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Geology 12
Ms. Pushie
Earth Revealed – Volcanism questions
1. What did the Greeks believe the fumes from volcanoes were?
2. Where else have we found volcanoes?
3. What positive contributions have volcanoes given to humans?
4. What happens where magma reaches the surface of the Earth?
5. How long can volcanic ash rest in the atmosphere?
6. How many on dry land volcanoes exist?
7. Where do volcanoes lie on the floor of the ocean?
8. What is pillow lava?
9. Hawaiian chain volcanoes do not lie along the divergent plate boundaries, it lies
on the middle of the pacific plate, what is this spot called?
10. The hypothesis for this hot spot is that this is a zone of melting deep in the mantle
over which the pacific plate rides. The magma that actually melts the overlying
solid rock and forms the erupting basaltic magma and eventually erupts. Why
does the volcano location continually change over the years?
11. Describe a shield volcano –
12. What is the name of volcanoes found at convergent boundaries that erupt more
explosively and –
13. What do Composite or cone volcanoes erupt?___________________________
How do cone volcanoes develop? _____________________________________
Composite volcanoes are more ____________
14. What are the two types of lava?
15. Runny lava develops lava tubes are associated with what type of volcano?
16. Where else can magma come through?
17. Volcanic domes usually form in the aftermath of ______________________
EX: St. Helene’s in 1980
Geology 12
Ms. Pushie
18. Why are geologists refining their methods to forecast volcanic eruptions?
19. What are volcanic eruptions preceeded by?
20. What is the study of measurable changes in volcanoes called?
21. What s another indicator of volcanic eruption?
22. What is a humeral?
23. Name3 things required to do this type of fieldwork?
24. What are some of the goals of the geologists studying Katmy?
25. What are 4 things that geologists look for at the site?
26. Studying the processes of volcanic eruptions will help us do what? (3 things)
27. What are some benefits of volcanoes? (3 things)