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Grade 5
Meet 4
What is the product of the 6 smallest counting numbers?
Answer: _________________ (2 pts)
What is the GCF of 24, 72, and 612?
Answer: _________________(3 pts)
What is the next number in this sequence?
1, .5, .33, .25, _____
Answer: _________________(4 pts)
In the addition example below, different letters represent different digits. Figure out what each
digit represents. What does A x B x C equal?
+A A
Answer: _________________(5 pts)
A bag has a large number of marbles. The marbles can be divided into equal shares among 3, 5,
6 or 7 children with no marbles left over each time. What is the least number of marbles the bag
could contain?
Answer: _________________ (6 pts)
Grade 5
Meet 4
What is the name of a regular triangle?
Answer: ________________ (2 pts)
The sum of all the interior angles of an octagon is how many degrees?
Answer: _______________° (3 pts)
The (total measure of the interior angles of a triangle)  (number of degrees in a right angle) +
the (number of degrees in circle)  (sum of the measures of the angles of a quadrilateral) +
(number of sides in a pentagon) = (the number of sides in what shape)?
Answer: _________________(4 pts)
What is the area of the figure below in square inches?
2.75 ft.
11 in.
Answer: ______________in2 (5 pts)
10 in.
3 in.
On the figure below, the hat has a base of 10 ft. and a height of 24 ft. The head has a diameter of
14 ft. The trunk of body has a base of 10 ft. and a height of 29 ft. The arms and legs are all 3ft.
by 18 ft. What is the area of the figure? Use 3.14 for pi. Round your answer to the nearest
whole number.
Answer: _____________sq. ft.(6
Meet 4
Jill delivers newspapers to 100 houses 7 days a week. The newspaper costs 40 cents a day
except on Sunday when the price is $1.25. Jill collects the money once a week and she gets to
keep 20% of the money. How much money will Jill get to keep after 4 weeks?
Answer: _________________ (6 pts)
There are 25 campers (girls and boys) at Lake Mathematics. The first boy talked to 10 girls in
the group. The second boy talked to 11 girls, the third boy talked to 12 girls and so on, until the
last boy talked to all the girls at the camp. How many girls are in the group?
Answer: _________________ (6 pts)
The year 2000 was a leap year. Mac was born on June 9, 2000. Nelle was born on October 16,
2002. Mac is how many days older than Nelle?
Answer: _________________ (6 pts)
How many numbers greater than 1 and less than 500 are multiples of 2, but not multiples of 5?
Answer: _________________(6 pts)
82 + (42 x 5  10 x 2) – 42  (32 – 7)
78  2  13
Answer: _________________(6 pts)
If all of the measures of a triangle’s angles are perfect square numbers, what would be the
smallest possible angle measure for one of the three angles?
Answer: ________________ (6 pts)
Grade 5
Meet 4
1) 720
2) 12
3) .2 or 1/5
1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 x 6 = 720
Prime factors for 24 = 2x2x2x3, for 72= 2x2x2x3x3, for 612 = 2x2x3x3x17. The
common prime factors are 2x2x3=12.
The pattern is 1/1 = 1, ½ = .5, 1/3 = .33, ¼ =.25, and the next number is 1/5 = .2
4) 72
5) 210
A has to be 5 or more, otherwise the sum would not be a 3 digit number. A has to be odd
because A + A + 1 ends in A. C has to be 1. The only value that checks is A = 9. A = 9,
B = 8, C = 1. 9 x 8 x 1 = 72.
Find the LCM of 3, 5, 6, and 7. Prime factors of the numbers are 3, 5, 2 x 3, 7. Multiply
5x2x3x7 = 210.
1) equilateral Regular polygons have all sides and angles equal. The triangle with equal sides and
angles is the equilateral triangle. Also acceptable would be equiangular.
2) 1080
8 sides – 2 = 6 x 180 = 1080
3) octagon
Rewritten the equation is 180  90 + 360  360 + 5 = 8. Using order of operations to get
the solution 2 + 1 + 5 = 8. Octagon is the 8 sided shape.
4) 333 in.2
11 in. x 33 in. = 363 in2. Subtract 3 in. x 10 in. or 30 in2. 363 in2 – 30 in2 = 333 in2.
5) 780 sq. ft. Area of the hat = ½ x 10 ft. x 24 ft. = 120 sq. ft. Area of head = 3.14 x 49 (1/2 of d. = 7,
7 x 7 = 49) = 153.86 sq. ft. Area of trunk of body = 10 ft. x 29 ft. = 290 sq. ft. Area of
limbs = 4 (3ft. x 18ft.) = 216 sq. ft. 120 + 153.86+290+ 216 = 779.86. Rounded = 780
sq. feet.
1) $292
2) 17
3) 859
4) 200
5) 24
6) 16
6 x $.40 = $2.40. $2.40 + $1.25 = $3.65 per customer per week x 100 customers = $365
collected each week. $365 x .20 = $73 x 4 weeks = $292.
1st girl talked to 10 boys, 2nd to 11, 3 to 12….8 to 17 until there is a pair of numbers that
totals 25. There are 8 boys and 17 girls at the camp.
June 9, 2000 to June 9, 2002 = 365 x 2 = 730 days. June 2002 has 21 additional days,
July has 31 days, Aug. has 31 days, Sept. has 30 days, October has 16 more days for an
additional sum of 129 days. 730 days + 129 days = 859 days
There are 249 multiples of 2 greater than 1 and less than 500 (can’t use 500). For each
set of 100 there are 10 even multiples of 5 (the ones ending in 5 are not also multiples of
2) giving up 50 multiples of 5, but because we can’t count 500, there are only 49 we can
subtract. 249 multiples of 2 – 49 multiples of 2 and 5 = 200 multiples.
In the numerator you have 64 + (16 x 5 / 10 x 2) – 16/(9 – 7) = 64 + (80 / 10 x 2) – 16/2 =
64 + (16) – 16/2 = 64 + 16 – 8 = 80 – 8 = 72. In the denominator you have 39 / 13 = 3.
So 72/3 = 24
If a triangle’s angles are perfect squares that equal 180, they have to be 100, 64 and 16.
The smallest angle is 16.