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For this project, you will construct a drawing of a cell. There is a catch however, this is no
ordinary drawing. You must think of a metaphor for the cell, such as a school building, and fill in
each part of the cell according to a part of the metaphor.
E.g. A school:
Nucleus: principal’s office
Endoplasmic Reticulum: hallways
Lysosomes: custodial office
Come up with your own analogy using at least five of the cell parts listed below. Be sure to
explain all analogies so that I can understand how you see them. Do not assume I know what you
are talking about!
Cell membrane
Cell wall (if applicable)
Chloroplasts (if applicable)
Golgi apparatus
Lysosome (if applicable)
Nuclear envelope
Endoplasmic reticulum (smooth and rough)
The drawing must be on a sheet of standard white paper. Each cell part must be labelled. Along
with this, a written paper is also required. This written paper must fully explain each analogy,
identifying the function of that cell part. For example, if the principal in my school was the
nucleus, I would explain that it is the “brain” of the school and oversees and dictates what
happens in the school, likewise, the nucleus is the “brain” of the cell because it contains the
genetic information necessary for the cell processes to occur.
Analogies for at least five cell parts:
 2 marks awarded for each analogy. Full marks will be given to complete
descriptions of the cell with a description of the analogy.
 All cell parts present, creative, complete
Effort and Creativity: