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Unit 13 Review
1. A civil war in ____ in 1946 contributed to tensions between the Soviet Union and Great
2. The Marshall Plan was designed to
3.U.S. fears about the spread of communism were increased when ____ became a Communist
nation in 1949.
4.Original members of NATO?
5.Members of the Warsaw Pact?
6.What did Americans fear when the Soviet Union launched the Sputnik I satellite in 1957?
7.The “Bay of Pigs” refers to?
8.Communist leader ____ initiated the “Prague Spring” with a series of reforms in
Czechoslovakia in 1968.
9.The U.S. senator responsible for the anti-Communist movement known as the “Red Scare” was
10.In 1970, four students at ____ were killed by the Ohio National Guard during an antiwar
11.The Truman Doctrine stated that the U.S. would provide ____ to nations threatened by
Communist expansion.
12.The Council for Mutual Economic Assistance, founded in 1949, was
13.Which nations joined the NATO alliance several years after it was founded?
14.The Warsaw Pact sought to
15.The Berlin Wall was built in order to
16.Which Communist nation remained independent of Soviet control?
17.Which nation experienced an “economic miracle” after World War II?
18.French president Charles de Gaulle attempted to return France to the status of a world power
19.Which nation declined economically after World War II?
20.Which U.S. president signed into law the Civil Rights Act?
21.What happened to the city of Berlin after WWII?
22.What policy did the United States adopt toward the Soviet Union to stop the spread of
23.Why did the Soviet Union’s Council for Mutual Economic Assistance fail?
24.The United States and Great Britain believed that the liberated nations of Eastern Europe
25.The Truman Doctrine was formulated, initially, as a response to the 1946 withdrawal of?
26.Even after Stalin’s death in 1953, the Soviet Union made it clear that it would NOT?
27.In response to Nagy’s declaration of Hungarian independence, Khrushchev reacted by?
28.Who crushed the protest campaign led by writers in Czechoslovakia in 1967?
29.The “Prague Spring” of Alexander Dubcek was forestalled by whom?
30.Dubcek said that he wanted to create?
31.Much of Canada’s postwar growth, financed by U.S. investment, led to Canadian fears of
32.In the late 1960s, the writings of reformers like de Beauvoir created renewed interest in
33.What were Student protests of the late 1960s a reaction against?
34.Postwar birthrates rose in the late 1940s and 1950s, creating a
35.Increases in workers’ wages, increased credit, and built-up demand for postwar goods led to
the creation of what some people have called the?
Describe the following people
36. Joseph McCarthy
37. Fidel Castro
38. Alexander Solzhenitsyn
39. John F. Kennedy
40. Joseph Stalin
41. Konrad Adenauer
42. Lyndon Johnson
43. Nikita Khrushchev
44. Charles de Gaulle
45. Richard Nixon