Download The top layer of the earth is the Crust made of mostly

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The Important Book about
Earth, Rocks and Soil
By: Noshaba Afzal
The top layer of the earth is the Crust made of mostly
soil and rocks. Smaller rocks come from the
breakage and weathering of larger rocks. The second
layer is the Mantle made of hot rocks and metals.
Geologists believe the Core is made of a solid ball of
Sedimentary rocks have many layers. They are
formed under lakes and oceans. They are made by
small pieces of plants, rocks, and dead animal fossils
over thousands of years. Scientists learn about the
past history of the Earth by studying fossils.
Sandstone and Limestone are examples of
sedimentary rock.
The word metamorphic means “change.” Heat, time,
and pressure of magma rock layers change rocks into
metamorphic rocks. Both igneous and sedimentary
rocks can become metamorphic rocks. Granite rock
changes to Gneiss, Shale into Slate, Sandstone to
Igneous rocks are made from melted rocks called
magma. Sometimes magma squeezes up between the
layers of rock, hardens, and forms underground.
When magma comes to the surface it is called lava.
Pumice and Obsidian are examples of igneous rocks.
Native Americans used Obsidian to make
arrowheads and tools.
Rocks are made from different physical properties
and are composed of minerals. Soil is made partly
from weathered rock and partly from organic
materials. Soils differ in their color, texture,
capacity to retain water, and ability to
support the growth of many kinds of plants.
Rocks, water, plants, and soil found on
Earth, provide many resources
including food, fuel, and building
materials that humans use.
The important thing about the Earth is
that it is made of materials that have
distinct properties and provide resources
for human activity.
However, the important thing about the
Earth is that it is made of materials that
have distinct properties and provide
resources for human activity.