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Chapter 7- Evolution
Who was Charles Darwin?
Charles Darwin developed the theory of evolution while sailing the Beagle
Darwin observations-
He observed:
1) the diversity of species (group of similar organisms
that can mate and reproduce)
 There are over 1.7 million different species on earth!
2) fossils- remains or evidence of ancient organisms
 He saw bones that look similar to living species
3) adaptations- traits that help an organism survive and reproduce in an
Many of his observations came from species on the Galapagos
For example, there are finches (birds) on the Galapagos that have
very different beaks depending on what they eat
Darwin reasoned that plants and animals from the mainland that arrived
on the Galapagos Islands (via wind etc) changed over many generations
to be better adapted for their environment
Theory of evolution-
Evolution- gradual change in species over time (known as the theory of
Natural Selection-
Four factors-
A theory is a well-tested concept that explains a observations
Darwin based his theory of evolution on selective breeding
(a technique used to produce specific traits in plants and animals)
Natural selection- process by which organisms that are better adapted for
their environment survive and reproduce
Factors that influence natural selection:
1) overproduction- animals produce more offspring than there is enough food
or space for
2) variation- there are differences between organisms of the same species
3) competition- members of the same species must compete for resources
4) selection- some variations within an environment are better than other
Environmental factors and genes both contribute to evolution (how an
organism changes over time)
Evidence for evolutionDifferences in rate of evolution-
Evidence of evolution:
1) Fossils provide information about past life and environments on earth
Scientists study fossils to determine the rate evolution occurs
Gradualism- evolution occurs slowly
Punctuated equilibrium- evolution occurs rapidly
2) Rock layers- oldest rock layers are on the bottom, the youngest
layers are found on top
3) Homologous body structures- similar structures that species inherited
from a common ancestor
4) Embryology- similarities in early development
5) Similarities in DNA and proteins
Classifying organisms-
How to do binomial
Levels of classification-
Classification: grouping things based on similarities
Biologists use classification to make organisms easier to study
Taxonomy- study of how things are classified
Binomial nomenclature (scientific name):
Two-name system
First word- Genus (capitalized and often first initial only)
Second word- Species (lower case)
Always italicized or underlined (ex- E. coli)
Developed by Carolus Linnaeus, Swedish Biologist 1700’s
8 Major levels of classification:
1- Domain, 2- Kingdom, 3- Phylum, 4- Class, 5- Order, 6- Family,
7- Genus, 8- Species
Acronymdumb kids playing catch on freeways get squashed