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Biology 211
SI Exam 3 Practice Test
Leader: Jenny F.
Note: the first 42 questions are from Dr. Raich’s review. The rest are from me 
1. In meiosis, a single parent cell gives rise to how many daughter cells (gametes)?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 8
2. Sexual reproduction includes:
A. The fusion of two gametes
C. meiosis
D. both a and b
B. genetic recombination
E. all of the above
3. Advantages of asexual reproduction include all of the following EXCEPT:
a genetic individual may persist for a very long time
greater variability in offspring than by sexual reproduction
very rapid population growth
a single parent is sufficient for reproduction
successful genotypes can proliferate
4. Principal advantages of sexual reproduction include:
the ability to produce numerous offspring
better protection for developing embryos
lower rates of mutation in a diploid genome
the production of new genetic combinations every generation
the greater potential for interbreeding among species
5. All of the following are functions of meiosis in animals EXCEPT the:
production of gametes
reduction of chromosome number in half
genetic mixing of paternal and maternal chromosomes
preparation of cells for fertilization
production of daughter cells identical to the parent cell
6. In a cross of a homozygous recessive with a heterozygote, what is the chance of getting a
homozygous recessive phenotype in the F1 generation?
A. 0%
B. 25%
C. 50%
D. 75%
E. 100%
7. An organism is described as Rr, red. The "Rr" refers to the organisms _____________,
"red" refers to the organisms ____________, and the organism is ____________.
A. phenotype, genotype, degenerate
B. karyotype, hybrid, recessive
C. genotype, phenotype, heterozygous D. gamete, linkage, pleiotropic
zygote, hybrid, homozygous
8. In a dihybrid cross of two organisms that are heterozygous for both traits, what proportion of the
progeny will express both dominant traits?
A. 1/16 B. 3/16 C. 6/16
D. 9/16
E. 16/16
9. The fact that all seven of the garden pea traits studied by Mendel obeyed the principle of
independent assortment means that:
A. the haploid number of garden peas is 7.
B. the diploid number of garden peas is 7.
C. the seven pairs of alleles determining these traits are on the
same pair of homologous chromosomes.
D. the seven pairs of alleles determining these traits behave as if
they are on different chromosomes.
E. the formation of gametes in plants is by mitosis only.
10. In snapdragons, heterozygotes have pink flowers, whereas homozygotes have either red or
white flowers. When plants with red flowers are crossed with plants having white flowers,
what proportion of the offspring will have pink flowers?
A. 0%
B. 25%
C. 50%
D. 75%
E. 100%
11. In a two-character cross of a homozygous dominant individual with a homozygous
recessive individual, the expected proportion of offspring having one or both of the recessive
traits in the F2 generation is:
A. 1/16 B. 3/16
C. 6/16
D. 7/16
E. 9/16
12. A man with group A blood marries a woman with group B blood. Their child has group O
blood. What are the genotypes of the parents?
A. AO and BO
B. AA and BO
C. AO and BB
D. AA and BB
E. answers A, B, and C are all possible
13. A test cross was conducted to determine if a particular individual is homozygous dominant
or heterozygous for a particular trait. The results of the test cross showed that 50% of the F1
progeny had the recessive phenotype, and 50% the dominant phenotype. For the character of
interest, the genotype of the unknown parent in the test cross was:
A. homozygous
B. heterozygous
there is insufficient evidence to identify its genotype
D. all of the above are true
E. None of the above
14. How many phenotypes are expected from the following cross if A and B are on different
chromosomes: AaBb X aabb ?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5
15. Which of the following sceintists in NOT properly matched with the idea or system he
A. Charles Darwin
idea of descent with modification
B. James Hutton idea of gradualism
C. Charles Lyell idea of uniformitarianism
D. Alfred Wallace father of taxonomy
16. TRUE or FALSE? Paleontology is the study of fossils.
A. True
B. False
17. The person who proposed the theory that Earth's surface was formed over long periods of
time by mountain building and erosive processes (uniformitarianism) was:
A. Charles Darwin
B. Thomas Malthus
C. Alfred Wallace
D. Charles Lyell
E. Carolus Linnaeus
18. The scientist who proposed the theory that evolution is based upon the inheritance of
acquired traits is:
A. Charles Darwin
B. Thomas Malthus
C. Alfred Wallace
D. Charles Lyell
E. Lamarck
19. A research believes Lamarck's theory of evolution. To test Lamarck's theory, the researcher
removes the claws from two cats and then breeds them. He would probably EXPECT to find
that their progeny have:
A. no claws
B. normal claws
C. died
20. From his voyage, Darwin theorized that many species can emerge from one, if separated by
geographical barriers. Her proposed this theory to explain:
a. the many species of leopard frogs in the United States
b. the large number of endemic finch species on the Galapagos islands
c. embryological similarities among vertebrates
d. all of the above
21. Which of these IS NOT a part of Darwin's natural selection theory?
a. Individuals produce just enough offspring to replace themselves.
b. Species compete with each other for limited resources.
c. There is variation among members of the same species.
d. Individuals with the most favorable traits are the most likely to
e. survive and produce the most offspring.
22. Which of the following inferences support Darwin's theory of natural selection?
a. Some individuals in a population produce more offspring than others.
b. Individuals best adapted to their environment produce the fewest offspring.
c. Organisms less fit produce favorable characteristics in the population.
d. Both (a) and (c).
23. The statement: "Improving the intelligence of an adult through education will result in that
adult's descendants being born with
a greater native intelligence," is an example of:
A. Darwinism
B. Lamarckism
C. Neo-Darwinism
D. Scala naturae
E. Natural theology
24. All of the following influenced Darwin as he synthesized the concept
of natural selection EXCEPT:
A. Mendel's Laws of Inheritance
B. The finches of the Galapagos
C. Lyell's "Principles of Geology"
D. Malthus' "Essays on Populations"
E. The results of artificial selection
25. Which of the following elements of Darwinism is associated with Thomas Malthus?
a. Artificial selection
b. Differential reproductive success
c. Potential for population growth to exceed what the environment can support
d. Species become better adapted to their local environments through natural selection
e. Favorable variations accumulate in a population after many generations of being
perpetuated by natural selection
26. Natural selection is based on all of the following aspects EXCEPT:
a. Variation exists within populations
b. The fittest individuals leave the most offspring
c. There is differential reproductive success within populations
d. Populations tend to produce more individuals than the environment can support
e. The tendency for the environment to create favorable characteristics within
27. True or False: Linnaeus constructed his taxonomic classification scheme based on
presumed evolutionary relationships among organisms as evidenced by similarities in
28. TRUE or FALSE: The theory of natural selection is a general concept, and therefore cannot be
tested by standard deductive scientific techniques.
A. True
B. False
29. Which of the following is an acceptable definition of evolution?
a. a change in the species composition of a community.
b. a change in the genetic makeup of an individual.
c. a change in the environmental conditions.
d. a change in the genetic makeup of a population.
e. a change in the phenotypic makeup of a population.
30. Of the following anatomical structures, which is analogous to the wing of a bat?
A. the arm of a human
B. the tail fin of a fish
C. the wing of a bird
D. the dorsal fin of a shark
the tail of a kangaroo
31. Which of the following conditions alters the make-up of a gene pool and, as a result,
provides a mechanism for microevolution?
A. assortative mating
B. inbreeding
C. migration and gene flow
D. all of the above
32. Which of the following DOES NOT contribute to genetic variation within a population?
A. mutation
B. diploidy
C. genetic recombination
all of these contribute to genetic variation.
33. The fact that male songbirds typically have more colorful plumage than do females is an
example of:
A. mutation
B. sexual dimorphism
C. genetic drift
D. stabilizing selection E. all of the above
34. In a population in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium the frequency of a recessive allele will:
a. decrease through time due to the formation of heterozygotes.
b. change through time due to genetic drift.
c. remain constant through time.
d. change through time due to natural selection.
e. both B and D.
35. Hardy-Weinberg equilibria are NOT maintained in populations when:
A. There is random mating.
B. Population sizes are large.
C. There is natural selection.
D. Mutations do not occur.
E .Immigration and emigration do not occur.
36. In a population of coastal snails, 9% of the individuals are bright yellow and the rest are
brown. Shell color in these snails is determined by a single gene with two alleles, with yellow
(b) being recessive to brown (B). Based on this information, what is the proportion (%) of
brown alleles in this snail population?
A. 9%
B. 42%
C. 49%
D. 70%
E. 91%
37. A gene pool consists of:
all the gametes in a population.
the frequencies of the alleles for a gene locus within a population.
the entire genome of a reproducing individual.
the total of all gene loci present in a population.
the total aggregate of genes in a population at a given time.
38. A population of organisms that do not reproduce sexually (i.e., they reproduce asexually) is
affected nevertheless by natural selection.
39. Adaptive evolution typically results from:
A. genetic drift.
B. natural selection
C. the founder effect.
D. gene flow among populations. E. the bottleneck effect.
40. Mutations:
A. occur frequently.
C. result in new species.
B. are generally harmless.
D. generate genetic variability. E.always affect only a single
base pair of DNA.
41. Genetic drift is most likely to occur:
in large, isolated populations
in small, isolated populations.
in oceanic settings.
in populations exchanging genes with nearby populations.
when natural selection is not occurring.
42. The following are NOT important in the evolution of species:
A. founder effects
B. natural selection
C. non-random mating.
D. geographical isolation
E. none of the above.
43. What other genomes make up the cellular genome?
a. Ribosomal, nuclear, mitochondrial
b. Nuclear, mitochondrial, plastid
c. Mitochondrial, plastid, ribosomal
d. Plastid, ribosomal, nuclear
44. Homologous chromosomes are:
a. Two members of a chromosome pair
b. Two joined chromatids that exist prior to anaphase
c. Chromosomes that split the genome in half
d. Circular genes
45. In New Zealand, a new species of animal is found. There are three feather colors that occur
frequently in the population: black, white, and grey. Which is a reasonable explanation,
assuming that feather color is controlled by a single gene, for the appearance of grey feathers?
Incomplete dominance
Polygenic Inheritance
The grey feather color is the result of a mutation
46. What process or processes promote adaptive evolution?
a. Genetic drift
b. Gene flow
c. Non-random mating
d. Mutations
e. Natural selection
f. All of the above
g. None of the above
47. The fact that some mosquitoes breed in saltwater and some in freshwater and thus have
become two different species can be evidence to support:
a. Sympatric speciation
b. Allopatric speciation
c. Non-random mating
d. Genetic drift
48. Green leaves are dominant to yellow leaves and blue berries are dominant to purple
berries. You find a green leafed, blue berried plant. What must you do to determine
this plant's genotype?
Cross it to a pure breeding green leafed, blue berry plant
Cross it to a pure breeding green leafed, purple berry plant
Cross it to a pure breeding yellow leafed, blue berry plant
Cross it to a pure breeding yellow leafed, purple berry plant
49. A man with type B blood fathers children with a woman who also has type B blood.
What is/are the possible blood type/s of their offspring?
a. B only
b. A or B
c. A, B, or O
d. O only
e. B or O
50. Which is the correct order of phases in Mitosis, the first term occurring first?
Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase/Cytokinesis
Metaphase, Prophase, Anaphase, Telophase/Cytokinesis
Telophase/Cytokinesis, Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase
None of the above
51. True or False. An individual can evolve.
52. True or False. The mechanism of evolution is natural selection.
53. Which of the following are examples of evolution that can be observed in human life times?
Insect species becoming pesticide-resistant
Infectious disease gaining antibiotic resistance
The transition from wild wolves to domestic dogs
A & B only
All of the above
54. A woman with AB blood has children with a man who has type O blood. What are the possible
blood types of their children?
Type A only
Type B only
Type A and Type B
Type A, Type B, Type AB
Type A, Type B, Type AB, and Type O
55. In a certain species of frog, yellow eyes are dominant to grey eyes and brown spots are
dominant to purple spots. If a two frogs that are each heterozygous for both traits mate, what
proportion of the offspring will have yellow-eyes and purple-spots?
none of the above
56. Upon arriving on Pluto, you discover a new race of aliens. You observe that Plutonions range
from having no orange spots at all to being almost completely covered in orange spots, with a
whole spectrum of orange-spottedness in between. Assuming the Plutonions are a sexually
reproducing diploid species, which of the following is a reasonable guess concerning the
inheritance pattern of the orange spot trait?
a. Incomplete Dominance
b. Pleiotropy
c. Polygenetic Inheritance
d. Multiple alleles
e. All of the above are reasonable guesses
57. In mice, grey coat color is( mix of black and white hairs) occurs in the heterozygous individuals
(Gg). When two grey mice are crossed, the phenotypes of the progeny are 1black:2grey:1white.
Which of the following of the crosses would produce the highest percentage of grey mice?
a. Grey X Grey b. Grey X Black
c. White X Black
d. White X Grey
58. Which of the following is not an observation or inference on which natural selection is based?
a. There is heritable variation among individuals.
b. Poorly adapted individuals never produce offspring.
c. There is a struggle for limited resources, and only a fraction of offspring will survive
d. Individuals whose characteristics are best suited to the environment generally leave more
offspring than those whose characteristics are less well studied.
e. Organisms interact with their environment.
59. On the following diagram, identify the function of each part of the cell:
60. What structures are present in the plant cell in question 59 that are NOT present in an animal