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5th Grade EOG Review - Structures and Functions of Living
Organisms [176216]
1. Which statement would most likely be found in an article about
multi-celled organisms like plants?
A. Plants have a simple structure.
B. Plants contain only one cell that performs all functions.
C. Plants do not need to eat, remove waste, or reproduce.
D. Plants contain many specialized cells that perform different
2. How is a plant different from bacteria?
A. A plant is a multi-celled organism in which each cell performs
a specific function. Bacteria is a single-celled organism in
which one cell performs all functions.
B. Bacteria is a multi-celled organism in which each cell
performs a specific function. A plant is a single-celled
organism in which one cell performs all functions.
C. A plant is a multi-celled organism in which one cell performs
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all functions. Bacteria is a single-celled organism in which
each cell performs a specific function.
D. Bacteria is a multi-celled organism in which one cell performs
all functions. A plant is a single-celled organism in which each
cell performs a specific function.
3. Why do humans require many different types of cells to survive?
A. Human cells are identical and work together to perform the
same function.
B. Human cells are specialized and work together to perform the
same function.
C. Human cells are identical and work independently to perform
different functions.
D. Human cells are specialized and work independently to
perform different functions.
4. Fungi and bacteria are both single-celled organisms. What do
they most likely have in common?
A. Both fungi and bacteria are large organisms.
B. Both fungi and bacteria can carry out all life functions in their
one cell.
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C. Both fungi and bacteria need sunlight and nutrients from the
soil to be able to grow.
D. Both fungi and bacteria are highly specialized to do only one
job so they must work with other cells to obtain food.
5. Which must a single-celled and a multi-celled organism both be
able to do?
A. hunt
B. mate
C. get nutrients
D. talk to each other
6. Bacteria often live inside the body of a living host, such as a dog.
Which best describes how bacteria carry out the processes
necessary for survival?
A. Bacteria borrow cells from the host to carry out life
B. Bacteria use their many different cells to carry out life
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C. Bacteria are made up of one cell which is responsible for
carrying out all life processes.
D. Bacteria use their many different cells as well as cells from
the host to carry out life processes.
7. An organism can only be seen through a microscope. Which is
most likely true of that organism?
A. It is a plant.
B. It is an animal.
C. It is multicellular.
D. It is single-celled.
8. How is it possible for single-celled organisms to survive?
A. They are small and can easily avoid predators.
B. They have all of their needs met within one cell.
C. They have adapted to live only in specific environments.
D. They depend on other cells to obtain food, water, and other
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9. Which is an example of a single-celled organism?
A. bird
B. spider
C. human
D. amoeba
10. Which organism only requires one cell to carry out all life
A. tree
B. snake
C. bacteria
D. mushroom
11. What is the main distinction between multi-celled and single-
celled organisms?
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A. size
B. shape
C. number of cells
12. Which device works similar to the way kidneys work in the human body?
A. A refrigerator stores food similar to the way kidneys store nutrients the body needs.
B. A thermostat controls temperature similar to the way kidneys control body conditions.
C. A wire transports electrical energy similar to the way kidneys transport energy to cells.
D. A strainer separates water from noodles similar to the way kidneys remove waste from
13. Which is responsible for providing oxygen to cells?
A. skeletal system
B. digestive system
C. muscular system
D. circulatory system
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14. Which best describes the relationship between the skeletal
system and the circulatory system?
A. The skeletal system transports red blood cells after the
circulatory system produces them.
B. The skeletal system protects red blood cells and the
circulatory system pumps those cells through veins and
C. The skeletal system produces red blood cells and the
circulatory system transports those cells where they need to
D. The skeletal system helps put oxygen in red blood cells and
the circulatory system helps those cells rid the body of carbon
15. In which system does the heart work to move blood throughout
the body?
A. digestive system
B. muscular system
C. respiratory system
D. cardiovascular system
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16. Which is an example of a function the muscular system
A. Voluntary muscles pump blood through the body.
B. Skeletal muscles keep a body’s joints working properly.
C. Cardiac muscles move bones and hold a body’s skeleton in
D. Smooth muscles help move food through the organs they
17. How does the circulatory system work with the digestive system?
A. Blood is used to build muscle strength.
B. Food is broken down in the bloodstream.
C. Blood carries nutrients throughout the body.
D. Food waste is filtered by the heart and blood vessels.
18. Which body system is responsible for supplying the body with
oxygen and removing carbon dioxide?
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A. nervous
B. digestive
C. muscular
D. respiratory
19. Which two systems work together to help a person stand erect?
A. skeletal and muscular
B. skeletal and digestive
C. skeletal and respiratory
D. skeletal and cardiovascular
20. Why is the digestive system important?
A. It transports blood that cells need.
B. It provides oxygen that cells need.
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C. It provides nutrients that cells need to produce energy.
D. It carries carbon dioxide and oxygen away from the body.
21. How does the muscular system depend on the nervous system?
A. The nervous system transports blood to the muscles.
B. The nervous system provides support for the muscles.
C. The nervous system supplies food and oxygen to the
D. The nervous system sends signals to the muscles to cause
22. How does the skeletal system benefit the digestive system?
A. It protects organs within the system.
B. It supplies blood to organs within the system.
C. It provides oxygen to organs within the system.
D. It provides nutrients to organs within the system.
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23. How does the skeletal system benefit the nervous system?
A. It protects the lungs.
B. It protects the heart.
C. It protects the brain and spinal cord.
D. It protects the esophagus and stomach.
24. Which system is responsible for creating red blood cells?
A. skeletal
B. nervous
C. muscular
D. circulatory
25. Which best describes the system of the human body that breaks
down food for cell energy?
A. cardiovascular system
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B. respiratory system
C. circulatory system
D. digestive system
26. Which body system coordinates and communicates with all other
body systems?
A. respiratory system
B. circulatory system
C. digestive system
D. nervous system
27. Why do the other body systems depend on the circulatory
A. It protects the organs of other body systems.
B. It produces energy for the other body systems.
C. It picks up waste materials from other body systems.
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D. It sends messages from the brain to the other body systems.
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