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Biology—Midterm Study Guide
Units 3-4
Fall 2009
Unit 4—Classification of Life
1. Classification—the placing of information or objects into groups based on similarities
2. The science of grouping and naming organisms is ________.
3. A group or level of organization into which organisms are classified is known as
_______________. Taxa
4. Organisms that are similar in structure and form and successfully reproduce among
themselves belong to the same _____.
5. In plant taxonomy, a division is the equivalent to _______________.
6. When classifying plants, instead of phylum what category do scientists use? Division
7. In the name of the white oak, Quercus alba, Quercus is the __________ name.
8. A(n) _______________ is a series of paired statements that is used to identify organisms with
specific traits.
Dichotomous Key
9. The language used for scientific names is ____________ because it does not change.
10. A system for naming species in which two words are used to name an organism is _____.
Binomial nomenclature
11. Prokaryotic organisms make up the _______.
Archaebacteria & Eubacteria
12. The kingdom _________________ is composed of eukaryotes that are not classified as plants,
animals, or fungi.
13. Which kingdom contains photosynthetic autotrophs?
14. Organisms in the kingdom animalia are:
Heterotrophic & Eukaryotic
15. A heterotrophic eukaryote associated with the decomposition of dead organisms?
16. A group of prokaryotes that often live in oxygen free environments is the ________.
17. Autotroph—organisms that make their own food
18. Heterotroph—an organism that cannot make its own food and must rely on other sources for
Unit 3—Changes over Time
19. Fossil—any evidence of an organism that lived long ago
20. Dating technique that utilizes isotopes in rocks to determine the specific age of a fossil?
Radiometric dating
21. When using relative dating which layer of rock would contain the oldest fossils? The bottom
22. Who is the founder of modern evolutionary theory? Charles Darwin
23. Mimicry—adaptation in which one organisms resembles another organism to aid in it’s chance
for survival
24. Camouflage—when an organisms blends in with its surrounding to hide from predators
25. What is natural selection? Survival and reproduction of the organisms that are genetically
best adapted to the Environment.
26. Adaptation—any characteristic that helps an organisms survive
27. A giraffe’s long neck and tongue would be examples of what type of adaptation? Structural
28. Structures that have a similar evolutionary origin and structure but are adapted for different
purposes, such as a bat wing and a human arm, are called _____. Homologous Structures
29. Structures that show no evolutionary relationship despite having similar functions. Analogous
30. Vestigial structures—structures found in modern species that no longer serve their original
31. The Geologic Time Scale begins at the formation of Earth approximately _____ years ago. 4.6
Billion years ago
32. Which Era is divided into three periods: Triassic, Jurassic, & Cretaceous? Mesozoic
33. Which era is marked by an explosion of life, characterized by an enormous increase in the
diversity of life forms? Paleozoic
34. During which era did humans Evolve? Cenozoic
35. During which era did mammals appear? Mesozoic
Unit 2—Reproduction and Genetics
36. cross pollination—process Mendel used when he wanted to cross one plant with another
37. A child is diagnosed with a rare genetic disease. Neither parent has the disease. How might
the child have inherited the disorder? The disorder is recessive and carried by both
38. When roan cattle are mated, 25% of the offspring are red, 50% are roan, and 25% are white.
Upon examination, it can be seen that the coat of a roan cow consists of both red and white
hairs. This trait is one controlled by _____. Co-dominant alleles
39. A useful device for predicting the possible genotypes and phenotypes of offspring between
different parents is a _____.Punnett Square
40. Gender is determined by ____ chromosomes. Sex chromosomes (X&Y)
41. A white mouse whose parents are both white produces only brown offspring when mated with
a brown mouse. The white mouse is most probably _____. Homozygous Recessive
42. The allele combination an organism contains is known as it’s ____________. Genotype
43. The physical expression of a trait is also known as the organism’s
44. Eye color and height in humans is the result of _____ inheritance. Polygenic
45. When Mendel crossed a true-breeding pea plant with yellow seeds with a true-breeding pea
plant with green seeds all the offspring were yellow. Which trait is dominant? Yellow
46. A pea plant with the genotype TT has the same phenotype as a pea plant with the genotype
_____. Tt
47. A phenotype that results from a dominant allele must have at least _____ dominant allele(s)
present in the genotype. ONE
48. The type of inheritance shown when a red-flowering plant is crossed with a white-flowering
plant and only pink-flowering plants are produced is _____. Incomplete Dominance.
49. Which of the following describes an organism that has the genotype Bb? Heterozygous
50. A trait controlled by four alleles is said to have _____. Multiple Alleles
51. The passing of characteristics from parents to offspring. Heredity
52. A characteristic that is inherited. Trait
53. The branch of Biology that studies heredity. Genetics
54. During the process of transcription, DNA serves as the template for making
____________________, which leaves the nucleus and travels to the ribosomes. mRNA
55. In DNA adenine forms a base pair with ____. Thymine
56. Meiosis produces _____, or male and female sex cells. Gametes
57. List the stages of the cell cycle in the order they occur. Interphase, Prophase, Metaphase,
Anaphase, Telophase
58. The pairing of _____ in DNA is the key feature that allows DNA to be copied. Nitrogenous
59. What nucleotide pair bonds would be found in a RNA molecule? Guanine&Cytosine,
60. Cytosine will form a base pair only with _______. Guanine
61. How Many amino acids will the result from the following DNA sequence? ATCAAATGCGGC.
62. Watson and Crick were the first to suggest that DNA is _____. Shaped like a double helix
63. The message of the DNA code is information for building ____. proteins
64. The process of converting RNA code into an amino acid sequence is called___. Translation
65. In which part of the cell are proteins made? Ribosome
66. A DNA segment is changed from-AATTAG- to -AAATAG-. This is a ____. Point mutation
67. Proteins are made in the cytoplasm of the cell, whereas DNA is found only in the
_______________. Nucleus
68. A mutation is any mistake or change in the ____. DNA Sequence
69. When genetic material is exchanged between homologous chromosomes, _________ occurs.
Crossing Over
70. A gene is a segment of DNA that controls the production of ___________. Proteins
71. Centrioles—structures needed for animal cell division
72. The process by which a DNA molecule is copied is called ______. Replication
73. A cell containing a full set of chromosomes is said to be ____. Diploid
74. A cell containing a half set of chromosomes is said to be ____. Haploid
Unit 1—The
75. What is biology? The study of Life
76. All living things are made up of these? Cells
77. Water moves into a cell when placed in this type of solution? Hypotonic
78. Water moves out of a cell when placed in this type of solution? Hypertonic
79. Type of cellular transport requiring energy. Active Transport
80. Movement of particles from an area of higher concentration to one of lower concentration.
81. osmosis—diffusion of water through a selectively permeable membrane
82. This organelle manages cell functions in a eukaryotic cell. Nucleus
83. Three parts of the cell theory:
1. All organisms are made of cells
2. All cells come from preexisting cells
3. The cell is the basic unit in all living things
84. Prokaryotic cells—cells lacking a nucleus and have no membrane bound structures, such as
85. Eukaryotic cells—cells which have a nucleus and membrane bound organelles, such as plant
and animal cells
86. Organelle found in plants that transforms light into energy—chloroplasts
87. In eukaryotic cells this structure maintains homeostasis by controlling what goes in and out of
the cell—plasma membrane
88. In eukaryotic cells this cellular structure transforms energy into a source usable by the cell—
89. Reproduction—the process where living things make more living things
90. Homeostasis—an organisms tendency to maintain a stable (balanced) internal environment.