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CHEM 210
Testing Center Quiz # 3 Study Guide for CH. 6-9, 10.5, 11-15
FYI: Know the structures of D-Glucose, Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Acetaminophen,
Codeine, Morphine, Caffeine, and Serotonin
(you won’t have to draw them, but you need to be able to identify or count the
functional groups, and count the number of carbons or hydrogens)
Note that you may put any of this information on
BOTH sides of your 3 x 5 card if you would like or
whatever best suites your study
CH. 5.8,
 Define energy of activation
 Know three conditions for a reaction to occur (pg. 199)
 Define catalyst & know what a catalyst does in a reaction (pg. 201)
(catalysts are not used up in reactions)
 Know the effect that temperature has on reactions (pg. 201)
 Define exothermic & endothermic reactions
o Know examples (pg.199-200)
o Know if heat/energy is released (exothermic) or if heat/energy is
absorbed (endothermic)
CH. 6 Be familiar with the Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases (i.e, remember
that in gases, particles move so fast and are so far apart that their
attractions are neglible).
 Be able to name at the units of measurement that are used for pressure
(atm, torr, mmHg, etc.)
 Be able to solve a simple pressure question involving conversion of atm
to mmHg or torr or vice versa (remember 1 atm = 760 mmHg [exact], & 1
atm = 1 torr [exact])  (example problems on pg. 219, 220)
 Know Boyle’s law is P1V1 = P2V2 (what type of relationship is there
between P & V, direct or inverse?)( As P increases what happens to V?)
 Know Charle’s law, & remember it is a direct relationship between V & T (
If T increases what happens to V?)
 Know Gay-Lussac’s law, an increase in temperature increases the
pressure of a gas. (relationship : direct or inverse?)
 Recognize the Combined Gas Law
 Know that with Avogadro’s Law the volume of gas is directly related to
the number of moles of the gas when pressure and temperature are
 In a mixture of two or more gases, the total pressure is the sum of the
partial pressures of the individual gases, and is expressed as Ptotal = P 1
+ P2 + P3 +…(pg. 237)
 Be able to add up total pressures from a problem ( review concept check
6.8 )
CH. 7 Know that Dialysis is a process that is similar to osmosis.
 Know that substances that release ions in water are called electrolytes.
 Define Molarity
 Define isotonic, hypertonic, hypotonic solutions
 Define solubility
 Define crenation & hemolysis
o Know what happens when a red blood cell placed in isotonic,
hypotonic, and hypertonic solutions
CH. 8 The pH of blood is considered acidic because it is above a pH of 7.0 .
 Buffers are important in maintaining the pH of blood.
 Know Table 8.1 Common Acids
 Know names of bases listed on pg. 287 LiOH, NaOH, KOH, Ca(OH)2,
CH. 9 Know MRI machines are powerful and don’t involve X-ray radiation.
What are MRI’s based on? What happens to protons in hydrogen atoms
when they are excited by a strong magnetic field?
 Review different types of Medical uses for radiography/radiation (pg.
 Define Fusion & fission
CH.10.5, 11-15 Carboxylic acids are important to life.
 Know the structure of Ethene & is it a fruit ripening hormone?
 Glucose, fructose, and galactose belong to the biochemical class of
compounds called monosaccharides.
 Know common disaccharide sugars maltose, lactose, and sucrose.
 Know what monosaccharides make up each disaccharide (pg. 465)
 Know that polysaccharides include amylose & amylopectin (starches
made of α-D-glucose), glycogen (animal starch in muscle, which is made
of α-D-glucose), cellulose (plants and wood, which is made of β-D-glucose)
 Define monosaccharide, disaccharide, and polysaccharide.
o Monosaccharides are classified by the number of carbon atoms.
 Know the function of Prostaglandins in the body
 How do the steroid structures Estradiol & testosterone differ from one
another, when looking at the chemical structures? (hint: look at the
functional groups.)
 Estradiol
 Define saturated double bonds & know that in unsaturated fatty acids,
they are almost always cis isomers
 Define Saturated & unsaturated fatty acids and know general properties
from our discussion in class
 Cholesterol is considered elevated if plasma cholesterol exceeds
200 mg/dL & is synthesized in the liver and obtained from foods &
increases in the liver when high levels of saturated fat
are consumed
 Define wax, fat, and oil from Ch. 15 perspective
 Know that the lipid bilayer contains proteins, carbohydrates, and
 The lipid bilayer has unsaturated fatty acids that make cell membranes
fluid-like rather than rigid
 The lipid bilayer has proteins and carbohydrates on the surface that
communicate with hormones and neurotransmitters
 Know general structure & properties discussed in class about the
following functional groups: alcohols, aldehydes, alkenes, alkynes,
amides, amines, aromatic compounds (contain benzene ring), carboxylic
acids, ethers, esters, ketones, and thiol functional groups.
FYI: Know the structures of D-Glucose, Aspirin, Ibuprofen,
Acetaminophen, Codeine, Morphine, Caffeine, and Serotonin
(you won’t have to draw them, but you need to be able to identify or count the
functional groups, and count the number of carbons or hydrogens)