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Chapter 27 Study Guide
The Cold War
Learning Objectives
Describe the initiatives of American diplomats with regard to plans for the postwar world
and its issues.
Analyze the effect of postwar economic problems on American politics and society?
Explain the U.S. reasoning that led to military action in Korea and the result of that
Explain the reasons for the intense fear of communism that gripped the U.S., and identify
specific events that helped fan that fear.
How did the mutual hostility between the United States and the Soviet Union grew out of
ideological incompatibility and concrete actions stretching back to World War I and
How was there a legacy of mistrust between the United States and the Soviet Union
combined with the events of World War II to cause the Cold War?
How did the policy of containment lead to an increasing United States involvement in
crises around the world?
How did World War II end the Depression and usher in an era of nervous prosperity?
How did the turbulent postwar era climaxed in a period of hysterical anticommunism?
How was the development of the Cold War and an age of bipolar superpowers hinge on
the postwar emergence of the United States as the nation most unscathed by World War
How did the power that the atomic bomb placed in American hands also redefine the
stakes in any future war and the morality of the bomb’s use?
With the adjustment to peace and the growth of a Cold War culture how did the rise of
television, and a lecture interweaving these dual themes would appeal to students?
What Caused the Cold War?
Explain why the Cold War raises two crucial questions: When did it begin? What caused it?
What is the Truman-MacArthur controversy?
Domestic Anticommunism
To what extent did the anticommunism both at home and abroad still provoke considerable
debate in most classrooms? Consider real was the threat of subversion?