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# ___ Notes – The Work of Gregor Mendel (Ch. 11.1)
Use your own words to explain the following terms:
1. Gregor Mendel – a monk who is famous for
2. Genetics –
3. Heredity –
4. Traits –
5. Gametes –
In animals, the male gametes are called
The female gametes are called
6. Fertilization = sperm + egg  z
(unicellular) embryo (multicellular)
In plants, the process is also known as p
When plants self-pollinate, they produce plants that are t
cross-pollination are called h
; plants that are produced by
7. When Mendel crossed tall pea plants with short pea plants (parent generation or P) which trait (tall or short) did the
first generation (first filial or F1) pea plants have?
8. When Mendel crossed two F1 pea plants, which trait (tall or short) showed up in the F2 (second filial) generation?
What was the ratio of tall to short plants?
9. Offspring –
10. Gene –
11. Allele - a form of a g
12. The p
. Each organism has
of d
alleles for each gene.
states that there are two forms of a gene:
the d
allele – “stronger” allele, “seen”/evident even if only one present, symbolized by an
uppercase (CAPITAL) letter, always written first
the r
allele – “weaker” trait, need two to be “seen,” symbolized by a lowercase (small) letter
13. Law of
– two alleles for a trait will separate when gametes are formed. So
each offspring receives one allele from the its
and the other allele from its
14. H
– the organism has the same alleles for a particular trait (How many alleles total?)
15. H
– the organism has different alleles for a particular trait
16. Phenotype – written as a description –
17. Genotype – written as two letters –
18. Monohybrid cross – a cross involving only one trait (two alleles)
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19. Law of independent assortment – the a
for different traits (e.g. pea color and height) will
separate independently if the genes for those traits are not located close together on the same chromosome.
20. Why are peas a good model system for studying heredity?
21. How did Mendel cross-pollinate flowers?
22. What is the difference between a gene and an allele?
23. A black cat and a white cat have four black kittens in the F1 generation. In the F2 generation, there are three black
kittens and one white kitten.
A. Identify the dominant and recessive traits of fur color.
B. Explain how the F2 generation proves that genetic information passes unchanged from one generation to the
next, even when a specific trait is not exhibited.
C. The capital letter B represents the allele in the kittens that causes the dominant trait; and the lower-case b
represents the recessive allele that causes the recessive trait. In the circles, show the alleles in the gametes of
the F1 generation. Show how the alleles recombine in the F2 generations.
F1 Generation
F1 Gametes
F2 Generation
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