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Chapter 19 Study Guide –Cycles of Matter and Ecological Succession –
Pages 508 -515
1. Precipitation
2. Condensation
3. Evaporation
4. Transpiration
5. Runoff
6. Groundwater
7. Photosynthesis
8. Decomposition
9. Cellular respiration
10. Combustion
11. Combustion
12. Nitrogen Fixation
13. From where do
animals get their
nitrogen and carbon?
14. Proteins and DNA
15. Lightning
16. Why is the carbon
cycle important?
17. Oceans
18. Carbon
19. Mitochondria
20. Chloroplasts
21. glucose and
22. Carbon dioxide,
water, and Energy
23. Succession
Any form of water that fall to the Earth’s Surface.
The change of state from a gas to a liquid….water vapor to water.
The change of a substance such as water from a liquid to a gas.
The process by which plants release water vapor.
This is when precipitation falls on land and flows into streams, rivers, and
This is the water that is stored in spaces between or within rocks and will
slowly flow back into the soil, streams, rivers, and oceans.
The process in which plants use carbon dioxide, water, and light energy to
make glucose and oxygen.
The breakdown of substances such as dead plant and animal matter into
simpler molecules to return nutrients such as carbon and nitrogen back to
the environment.
The process in which glucose and oxygen are needed to produce carbon
dioxide, water, and ENERGY.
The burning of fossil fuels and in the process carbon dioxide is returned to
the environment.
The 4 processes of the carbon cycle.
The process in which bacteria in the soil change the nitrogen into a form
that plants can use.
Organisms need nitrogen to build ____________ and ______________.
Besides bacteria in the soil, this can cause nitrogen fixation.
The carbon cycle is important because it recycles carbon between the
environment and living things.
Most of the precipitation that falls to the Earth, falls into the __________.
Organic molecules contain ______________.
These are the organelles (cell parts) with chlorophyll that capture light
energy so that photosynthesis can take place.
These are the organelles (cell parts) that convert/change glucose and oxygen
into energy.
These are the end products of photosynthesis.
These are the end products for cellular respiration.
The replacement of one type of community by another at a single pace over
a period of time.
24. Pioneer species
A species that colonizes or starts living in an uninhabited area and that starts
a process of succession.
25. Lichen
This organism is made up of fungi and algae that grow together. The algae
live inside the thick walls of the fungi. The algae go through photosynthesis
and produce food.
26. Mutualistic
This organism is made up of fungi and algae that grow together. The algae
Relationship- Why? go through photosynthesis and produce food.
Lichen = algae and
27. These have acids
that can break down
rocks to begin soil
28. These are the
pioneer species that
begin primary
29. Primary Succession
30. Secondary
31. Climax species
32. Biodiversity
33. How does
biodiversity help
communities survive?
34. Mature
Primary succession begins in an area where there is no soil. There is only
bare rock which is transformed into soil.
Sometimes a community is disturbed in some way….fire, tornado,
hurricane, flooding, or neglect. If there is soil there, the original community
may regrow through the process of secondary succession. Know the steps of
secondary succession –page 514
Species that are well adapted and slow growing in a mature community.
The variety of species that are present in an area.
Biodiversity helps communities survive when there are disturbances such as
diseases, and insect invasions. Biodiversity means that there is a variety of
species. So, if there is an insect invasion, the insects will usually go after
one species of plants. The community will continue to survive because there
are so many species of plants not affected by the insect invasion.
Biodiversity = variety = survival of a community.
Mature communities have biodiversity. A mature community has organisms
that are well adapted to live together in an area over time.
35. Know the cycles of matter. Pages 508 – 511.
36. Know the 5 steps of primary succession. Page 513.
37. Know the 4 steps of secondary succession. Page 514.
38. Know how primary succession is different from secondary succession.
39. Know the photosynthesis and cellular respiration life cycle. See your pink note sheet
or page 96 in your book.