Download Spring 1 2016 – Year 6 - Radford Semele C Of E Primary School

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Year 6
Spring – First Half Term - Information to Parents
Literacy: Narrative Poetry
What we will be covering:
What we will be targeting:
What you might like to do at
 Talking about features of the Antarctic environment
 Use a range of sources to research and locate
 Take notes to support their speaking and writing
 Summarise information from a range of sources
 Write in a range of genre types for different purposes
and audiences – diaries, poems, letters, newspaper
articles, stories, non-chronological reports
 Extending the use of complex sentences by adding
subordinate clauses effectively.
 Using punctuation to clarify meaning in complex
 Using punctuation accurately
 Exploring different narrative techniques –
personification, metaphors, similes, alliteration,
repetition, rhyme
 Using different sentence structures for impact
 Continue to read and discuss text
 Research the Antarctic and compare to the UK
(climate, weather, animals, time zones, seasons).
 Research and compile a fact file of famous explorers.
What we will be covering:
using negative numbers in context, and calculating
use brackets to explore the order or operations
secure understanding of long multiplication including
 Divide three digit numbers by two digit number using
long division written method
 Solve problems involving all four operations
 Find equivalent fractions using multiplication facts
 Divide proper fractions by whole numbers
Ratio and Proportion
 Calculate percentages mentally
Solve problems involving percentages
Investigate sequences and understand formulae may
be written to describe a rule.
Calculate volume of cuboids
What we will be targeting:
What you might like to do at
Identify and explain circumference, diameter and
radius of a circle
Converting measures by multiplying and dividing by
10,100 and 1000.
Using large numbers in mental calculation
Ensure times facts to x 12 are fast and fluent! This is a
vital skill in year 6
We have a great resource called ‘My Maths’ which the
children can access at home and this has games and
lessons on all aspects of maths.
What we will be covering:
What you might like to do at
Recognising that a switch opens and closes a circuit and
associate this with whether or not a lamp lights in a simple
series circuit.
Recognising some common conductors and insulators, and
associate metals with being good conductors.
Associating the brightness of a lamp or the volume of a
buzzer with the number and voltage of cells used in the
Comparing and give reasons for variations in how
components function, including the brightness of bulbs, the
loudness of buzzers and the on/off position of switches.
Using recognised symbols when representing a simple circuit
in a diagram.
Describing how voltage changes in a series and parallel
Create a parallel circuit with components for a light house or a
doll’s house.
Theme Learning (Art, Design and Technology, History, Geography):
What we will be covering:
Greece Lightning!
Place Ancient Greece civilization on a timeline.
Study Greek architecture and discuss main features.
Study Ancient Greek pottery and establish what they tell us about
life in the past.
Research aspects of daily life using primary resources and
compare and contrast findings.
Use sources of information to make deductions about life in
Ancient Greece.
Research the Ancient Olympics and establish what they tell us
about the past.
Identify geographical features of Greece, name seas, and locate
Draw/ sketch Ancient Greek pots using observational drawing
Use research to influence the design and decoration of a modern
pot based on those found in Ancient Greece.
Construct and decorate a clay pot using coils or a thumb pot
What you might like to do at
POWer Projects to be handed in 8th February
Weekly Homework:
 Maths homework will be given on Thursday and is to be returned the following
 Literacy homework will be given on a Tuesday and must be handed in on the
following Monday. This will normally be a grammar piece but may vary depending
on the literacy topic that week.
 Spellings will be given out on a Tuesday and the children will be tested the
following Tuesday. Children are encouraged to read to an adult at home at least
once a week. This can be from a range of texts including newspapers and