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Performance Objectives:
1. Students complete map of the region locating major geographic features, political boarders and
2. Explain how geography influenced ancient Rome.
3. Understand how government changed as Rome grew.
4. Describe views Romans held about family, education, and religion.
5. Explain why Rome and Carthage fought.
6. Explain why Roman government needed reform.
7. Describe how a series of generals gained power in Rome.
8. List the changes Julius Caesar introduced.
9. Explain how Augustus brought peace to Rome.
10. Describe how people lived under Pax Romana.
11. List problems that existed alongside Pax Romana.
12. Describe how Greek culture influenced Rome.
13. List the contributions Romans made in science, technology, and law.
14. Explain why reforms were unable to stop the decline of Rome.
15. Explain why Germanic tribes invaded Rome.
16. List the political, economic, and social problems that led to the decline of Rome.
Section I – The Republic
What is the geography of Italy and how did it affect the development of Roman culture/society?
Early cultures of Italy:
The early republic / government of Rome
Family, women and religion
Section II – The Expansion of Rome
Where did they expand?
How did the Romans conquer surrounding lands/countries?
Rome v. Carthage
1st Punic War
2nd Punic War
3rd Punic War
Changes brought on by victory and new territories
Grain and agriculture
Wealth and trade
Section III – The decline of the Roman RepublicWhat caused popular revolts and upheavals in Rome?
Gracchus Brothers
Military problems and reforms
1st Triumvirate
Rule, reforms, and end of Julius Caesar
2nd Triumvirate, civil war, and end of the republic
Section IV – The Roman Empire
Augustus, his reforms and the Pax Romana
What did Augustus fail to do? Why was that a problem?
Five “good” emperors
Roman art/literature, philosophy, and engineering
Section V – The Fall of the Roman Empire
Social conditions/issues
Inflation- What is it? What was the impact it had on Rome?
Reforms of Diocletian and Constantine
The early Christian church, Paul, and Augustine
Barbarians and the military decline
Section VI – Unit Focus Questions
The Romans liked to think that they had a moderate and well-balanced system of government that contained pieces of all
previous forms of government. How was the Roman system of government well-balanced and how did it provide a
system of checks on power?
There were many factors that brought about the collapse of the Roman republic. There were also many people who played
a role in its collapse. What role did the Gracchi, Julius Caesar, and Octavian (Augustus) play in bringing about the
collapse of the republic?
Like the collapse of the republic there were many causes for the final collapse of the Western Roman Empire. These
factors included: problems. What were the military, economic, social, and political factors that caused the final
collapse of the Roman Empire?