energy to stay alive) ex. nitrogen fixing bacteria
Chemoheterotrophs: most common form, they obtain energy by feeding on organic material and
breaking that down. (just like us)
Hand Washing Lab
#1 way to prevent the spread of Bacteria
• Locals---your normal bacteria that is on your skin, it is part of
• Transients---these we pickup by touching things such as door
handles, shaking hands
• In the lab what grew for most of us was our locals
• Why, washed all the transients away
Antibiotics lab
• Zone of inhibition---area where bacteria does not grow
• Antibiotic can slow down the growth of bacteria or can kill it
• Some antibiotics will have no effect, bacteria are resistant.
Antibiotic use
• Risk of over use -- create resistant strains to antibiotics
• Large concern
• Not a living organism
• Only a strand of nucleic acid
• Once inside a living cell the nucleic acid is added to the
organisms DNA and it then exhibits it traits. (cold, flu)
Viral treatment
• No way to treat a virus
• Only can treat the symptoms
• Antibiotics will not work