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1) Define each of Earth’s four main Systems:
a) Atmosphere = the layer of gases surrounding the Earth. Made up of
several layers. Main gases are carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen, and
water vapor.
b) Biosphere = all living things and their habitats.
c) Hydrosphere = all Earth’s water. The water cycle includes evaporation,
condensation, transpiration(plants), groundwater, runoff, accumulation,
and precipitation.
d) Geosphere = all Earth’s land. Includes continental and oceanic crust.
Includes the rock cycle and the 4 layers (crust, mantle, inner and outer
2) Give examples of each (Matter, Energy, Life) and label them with the correct
system (Biosphere, Atmosphere, Hydrosphere, Geosphere).
a) Matter - Carbon Dioxide, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Water, Minerals, Metals,
Proteins, Cells
b) Energy - Sunlight, Heat, Food / Photosynthesis, Fossil Fuels
c) Life – ACTOS, Single celled organisms, Multi-celled organisms, Plants,
Animals, Fungi
3) Explain the Big Bang Theory (Use Key Words: singularity, space, time,
matter, energy, elements, expansion, gases, background radiation)
The theory that the universe began as a single point of matter,
space, time and energy called singularity. This point exploded and began to
spread into the expanding universe about 14 billion years ago. Minutes after
the BB, elements and forces formed allowing the rest of our universe to build
over time. Background radiation from this explosion can still be view from
4) List and describe 4 pieces of evidence for Big Bang Theory.
a) The Expanding Universe - stars and galaxies are moving away from each
other as you would expect after and explosion.
b) The Red Shift – Stars and galaxies display the red shift of objects moving
away from us.
c) Background Radiation – the radiation left over from the big bang can still
be detected in space.
d) Hydrogen and Helium – the abundance of these two elements suggests
they were the first to be created after the BB
5) What is the Red Shift? Wavelengths of light get longer as something moves
away and appear red. Opposite: blue shift = closer
6) Explain the Nebular Theory (Use Key Words: Nebula, Nuclear Fusion, Dust
/ Gas Disc, Inner Planets, Outer Planets, Asteroid Belt): A nebula of dust
and gas became our Sun (star) through nuclear fusion of hydrogen into
helium. This lit the star and it continues to create energy this way. The left
over dust and gas became our inner and outer planets as well as everything
else in the Solar System, such as comets and asteroids.
7) How can you tell the age of a galaxy by its shape (Irregular, Spiral,
Irregular = young / Spiral = middle age / Elliptical = Old
8) Where is our Solar System in the Milky Way Galaxy?
9) Name the planets in order from closest to the sun to
furthest out in the solar system (My Very Excellent Mother
Just Served Us Nachos):
Mercury , Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus,
10) How are the inner and outer planets different?
Inner = small and rocky, formed from the hotter part of the Solar System
Outer = large and gassy, formed from the cooler part of the Solar
11) Which units would you use to measure distances in space:
a. between planets
km or AU
b. between close stars __Light Years_______
c. across galaxies
Light Years or Parsecs